Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Embracing the excited wife, feeling the wife's soft body, and the smell of fragrance.

Fade Chen suddenly felt intoxicated, his arms could not help but slightly increased some strength, put his wife in his arms, tightly against his body.

Such intimate closeness, Fade Chen's burning body and some special reactions, also passed on to Lin Qiuhan.

The extremely excited Lin Qiuhan didn't notice it at first, but after calming down a bit, he immediately felt a scorching upright, and suddenly turned blushing, and immediately lowered his head. He quickly pushed Fade Chen away and shyly said, "I, I'm going to cook . the "

Fade Chen quickly with the past, said:." wife, I'll do it with you, "

Lin Qiuhan feel Fade Chen paste over the hot body, mind could not help a swing, the body felt a little weak. Some intimate pictures emerged in my mind, which made her blush suddenly.

She hurriedly shook her head and blocked Fade Chen from the kitchen, saying: "No, today, I'll just cook. You go to take a bath. After the bath, I'll do it."

"Bath!" As soon as Fade Chen's eyes lit up, he couldn't help thinking of certain pictures in his mind and then whistle to the bathroom.

After a while, Fade Chen whistled and muttered in his mouth, "My wife has changed a lot today! Cook

again for me, let me take a shower and wait, you can taste his wife's double delicacy. Hey!"

Just in Fade Chen In a beautiful fantasy, Fade Chen smelled a burnt smell. After turning his gaze, he saw a thick smoke wafting out of the kitchen, and at the same time there was a constant sound of "crackling" things breaking, as well as Lin Qiuhan's exclaimed cries from time to time.

"Wife, how are you--" Fade Chen hurried forward, and then saw his wife burst out of the kitchen coughing with tears.

In the kitchen, the pieces of dishes and bowls on the ground, and the wok, a piece of dark and autumn food is smoking black smoke, and it is impossible to see what is coming!

In the gurgling hot water in the pot, an uncut rib was accompanied by a few chopped radishes, gurgling constantly.

Upon seeing this, Fade Chen suddenly

wanted to cry without tears. "Wife, this is what you cook!" Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but have a cheek flushed, a little embarrassed. . "

" Which is the craftsmanship! This is clearly a dark dish! "Fade Chen couldn't help vomiting.

As soon as the voice fell, he felt a cool shot from behind, making him shiver. Immediately changed his mouth: "Cough, this food is still good, just a little flaw, I will embellish it a little bit." During the

speech, Fade Chen rushed into the kitchen, dumped his wife's dark dishes, and then began to busy


After working for a while, Fade Chen walked out of the kitchen with a few dishes full of flavor and fragrance, set it on the dining table, and then greeted Lin Qiuhan: "Wife, the dishes are ready."

Lin Qiuhan took a look at the dazzling dishes and smelled the fragrance . "too sweet" and could not help but eye-catching,

Fade Chen laughed: "you are my wife's credit, after all, but your wife's cooking, I just dotted about it."

heard this, could not help but Linqiu Han Qiao blushed, He glared at Fade Chen and said, "Don't

talk about it, eat." "Follow your orders!" Fade Chen Shengfang and Lin Qiuhan ate together.

The next day, Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan went to the company early in the morning, told the company's researchers of several formulas they tested last night, and then made further adjustments and improvements to fully develop new products.

Fade Chen cooperated with the researchers for a morning, basically confirmed the formula, and then left the company.

Just as Fade Chen was going to find a place for lunch, a phone call rang on his cell phone.

As soon as Fade Chen was connected, there was a milky milky voice over the phone, "Superman brother, do you know who I am?"

This name, this tender voice, why would Fade Chen not know, "Of course I know, yes Is n’t it Xiaoyu? "

" Hee hee, Superman, you guessed it, Xiaoyu. "The little girl Wu Xiaoyu over the phone.

Fade Chen laughed: "Xiaoyu, call Superman's brother, what are you doing?"

"Superman's brother, my mother has something to do with you." Wu Xiaoyu said with a milky voice, and a call came from the other end. Mature and slightly charming voice, "Xiao Chen, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Fade Chen smiled. "Sister Meng, what are you doing so kindly with me, and what you say is not disturbing." On the

other end of the phone Wu Meng then smiled and said, "Since you said so, then I'm welcome. Xiao Chen, do you have time now?"

"Well, there is time. What's the matter with Sister Meng?" Fade Chen asked.

Wu Mengdao: "Xiaoyu and I have come to the provincial capital. But I have something to do, so I would like to ask you to help bring Xiaoyu."

"Oh, bring Xiaoyu, no problem. Where are you, I will find you. Fade Chendao.

Wu Meng immediately reported the address, and then hung up.

Fade Chen drove towards the address reported by Wu Meng. Half an hour later, he came to the bustling commercial street in the center of Longjiang City and found Wu Meng and Wu Xiaoyu in a large shopping mall.

Saw Fade Chen, the girl suddenly sprinkled with feet, grinning ran over, threw herself into what Fade Chenhuai, the crisp way: "Superman brother, you come I have not seen you.." novelbin

"Yes Ah, I have n’t seen Xiaoyu for a long time, and I want to die. "Fade Chen smiled and pinched the little girl's round cheek, smiling," Do you want me, Xiaoyu? "The

little girl solemnly nodded Head, said: "I really want Superman's brother, and my mother also really wants Superman's brother. She often said at home that Superman's brother is good, Superman's brother is very powerful, if I have a father like Superman's brother, it would be great.

Fade Chen didn't expect the little girl to talk about this, and he was surprised for a moment.

Wu Meng on the other side couldn't help but stunned, then his cheeks were red, and he quickly hurried over and made a boo gesture to the little fish. Then some sorry to Fade Chen said: "Xiao Chen, Xiao Yu is young, some nonsense, don't worry about it."

"I didn't talk nonsense, it's clearly the superman brother you said, mother, I want the superman brother to be my father "." The little girl looked upright and stared at Wu Meng with her small mouth.

Wu Meng's cheeks were even more ruddy, so he didn't dare to look up at Fade Chen. He could only stare at Xiaoyu.

Fade Chen looked down at Wu Meng, who looked down shyly, like a ripe peaches, at this time with a hint of shyness, people could not help but sway.

"Cough, Sister Meng, when will you be in trouble, let me bring the little fish!" Fade Chen coughed, and then began to open the subject.


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