Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

However, Xu Shan is not an old fried dough stick. After a moment of stunned, he quickly recovered, and immediately squeezed a smiley face, gathered in front of Wu Chuan, and explained aloud: "Mr. Wu, this matter is really A misunderstanding. The manager Huang's jewelry counter accidentally lost a 100,000 diamond ring for everyone to look for. So

just— " " What about? "Wu Chuan sighed coldly, staring at the manager and Xu Shan, "So you suspect Mr. Chen?"

"No, no, we just asked Mr. Chen to cooperate with us to check it, and there is no malicious intention." The manager also recovered at this moment and quickly waved his hand to explain.

Wuchuan do not buy it, cold shouted: "?! No malicious security call came, and said to the police, this is not malicious it"

"Besides, in order to prepare the identity of Mr. Chen, you would want that one hundred thousand diamond ring, It's ridiculous! "The

manager didn't know what to say and could only laugh.

Xu Shan wanted to make a reconciliation and quickly said: "Mr. Wu, this is really a misunderstanding. Manager Huang doesn't know--"

"I don't know, really?" At this moment, Fade Chen sneered and walked away. over, looked Xu Shan, a channel, "Xu total this matter quite enthusiastic, and even take the lead in accepting checks came

from. I think, Mr. Huang Xu sum relationship seems unusual ah!"

Xu mountain looking for a Shen, quickly glared at Fade Chen, but then withdrew his eyes and hurriedly wanted to say no.

But Wu Chuan was so shrewd that when Fade Chen said this, she could perceive something vaguely. Suddenly, he looked at Xu Shan coldly and said with a cold voice: "Xu Shan, I know that your Anya Entertainment and Weitian Entertainment have a competitive relationship. It seems that you are recently dissatisfied with the competition on the bright side and want to secretly Means? "

Xu Shan quickly denied:" Mr. Wu, I, I definitely don't. Chen, Mr. Chen misunderstood me. I just-- "

Wu Chuan was too lazy to listen to him for an excuse, he directly reached out his phone, quickly got through a number, said something, and then hung up. Then he said to Xu Shan: "You don't need to explain it to me, Mr. An will come over immediately. When the time comes, you can explain to him!"

Xu Shan's face suddenly changed when he heard the name "An Zong".

Because this is the CEO of Anjia Group, one of the three major commercial giants in the provincial capital. Anjia's main business is the media advertising and entertainment industry, and it can be described as an absolute leader in the provincial entertainment industry.

Even Xu Shan ’s Anya Entertainment once accepted Anjia ’s investment holding. Therefore, it can be said that Anya Entertainment can actually be regarded as Anjia's industry. President An is the boss of Xu Shan.

Now that his big boss is coming, how can Xu Shan not worry.

As for the surrounding guests, the nerves felt numb at the moment. They didn't even think that Fade Chen, a seemingly ordinary guy, could elicit so many things. Huang Wei is not counted, Wu Chuan is shocked, and now leads Mr. An.

Within a few minutes, a group of people approached this side.

When everyone looked at this group of people, they were even more surprised. Because not only An Zong, but also two other giants Dai Zong and Qian Zong.

The three quickly walked together and nodded to Wu Chuan.

Xu Shan quickly stepped forward and wanted to say a few good words in advance to explain the situation here to President An.

But when he greeted him. President An just glanced at him, and then turned him away directly, then quickly walked towards Fade Chen.

Then, in the eyes of everyone surprised. The three major giants of the provincial and city business circles, General Manager An, President Dai and General Manager Qian, walked in front of Fade Chen at the moment, bowing respectfully and greeting: "Mr. Chen is good!"

Fade Chen nodded lightly and should respond.

President Dai and President Qian immediately stood up, stepped aside, and stood with Wu Chuan.

And Mr. An, the bow will be deeper at this moment. It is a ninety degree bow. He looks serious and respectful to Fade Chendao: "Mr. Chen, this time, I have no control over the matter and offended Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen, please punish you. "

Fade Chen snorted coldly without speaking.

Suddenly, Mr. An was even more disturbed.

Because some time ago, Fade Chen went to Hannan City and had a big battle with the fighters of Hannan City. He was subsequently chased by foreign mercenaries. At that time, everyone thought that Fade Chen had encountered an enemy, and may have already confessed there.

As a result, some people in the provincial capital floated. Anjia secretly made some small moves, trying to get rid of the oppression of Lin Qiuhan and Wu Chuan and reshape their status as the three giants. But then, Fade Chen returned silently to the provincial capital.

It was only a few days ago that Mr. An received the news and suddenly shivered. Looking for opportunities to Fade Chen apologize and show loyalty. But Chen's flight path was uncertain, and he did not dare to bother. Later, I learned from Wu Chuan that Fade Chen would come to this exhibition, so I came here deliberately to find an opportunity to explain the situation to Fade Chen.

As a result, I didn't expect Fade Chen to come up, but my company ran into Fade Chen first. President An couldn't help but be so shocked at the moment, so in front of everyone, he showed such a gift to Fade Chen.

"Please also forgive Mr. Chen!" Mr. An respected extremely.

Fade Chen was silent, and finally said lightly: "Get up! Let's not talk about other things first, you can ask Mr. Xu for me, what's going on with the diamond ring?"

"Thank you Mr. Chen." , Stood up, walked towards Xu Shan with a serious face, and asked quietly, "Say, what happened to the diamond ring?"

Xu Shan's face flickered, glanced at the booth manager, and then he said: "Anzong, I, I don't know. I'm only familiar with Manager Huang, so I am enthusiastic to help,

I-- " Fade Chen Wenyan, He hummed softly.

Hearing the words, secretly immediately shouted: "You tell me the truth now, otherwise, you have only one way to die."

Xu Shan looked very ugly at the moment, and he kept pondering in the heart, whether he was honest, embarrassed or dead The impact is greater.

Just as Xu Shan thought about it, Mr. An's icy words sounded, "You think about it, who can make me and Mr. Dai, Mr. Qian and Mr. Wu treat each other respectfully, who else is in the provincial capital?"

These words immediately moved Xu Shan's heart and quickly pondered.

Indeed, in the provincial capital, there are not many people who can make the big business giants treat each other so respectfully. And these few people are almost all in their 50s and 60s. There seems to be no such young person at all.

Except for one, that's ---

thinking of this, Xu Shan was shocked in his heart and looked up to Fade Chen again, looking at the seemingly ordinary cheek. The expression on his face was more and more frightened, his body shivered involuntarily, and the whole person began to tremble.


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