Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

At this time, in the ward, Director Zheng, who had just screamed at Dean Lin, turned pale, and fell down, leaning against the backrest behind him.

Fade Chen immediately supported Director Zheng, pierced a silver needle, and began to run the inner breath, input into Director Zheng's body, and stabilize his weak body for him. At the same time, he reminded: "Director Zheng, your body is very weak, and you can't be angry now."

Director Zheng smiled weakly at Fade Chen, saying: "I know, but this group of doctors in the first hospital in the city, too far. this is me, treat them like this, if ordinary people, and I can not imagine how they approach the. " "

this thing, I, as a provincial capital health Department, we must put an end to this This kind of thing. Otherwise, our medical career will only get worse and worse, and there is no slight development prospect. "

Director Zheng is worthy of being a provincial senior official, and the angle of thinking is quite different from ordinary people.

After a few sighs, Director Zheng sighed and said, "It's boring to say this to you. I'm sorry."

Tao Ling immediately said: "Director Zheng, you said very well. The medical business thing really needs to be changed . the "

Fade Chen also said:" If we have a heart Zheng Zhuren you do, everything will be fine. "

Zheng Zhuren look to the duo, sighed and said:" there is not much use to me this officer, I 'd I think that only doctors like Dr. Chen and Dr. Tao can save our medical career. "

Tao Ling said politely and dared not take it.

Fade Chen pulled out the silver needle, helped Director Zheng lie down, and told him, "Director Zheng, I just used the true energy of Chinese medicine to unclog your blocked heart and blood vessels. The condition is no longer so critical. However, the repair of heart valve perforation requires a certain period of rest. "

Director Zheng is grateful and said:" Thank you Dr. Chen, if it is not you this time, I am afraid I will confess here. "

Fade Chen smiled and said nothing.

At this time, two eager-looking men came outside the ward, followed by two flat-headed young men dressed in black suits. Fade Chen just glanced at them, and they knew that the strength of the two was good, basically from the early strength of Xuan level. Should be a figure like a bodyguard.

It seems that Director Zheng's position in the organization is not low and is quite valued.

Then, the two of them anxiously walked in and rushed to Director Zheng's bed.

Director Zheng immediately reported safety to the two, and then explained that Fade Chen and Tao Ling saved themselves. The two immediately thanked Fade Chen and Tao Ling very gratefully.

Subsequently, the two quickly went through the relevant procedures and prepared to take Director Zheng to the hospital. After all, this kind of thing happened, and they have absolutely no trust in the city's first hospital.

Before leaving, Director Zheng suddenly thought of something, stopped a man, and asked him.

Subsequently, the man took a business card and came over and handed it to Fade Chen, saying that Director Zheng left it to Fade Chen. If Fade Chen encounters any difficulties in the future, he can call Director Zheng for help.

Fade Chen knew that this was the favor of Director Zheng for saving his own life.

In this case, he didn't say anything. After thanking him, he put away his business card and said goodbye to Director Zheng.

After sending away Director Zheng, Tao Ling could not help but sigh of relief, and the whole tense person became paralyzed, leaned against the wall, and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Fade Chen could not help but chuckled: "Dr. Tao, your brave behavior just now, I really didn't expect you to be so nervous!"

Tao Ling glared at Fade Chen and said: "You think everyone is as big as you Heart, after all, it is Director Zheng, and it is still a disease that many experts in our hospital have diagnosed without result. Who can be 100% sure! "

Fade Chen surprised a moment, then smiles: "You're not sure, it is just still so behind me Dr. Tao You're

not afraid of the problem, that time, you have to take responsibility ah.!"

Dr. Tao said: "To be honest, I Of course I thought about this. However, at that time, Director Zheng was in critical condition, and I had no more choices. "After a

pause, Dr. Tao looked up at Fade Chen, his eyes firm and sincere, and said:" Besides, I believe you. "

Looking at Tao Ling's trusting eyes, Fade Chen couldn't help but stunned, and then he smiled and said," Thank you Dr. Tao for your trust. So, it's not too late. You have a meal! "

Tao Ling said:" If you want to eat, it should be me who invites you to eat. After all, you helped me a lot today. First, Mr. Liu's things, then Lin Yaofei's entanglement, Finally, Director Zheng ’s condition, I am worried that one meal is not enough. ”

Fade Chen heard, could not help but haha said:“ In this case, Dr. Tao invited me to eat more meals in the future! ”

Tao Ling generously said: "As long as you have time, Dr. Chen, Can always. " "

Go, we go out to dinner now! "Then, take the initiative to pull Tao Ling Fade Chen's arm, with Fade Chen go out into the hospital and went outside.

The two walked out of the hospital, and the little nurse in the hospital looked at the two who were intimately joking and couldn't help but widened their eyes one by one and showed an incredible expression on their faces.

At the same time, gossip, accompanied by photos and videos, spread quickly in the city's first hospital


"Did you hear that, Dr. Tao has a boyfriend in our hospital?"

"Really, I have seen it. The man looks quite young, looks a little handsome, and shoulders side with Dr. Tao Let's go and talk and laugh. "

" I didn't expect that an iceberg beauty like Dr. Tao was actually taken down. "

"Ah, my goddess, how could someone get ahead first! I'm not reconciled!"

"I didn't hear that Dr. Lin was pursuing Dr. Tao? Didn't he succeed?"

At this moment, he just came from the cold ground , Finally returned to Lin Yaofei in his office. Looking at the various videos and photos sent out in the hospital group, my face was immediately ugly.

His teeth severely phone fell to the ground, thundered: "... Tao Ling, this bitch you are willing to cheap brats, which I did not even accept my point better than his good"

at the moment, he has to sit in the restaurant Fade Chen and Tao Ling naturally didn't know what happened in the hospital.

The two chose a mid-range restaurant near the hospital, casually ordered a few dishes, and ate.

While eating and talking, Tao Ling naturally became interested in Fade Chen's superb medical skills, so he talked about medical matters. Fade Chen did not hide his secrets. When he encountered related problems, he spoke out without reservation.

As a result, the meal became a medical exchange meeting between the two. Finally, after eating for more than an hour, he left with unconsciousness.


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