Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Looking at Sister Wei's curvaceous curves and her fair skin, Fade Chen felt that her breathing was slightly disturbed. The original refreshing forehead even exuded a layer of fine sweat beads, and the whole person was hot.

Upon seeing this, Huo Dongwei pulled out a tissue and tipped his feet slightly, leaned in front of Fade Chen, and wiped the sweat from his forehead for Fade Chen. "Look at you, you

are so sweaty." Jiao's body exudes warm vitality, constantly impacting Fade Chen's body. Especially the straight curve of the upper body, with Huo Dongwei's movement of wiping sweat, from time to time hit Fade Chen's chest, making Fade Chen feel a different soft touch.

At this time, Huo Dongwei leaned in front of Fade Chen, and also found Fade Chen's thin breath, and a spit of heat continuously poured on her face, making her feel a different feeling.

Unconsciously, her movements slowed down. The right hand that originally held the paper towel to wipe the sweat completely stopped at the moment on Fade Chen's cheek, and there was no wiping action. Instead, he seemed to be holding Fade Chen's cheek while touching it.

"Xiao Chen, you--" Feeling a burning temperature from Fade Chen's cheek, Huo Dongwei felt that his body was also heated up, and his body could not help but gently twisted, and his mouth could not help making a sound Whisper.

Fade Chen felt Huo Dongwei's soft call, and felt the hot air vigorously on his cheeks. The fiery heart seemed to be splashed with hot oil in an instant, and it burned warmly.

Suddenly, Fade Chen's head sank slightly and kissed Huo Dongwei's cheek. At the same time, his arms wrapped around him, wrapped around Huo Dongwei's waist, and embraced the delicate body into his arms.

"Sister Wei, I--I think--" The two were almost stuck together, and there was no distance anymore.

Huo Dongwei listened to Fade Chen's call, his face was also burning, and some shyly turned his head, whispering: "Xiao Chen, I, I will."

When Fade Chen heard that Huo Dongwei was willing, he suddenly moved in his heart.

Seeing that the two were about to get together, but at this moment, Huo Dongwei suddenly made a scream, and then pushed away Fade Chen, "Ah!"

Fade Chen was startled, and immediately asked: "Sister Wei, what's wrong?" ? "

Huo Dongwei left arm to block the chest, right hand pointing to the window, said:"! someone photographed "

Fade Chenshun the Huodong Wei refers to the direction to look, immediately found on the roof opposite, a shadow of equipment strapped, are railing cover Next, sneak shots towards this side.

At this moment, the other party knew that he was exposed, quickly packed the equipment, and ran to prepare to escape.

Huo Dongwei couldn't help being anxious when he saw this, "Couldn't let him run away, otherwise--"

Fade Chen's eyes narrowed and said, " Sister Wei, don't worry, I won't let him run away."

Fade Chen rushed out quickly The room, without waiting for the elevator, turned into a residual image, and hurried down the stairs quickly.

In less than three minutes, Fade Chen ran downstairs and rushed towards the building opposite.

The person who secretly took the picture was carrying the parcel, stopped the elevator at the third floor, looked out, and found no one, so he quickly drilled out.

Then, he walked skillfully along the corridor to the other side, and quickly came down from the corridor on the other side.

Going down to the first floor, I saw no one. The candid camera could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, put on sunglasses, carried the package, and came out. There was a smile on his lips, and he was very excited.

"Let me secretly film Huo Dongwei, an out-of-life actress, who didn't expect anything valuable to be photographed. But I didn't expect that this time I was lucky enough to get such a powerful picture."

"I didn't expect that Huo Dongwei was such a slutty guy in private, and hooked up men to make a mess at home. When she was in the company, she always had a pure and arrogant attitude, even ignoring the hidden rules of leadership. Ha ha, also It ’s just an illusion! "

" This time, these videos and photos are sold, I can definitely blaze once. Maybe, through these

photos, I can threaten Huo Dongwei to accompany me once. Although the woman is older, but after all It ’s a star. If I can sleep,

it’s— " Just when the cameraman is thinking about the benefits he is about to get.

Suddenly, a cold voice rang behind him, "Where are you going?" The

cameraman turned his head and glanced at Fade Chen's face, and he was shocked. "This man was not in Huo Dongwei's room just now." How come it came so fast? "

Suspicious in his heart, the candid photographer froze for a moment, then turned his head and strode the meteor and ran wildly, trying to escape.

But the candid photographer's footsteps collapsed, only to find that he had a large hand on his shoulder, and his upper body did not run out at all.

As a result, the whole body instantly lost its balance, and it fell on the ground with a click. The candid photographer fell into a dizziness at once, with Venus in his eyes, almost breathless, and passed out directly.

And Fade Chen did not give him a chance to faint. After he fell, he stepped on his right foot.

Suddenly, the candid photographer uttered a scream and immediately woke up. Suddenly cried and begged for mercy: "I'm wrong, wrong, I will give you the picture back, for you."

Fade Chen looked at him coldly, his face serious, and he extended his right hand.

The candid photographer endured the pain, got up from the ground, took out the camera equipment in the bag, and then in front of Fade Chen, deleted all the contents of the candid camera.

"Is there any backup?" Fade Chen said coldly, and lifted his right foot again, which would collapse at any time.

Upon seeing this, the candid shooter could not help but fought a cold war, and quickly shook his head, saying: "No, absolutely not."

"No best!" Fade Chen coldly snorted, and then his right foot slumped to the ground.

Immediately, Fade Chen moved his right foot. At that moment, there was a clear footprint of one centimeter deep on the stiff stone floor.

Seeing this scene, the candid photographer was directly frightened. A foot stomped a footprint on the stone slab. This kind of strength is not what he can imagine.

Suddenly, the candid photographer shivered and shuddered: "You can rest assured, I will never dare, never dare again."

Fade Chen nodded slightly and then asked: "Who let the candid camera shoot Huo Dongwei?" The

candid photographer slightly Hesitated for a moment, but glanced at the clear footprints, and immediately shivered, couldn't help but quickly confessed: "It's Mr. Xu who asked me to secretly shoot Huo Dongwei."

"Mr. Xu?" Fade Chen frowned.

Candid quickly said: "Anya is entertainment boss, Xu Xu Shan Huo Dongwei boss and he is the boss.."


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