Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

In this way, Fade Chen went all the way to a small booth along with Da Liu. This is a small-scale jewelry company, and the exhibits can only be regarded as ordinary. Whether it is material or shape, it is only of ordinary standard. Fade Chen has little interest. After a few glances, he walked away.

On the other side, Xu Shan and Song Yaling have been paying attention to Fade Chen's movements. At this moment, Fade Chen walked away alone, suddenly showing a surprised color on his face, and then made a wink at the people in the booth.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man who looked like a manager came out of the booth with a worried expression, and said, "No, help me find it, hurry up." With

such a shout, the guests watching around could not help but cast A confused look came, "What's wrong? What happened?" The

manager was worried, and said: "I just found out that a diamond ring worth 100,000 yuan was missing from our booth. Maybe it was accidentally lost Well, I would like to trouble you VIPs to find out. "The

manager said this politely, and the many guests who were present were not ordinary. I didn't want to be a thief, so I took the initiative to help them find it. Some people even opened their purses directly in public to prove innocence.

With such a disturbance, guests from other stations could not help but come around with curiosity, and there were more and more people around.

At this time, the manager pretended to find a circle around the group of guests in front, and finally said: "Everyone is a VIP, and they don't care about this money and this ring. It's just that there are many people in this exhibition, I I was worried that some mischievous people would come in and take the opportunity to steal the ring. So, I would like to invite the VIPs to think about whether they have seen any suspicious people. "The

guests frowned, but everyone did n’t want to offend anyone, so for a while No one spoke.

So, the manager said with a voice: "I don't know if you VIPs have seen people who are dressed in ordinary clothes, who are not in the industry, but have left early."

Guided by the manager in this way, some guests suddenly thought of Fade Chen who had just walked with them. After all, Fade Chen's dress is indeed a bit plain among such a group of guests in Chinese clothes. In addition, Fade Chen just looked at this booth, and soon left alone, in line with the manager's words.

So, everyone pointed at the suspected spear at Fade Chen.

Some people whispered to the manager the situation just now, and pointed in the direction of Fade Chen.

The manager heard that with a frown, he took several employees and walked towards Fade Chen's resting place.

Fade Chen didn't watch the excitement here just now. As a result, when he saw a group of them walking towards himself, he felt a sense of abruptness and frowned.

The booth manager walked to Fade Chen. Although his expression was as calm as possible, the tone of his voice was questioning and questioning: "This gentleman, I have something to ask you."

Fade Chen frowned at the tone. Looking deeper, he looked at each other and said coldly: "What's the matter?" The

manager went straight in, without turning around, and asked directly: "There is a diamond ring worth 100,000 yuan in our booth. Over there, I do n’t know if I saw it? ”As

soon as he said this, how could Fade Chen not understand that the other party was suspecting that he had stolen the diamond ring.

Suddenly, Fade Chen frowned and said, "I didn't see it." The

manager heard the words and frowned for a while, and the expression on his face cooled down. He stared at Fade Chen, and said coldly: "I don't know if it's not convenient for us to check "

" What do you mean by this? "Fade Chen's expression chilled instantly and looked at the manager." I said, I didn't see your diamond ring. "

The manager did not flinch, and said in a deep voice: "Mister, it is better to let us check. If not, we can prove ourselves innocent, that is a good thing for both of us."

Fade Chen coldly said: "Why should I Self-certified? Just because you doubt me? "The

manager said coldly:" Sir, we are trying to solve things well. If you don't cooperate, I'm afraid I will

offend. "

Fade Chen looked at the manager and said coldly: Cooperate? Why should I cooperate with your inspection, just because of your suspicion? Is that possible to reverse, I now suspect that you have stolen me 10 million, you also let me check? "The

manager's expression at the moment, completely Chilled, stared at Fade Chen, coldly said: "Sir, you'd better not make trouble unreasonably. Otherwise, it would be hard to say."

Among the guests watching around, I don't know who took the lead and made a mockery. Laughter, "Pooh, this guy, just like this, and said that he has 10 million. It's bragging and not making drafts!"

Someone took the lead, and the stolen laughter around him suddenly became warmer.

"I think it was the kid who stole it. You look at him like a thief and a thief. It must be him."

"That is, you look at that dress and you don't look like us at the first glance."

"Oh, he tried hard not to let Check, I see that it is clearly guilty, something must be on him. "For

a time, all the people around Fade Chen pointed at him, and discussions began. It seems that, in their eyes, Fade Chen is a thief's thing and has already been determined.

At that moment, the manager called out two burly security guards and stood in front of Fade Chen. His eyes were serious and cold, and he said: "Sir, I said one last time, please cooperate with our inspection, otherwise, we are welcome. . "

Fade Chen looked at the manager coldly and said in a cold voice: "I said, I didn't take your diamond ring and knew nothing about it." The

manager's eyes narrowed, showing a touch of anger, and then he waved his hand. He said: "Since you don't cooperate, let's do it." During the talk

, the two security guards, together with the two tellers at the manager's booth, walked towards Fade Chen together. Then the manager came over and prepared to search.

As soon as Fade Chen's eyes were cold, he had to deal with several people.

But at this moment, a drink came and said, "Give me a hand!"

Then the crowd separated and a young fat man walked in with a serious face.

Seeing this fat man, all the guests around couldn't help but start whispering.

"Isn't this the President Huang of the hottest Weitian Entertainment recently?"

"Yeah, how did he come here? Did he come forward for this thief?"

"Do they know?"

"It's unlikely, President Huang? The difference between the thief's status is too great! "

In the voice of everyone's discussion, Huang Fatzi stared at the manager coldly, screaming:" What are you doing? "


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