Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Chapter 452

Mr. Wu, are you talking about the VIP card personally issued by Mr. Wu Chuan at the Red Star Mall?" Xu Dahai is still unbelievable.

Song Jingli nodded solemnly and said:. "As far as I know, the provincial city now owns this black Jingui Bin Red Star card, there is our yellow mayor of the provincial capital, there are now master of the house Sunyong Fei Chia"

Among other things, the light It was the names of Mayor Huang and Sun Yongfei that made Xu Dahai's face change, revealing a strange color. He Xu Dahai is also a character in the provincial capital. However, compared with the characters of Mayor Huang and Sun Yongfei, it is not a level at all.

For a time, Xu Dahai's expression was a little sad, his eyes rolled, staring at the black gold VIP card, and he quickly thought about it. novelbin

At this moment, Liu Yan sneered, and said: "Mr. Xu, Manager Song. Can VIPs owned by Mayor Huang and Family Master Sun appear in their hands? I see It's not fake, it's where I found it. "After

listening to Liu Yan, Manager Song and Xu Dahai's eyes lit up and their expressions changed. Immediately looked at Wu Meng and Fade Chen, with a sneer on his face.

"Manager Song, this kind of fake guy, your shopping mall won't just sit back and ignore it!" Xu Dahai said brilliantly.

Manager Song immediately nodded and said: "Please also ask Mr. Xu to rest assured that we will

not care about this kind of thing!"

After that, Manager Song waved at the security guard: "Hand on, catch them."

Wu Meng did not expect to be bright. Out of the VIP black card, they even have to start. Suddenly, her face sank, and she sighed coldly: "Manager Song, you didn't understand what happened, so you listened to the words and wanted to arrest us. As far as I know, the rules of the Red Star Mall are not like this."

Manager Song sneered, disdainful: "What do you count, talk to me about the rules of the Red Star Mall. I tell you, I am the manager here, and what I say is the rules."

Wen Yan, Wu Meng's face sank, his expression cold, and he immediately touched his mobile phone and made a call, saying: "Brother, I'm in the provincial capital, in the Red Star shopping mall in the city center, I encountered one thing"

Listening to Wu Meng's phone call, Manager Song, Xu Dahai and Liu Yan all have ridiculous smiles on their faces, and there is no takes Wu Meng's help seriously.

"Hey, I still have to call someone. Are you really a person?"   "Wu Meng, for the sake of your classmates, I advise you not to be in vain. Now come and apologize to Mr. Xu and Mr. Song. The right choice. "   " Security, do it, grab the phone! "The   security guards rushed to do so, Wu Meng could not help but look tight. At this moment, Fade Chen's figure moved, and his figure flickered into the security group, like a residual image.   Immediately, there was a crackling sound. In less than three minutes, these security guards were all knocked down to the ground by Fade Chen, all with painful faces, groaning, and had lost their fighting power.   The manager Song, who was proud of himself, was shocked when he saw it, and his face was calm.   Xu Dahai was even more shocked,

instinctively stepped back a few steps.   After Mr. Song's face sank, he sneered, staring at Fade Chen, and said in a cold voice: "Dare you dare to hit someone, bold things!"   "Let all the security of the mall come! Also, call me to let me The police came to catch people. "Manager Song ordered.

Soon, the people in the mall started to act, and they were fierce.

Fade Chen gave them a cold glance, then walked back to see Wu Meng who had just finished the phone call, and picked up some scared fish, and said lightly: "Little fish, come, let's go Let ’s eat. I did n’t eat at noon, and my stomach was hungry. ”

Then, Fade Chen came to the dining table holding the little fish and sat down to eat.

The little girl was distracted by the food and fell on the food, but forgot the current situation. Wu Meng also came over and sat down opposite, smiling at her daughter and Fade Chen eating.

The three were in such a state that they surprised Manager Song and Xu Dahai.

They did not expect that, in this case, they would not be afraid of escaping, but would have eaten leisurely.

At this moment, Manager Song thought of the red star and black gold VIP card that Wu Meng had just given out, and he felt a little uneasy and uneasy in his heart.

Seeing this, Xu Dahai said, "Mr. Song, don't worry, he We all know that we can't escape, so we just make a gesture. When the security and police came, they were over. "

Liu Yan covered her red and swollen cheeks and opened her face with resentment:" That is, you must teach them a hard lesson later. " "

About five minutes later, a burst of intense da da rang up the pace. Security walked toward the crowd rushing over here, in security, and a pair of uniformed police officers, looking serious drive over.

See to People, Manager Song couldn't help being relieved, and quickly walked over to the police, and then said to the police: "These people are fighting in our mall, and also hurt many security guards in our mall. "

Xu Taihai then added:" That guy is some powerful skill, my bodyguard was also hit him. Everyone, be careful. The

police heard the words and frowned lightly, and then approached Fade Chen and Wu Meng carefully. Manager Song immediately waved his hand and asked the security guard behind him to help surround him.

So, the scene could be seen. A policeman, plus dozens of security guards at the moment, surrounded him at the table where Fade Chen was located.

Seeing that the staff was about to come up, it was about to start. At this moment, a thick man's voice rang, "You are here What are you doing? "When we

heard the voice, everyone could not help but turned their heads and saw a man of 37 or 38 years old with a straight suit and a good temperament man came over. When he

saw this man, Manager Song couldn't help but was greeted immediately. , "Mr. Wu, how are you

here? "

This person is none other than Wu Chuan, the owner of Red Star Mall. When

Xu Dahai saw Manager Song's posture, he immediately guessed Wu Chuan's identity and hurriedly greeted him with a smiling face." Hello President Wu, I am Hai Yun Xu Dahai of the apparel company, our company's apparel and your mall are very happy to cooperate.

We- " As for Liu Yan, at this time, she simply can't catch up, and her status is too bad.

Facing the flattering greet from Manager Song and Xu Dahai, Wu Chuan looked like water, but just glanced at them. He didn't pay attention and walked quickly into the surrounding circle.

Manager Song froze for a moment, then quickly hurriedly said: "Mr. Wu, don't go inside. There is a thug in it, it's very dangerous--"


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