Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

The next morning, Fade Chen got up early in the morning, but instead of going to the company, he drove to Weitian Entertainment.

When Fade Chen arrived, Huo Dongwei had already waited for Fade Chen in the company. The two discussed with the company's staff about the upcoming contract cancellation, and then brought a lawyer of Weitian Entertainment, and then drove towards Anya Entertainment.

Anya Entertainment, as a famous entertainment company in Longjiang City, may not be the most top- notch presence. After all, he has been cultivating in Longjiang for many years, and his various connections and resources are very good. There are many star artists under his contract, and the scale is good.

Therefore, Anya Entertainment rented a floor in the office building of the first ring road in the city center as the company's headquarters, and it was also decorated brilliantly, which was very conspicuous.

When Huo Dongwei took Fade Chen and his lawyer into Anya Entertainment, he immediately attracted a lot of attention. Many of them looked a little surprised and surprised.

Immediately, someone smiled faintly and greeted Huo Dongwei. However, more people pretended to be unseen and hurried past Huo Dongwei.

After all, everyone knows that Huo Dongwei and the company's boss Xu have fallen out. Now it has been completely blocked by the company, and there is no future in the future.

Therefore, you don't want to have a relationship with this kind of person. At this moment, you are naturally afraid of avoiding it.

Huo Dongwei looked at the blindness of many people, and could not help but reveal a slight cold sigh, "This is the entertainment circle, when it is fired, everyone is sought after. Once it is not fired, it immediately looks like garbage, and everyone is afraid to avoid it."

Fade Chen gently patted Huo Dongwei's back and said softly: "Sister Wei, there is no need to be sad for these people for this kind of company. It's not worth it."

"Well!" Huo Dongwei nodded and walked to the receptionist at the front desk, saying , "Hello, Xiaolin. I made an appointment by phone yesterday to meet with President Xu this morning. Please tell President Xu."

The little girl Xiao Lin at the front desk looked up at Huo Dongwei with a cold face and a more indifferent tone, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xu is busy now."

Seeing this, several people frowned. However, Huo Dongwei still resisted the displeasure and continued to softly say: "My appointment with Mr. Xu is nine o'clock, and there are ten minutes, I can wait."

Then, Huo Dongwei took Fade Chen and the lawyer to the side The reception room rests and waits.

The three entered the reception room and were preparing to sit down and rest. As a result, a staff member came in and said coldly: "I'm sorry, the reception room is going to be cleaned now. I'll trouble you to go out."

Fade Chen was able to see clearly. The other party was obviously deliberately making things difficult.

When his face fell, he was going to get angry. Upon seeing this, Huo Dongwei gently shook Fade Chen's hand and said, "Xiao Chen, forget it, it won't be long anyway, let's go out and wait!"

Wei sister persuaded Fade Chen to hold back his anger. Immediately the three came out and stood waiting near the front desk.

Soon, ten minutes passed, and the agreed time came. Huo Dongwei walked over again and asked, "The time agreed between me and Mr. Xu is up, please tell me."

As a result, the younger sister Xiao Lin at the front desk was still a bit stubborn and did not even look up. , Impatiently said: "I said, President Xu is busy now, there is no time to see you, continue to wait!"

Huo Dongwei saw this, his face could not help sinking. And Fade Chen couldn't help it at this moment. He came over and slapped it on the desk of the front desk, shouting: "Is this your company's attitude towards receiving guests?"

Xiao Lin was taken aback and looked up at Fade Chen. displeasure shouted: "who are you yelling at our company I would advise some of the best people recognize their own identity, now is not a big star, do not put on airs in this?.."

the man behind the words Obviously said to Huo Dongwei. After finishing talking, the little girl at the front desk lowered her head again and played with her mobile phone.

Seeing this, Fade Chen narrowed his eyes, grabbed the other party's mobile phone directly, and then

smashed it on the ground.

That Xiao Lin obviously did not expect Fade Chengang to be so startled, and was startled, and then shouted loudly, "What are you doing? You fell on my cell phone, I want you to lose money. Security, come on, grab—" Xiao Lin

also While shouting, Fade Chen slammed her hand against her face, instantly pulling her cheeks red and swollen, and the shouting sound suddenly turned into a buzzing shout.

Fade Chen slapped it on the desktop at the front desk, banged it, and with great force, he directly smashed the hard desktop into a pile of wood chips.

Then, Fade Chen's icy voice rang out, "Don't give your face a shame! If it weren't for Sister Wei's face, I would have demolished your company long ago."

Xiao Lin was scared and stupefied at this moment. I dare not say much.

Fade Chen, with Huo Dongwei and his lawyer, walked directly into the company with a meteor and walked towards the general manager's office.

Walking to the door of the office, Fade Chen kicked out with impunity and kicked the office door open.

A loud sound rang out, and in the office, two men and women exclaimed suddenly.

"Ah, who!"


Then, Fade Chen who walked into the office saw them behind the desk, a fat middle-aged man leaning on the boss's chair, disheveled. In front of the middle-aged man, a young woman squatting on the floor, holding her hair at the moment, stood up in panic and wiped the corner of her mouth hurriedly.

Needless to say, this man is obviously Xu Shan, the owner of Anya Entertainment. The young woman surprised Fade Chen because she was Song Yaling.

Song Yaling turned her head at the moment. When she saw Fade Chen,

she was also surprised, and said with a cold face: "Is it you?" Fade Chen had no time to pay attention to her. His eyes turned to Xu Shan, and he said, "You are Xu Shan." Yes. Sister Wei called and told you yesterday that Sister Wei was about to cancel the contract with the company. Now

, let's go through the formalities! " Immediately, Huo Dongwei took a stack of information and handed it with a cold face.

Xu Shan's face sank. At the moment, he calmed the heart that had just been frightened. He looked at Huo Dongwei and Fade Chen. Then, with an official tone, Shen said: "Dong Wei, you are also the old man of the company. The company does not treat you bad. That's how I negotiated with me? "

Huo Dongwei changed his face, and then said coldly:" Since President Xu doesn't want the front desk to introduce me, then I have to come by myself. "

Xu Shan said dissatisfiedly:" Come here? This is me Your office, without my permission, you break in like this is an illegal act, you know? "

Huo Dongwei frowned. At this time, Fade Chen direct cold voice shouted: "Do not pull the others did not, and now, sister Wei to surrender your signature is."


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