Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

This Weibo has just been posted and immediately caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

Without much explanation, netizens immediately saw that Song Yaling was satire at Huo Dongwei.

As a result, fans on both sides had another dispute on the Internet, and finally turned into a fiercely insulting battle.

Of course, compared to Song Yaling, who is now popular, Huo Dongwei obviously has a smaller number of fans. So, in less time, Huo Dongwei's Weibo, Weitian Entertainment's official Weibo and Autumn Group's Weibo, almost all were occupied by Song Yaling's fans.

All kinds of brain-damaged and even unsightly comments filled the entire comment area.

Of course, the main point is to scold Huo Dongwei now that he is out of breath and is not qualified to compare with Song Yaling.

Under the implication, Weitian Entertainment and Anya Entertainment were also brought together by Song Yaling's fans for a comparison. The Autumn Group and the Ningyuan Group were also immediately compared.

For a time, the two sides had to fight a big battle and have a full-scale duel in all aspects.

Of course, in the mouth of Song Yaling fans. Song Yaling is naturally a victorious existence. First of all, she is now at the top of the second line. The first line is on the way, and her popularity is obviously

higher than that of Huo Dongwei who has fallen to the middle of the second line.

In terms of entertainment companies, Weitian Entertainment, which has just been established, has made a name for its 100 million yuan contract. However, compared to the well-established Anya Entertainment, no matter the scale or network, it is a bit different.

As for the endorsement of cosmetics companies, the autumn group is definitely a leading presence in the provincial capital. But among Song Yaling's fans, Ningyuan Group, as an old local brand, has a deeper background, and now it has to enter the provincial market and develop mid-to-high-end cosmetics, which will soon suppress the autumn group.

Faced with these insults and contrasts, Huo Dongwei, Weitian Entertainment and Autumn Group all seemed calm.

The three parties just responded politely and rationally, and then did not participate in these scolding battles.

Although this way, Huo Dongwei seems to have fallen out of favor on the Weibo network, and Song Yaling seems to have won.

But if they go to an offline interview, they will definitely find out. Due to the appropriate response, coupled with the word of mouth accumulated by Huo Dongwei's previous works. Huo Dongwei's reputation and reputation among the road population are much better than the hyped Song Yaling.

Whether it is for the same work or endorsement product, passerby is a very important existence. After all, something purely supported by fans is not so easy.

The online debate gradually cooled down with Huo Dongwei's cold treatment, and both parties were secretly preparing. Of course, due to the impact of this online debate, the two sides will unconsciously compete.

Song Yaling's Ningyuan Group has just announced that she will go to the United States to shoot the latest commercial. novelbin

The autumn group is not behind. Directly invited top domestic screenwriters, well-known European directors of literary and artistic films, directly filmed a micro movie, and released it as a commercial.

Such an arm suddenly pressed Song Yaling and Ningyuan Group down.

Song Yaling was naturally unwilling to fall behind, and immediately contacted Anya Entertainment to announce the shooting plans for the next two movies, a TV series, a single album and even a reality TV show, which can be said to be fully arranged.

In this regard, Weitian Entertainment and Huo Dongwei did not follow up. Huo Dongwei, as an old artist who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, knows that this short-time intensive work will greatly affect the quality of the work. Except for short-term money, there is almost no benefit.

So, as a result, Song Yaling and Anya Entertainment seemed to put down Huo Dongwei and Weitian Entertainment again.

In short, the competition and competition between the two sides seems to be unfolding in all aspects at once.

For these situations, Fade Chen did not pay much attention. After all, these are professional things and should be handled by professional people. He is only a spectator.

Finally, Fade Chen was about to go out for a walk. Suddenly, his cell phone rang, take a look at, but it is a strange number, which Fade Chen could not help but have some doubts, "Hello, hello!"

"Hello, is Mr. Fade Chenchen it?" Phone There was a voice of a young woman over there.

Fade Chen didn't hear the other party's identity for a moment, so he couldn't help asking: "I'm Fade Chen. May I ask you-" The

other party said: "I'm Tao Ling, the doctor on the pedestrian street a few days ago, Mr. Chen you- — ”As

such, Fade Chen immediately remembered. This Tao Ling was the director of the department of the city's first hospital when Song Yaling shot an advertisement that day and hit an old man.

Suddenly, Fade Chen said enthusiastically: "Dr. Tao, hello. Did you call me, is there anything wrong?"

Dr. Tao did not turn around, directly said: "Mr. Chen, this is the one who was hit before Old man, his family is now in the hospital. I want to thank you for your help, and I would like to ask you to help you understand the scene of the old man being hit at that time. "

Fade Chen heard, nodded and said," Well, this is true. Yes, the old man's family Let's go to the hospital. I will pass immediately! "

Tao Ling immediately said:" Thank you Mr. Chen. "

" It's okay, Dr. Tao, wait for the meeting. "Fade Chen then hung up the phone and rushed to the first hospital in the city.

Soon, Fade Chen came to the city's first hospital. Tao Ling was contacted by phone, and Tao Ling immediately came to the hospital to greet Fade Chen.

Compared with that day's ordinary dress, Tao Ling in today's white coat, short hair is refreshing and neat, with a pair of black-framed glasses on his face, walking in the wind. Gives a rather neat and capable feeling.

Seeing Fade Chen, she smiled at the corner of her mouth and reached out, "Mr. Chen, hello!"

"Dr. Tao!" Fade Chen took Tao Ling's hand and gently shook it.

Inadvertently shaking hands, Fade Chen saw Tao Ling's hands had a lot of fine scars, there were traces of knife cuts, and there were also marks of various sharp objects scratching and stabbing. I am afraid it should be caused by her occupation.

No greetings, after shaking hands, Tao Ling immediately took Fade Chen toward the ward upstairs, and introduced Fade Chen to the elderly.

The old man was called Liu Erdong. After coming to the hospital a few days ago, there was no major problem after the inspection. This made Tao Ling very surprised. After all, she knew how serious the old man's injury was.

After being treated by Fade Chen's acupuncture, the old man was almost cured, which made her feel

more and more curious and shocked about Fade Chen's medical technique.

Although the old man should be fine, after all, he was hit by a car, and the hospital was still not at ease and did a detailed examination.

At the same time, the old man's family also came to the hospital and learned that the old man was hit, naturally angry. So Tao Ling contacted Fade Chen and asked him to come to the hospital.


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