Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Opposite, Tao Ling's eyes lit up after taking a sip, and then speeded up.

In this way, the two big bowls of Longjiang Sanxian were wiped out in less than five minutes.

Fade Chen patted his belly, gave thumbs up to Liu, and then looked at Brother Liu, laughing: "Brother Liu, Liu's craftsmanship is better than yours!"

Brother Liu smiled and said, "That is, My dad has done sixty years of craftsmanship, which I can't compare. I can achieve 70% of his craftsmanship, which is not bad. "

" Brother Liu, let's have another one! Let's eat together! "Fade Chen laughed.

Tao Ling also whispered: "I'll have another one. A small one."

"Okay, I'll go to you right away" Brother Liu smiled and hurried to prepare later.

Fade Chen and Tao Ling laughed and talked about Longjiang Sanxian, which they had just tasted. They were full of praise.

While they were expecting to wait for the second delicacy to come forward, suddenly, there was a sound at the door of the store.

"The door opened, I saw it, and they came back."

"Not only the Liu family, but also two others were inside."

"After waiting for several days, I finally saw the person, went in, and caught People. "

Fade Chen and Tao Ling looked at the door, and then they saw a few gangsters with dragons and tigers, and walked into the shop with great force.

Tao Ling couldn't help but change her face, coldly said: "What are you doing?"

Fade Chen was frowning, thinking of the things she encountered in the shop last time, suddenly looking dull, coldly speaking : "Are you from Hongling Real Estate?"

The leading Daikin chain heard Fade Chen's words and said, "Oh, I didn't expect to be an informed person. Since we know our identity, then, let's not let Old Man Liu roll out."

At this time, Liu Brother and Liu came out from behind carrying the food, and when they looked at the situation in the store, their faces suddenly sank.

"You guys are here again! I said, this storefront, we will not transfer it."

Gold Chain sneered sneered, said: "No transfer? Old man, this is not up to you."

"I tell you, waiting for you so For many days, our boss has been impatient. Today is the deadline, and the contract is signed immediately, otherwise, I will let you come in vertically and go out horizontally. "The gold chain shouted, and the younger brother around handed over a document .

Old Liu was so angry that he did n’t look at the document. Shen said, "This store is my ancestral family business. Even if I take this old bone apart, I won't sell it."

Brother Liu Li He also said: "I have to call the police, you'll get out."

gold chain boss is not the so-called fear, sneered: "? alarm Oh, you try ah alarm, the police come and see, or do we move fast"

to speak At this time, the bullies approached, and were less than two meters away from Liu Lao.

The atmosphere in the shop was tense at the moment.

Just about to start, Fade Chen snorted and got up and said, "The last time I ate, I was disturbed by your interest, and I learned a lesson. As a result, you came again this time, it seems that the last lesson was not enough Ah! "

The boss of Jinlianzi turned to Fade Chen when he heard this, frowning and disdainful:" Where's the stinky kid, pretending to be in Laozi's face, giving me a meal and throwing it out. "

Instantly, two Mingbang rushed towards Fade Chen, screaming and punching.

Fade Chen snorted coldly, his figure flickered into a residual image, and rushed to the two mixed bodies, snapped twice, and directly knocked the two to the ground.

"You--" The Golden Chain saw this and couldn't help but start waving immediately and ordered his men to attack Fade Chen.

But before waiting for them to gather, Fade Chen rushed towards them. Straight three times, five divisions and two, beat their group on the ground.

Fade Chen stepped on the chest of the gold chain with one foot, his expression was cold.

Gold chains against soft at the moment still, clutching his swollen cheek channel: "Boy, I tell you, my boss is mine boss, you come at me, mine boss will not let you."

Gold chains just voice There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and there was also a thick voice, "Golden Fatty, is everything done? I came with President He." During the

talk, a burly man and a man in a suit and leather shoes The young man came in.

As soon as Jinlianzi saw the burly man, he immediately shouted, "Boss Lei, save me. There is a stinky boy who is working on our people." The burly man could not help but snorted and stepped up. Before, he shouted: "I'm going to see, who dares to

deal with my people. Looking for dead Dong-" Just when Boss Lei walked in and snarled, he could see Fade Chen's face in the house, and his face suddenly stiffened. , Suddenly left in place, with a surprised expression on his face, glaring at Fade Chen, said: "You, you, how could

you-- " At this moment, Fade Chen looked at this burly man, that day he came to find fault, The guy repelled by Fade Chen.

Suddenly, Fade Chen snorted and looked at Boss Lei and said, "It's you again? It seems that the last time I said to you, you are completely in the ears!" During the speech

, Fade Chen put his foot on the foot and directly Stomping, the painful gold chain yelled and screamed at the boss Lei quickly, calling for help.

But at the moment, Mr. Lei, in the face of Fade Chen, had no courage to fight. Not to mention stepping forward to help, he stepped back to the manager in the suit and whispered something.

Seeing the golden chain, the whole person was dumbfounded. He didn't expect his boss to be so afraid of this young man.

So, in the severe pain, the gold chain passed out directly.

Seeing this, Fade Chen kicked the gold chain. The gold chain of nearly two hundred catties flew up and thundered loudly, falling in front of Manager He and Mr. Lei. They were so scared that they looked back white and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

This situation made Manager He's expression a little cold. He sorted out his suit, bypassed the gold chain, and walked to Fade Chen. He said, "It's you, the good thing that ruined Hongling Real Estate twice?"

Fade Chen looked at The manager He said, "You are from Hongling Real Estate? Very good. Last time, I asked him to bring you something. Have you heard it?"

Speaking of the last thing, Mr. Lei couldn't help but look at the manager

He snorted and looked at Fade Chen said: "Mr. Chen said last time, you want us to quit Hongling Real Estate, otherwise, we want Hongling Real Estate to go bankrupt."

Fade Chen nodded, coldly said: "This is it Words. Since you heard it, you wo n’t get out! ”When

Fade Chen slammed, the muscles on Manager He ’s face twitched, and a flash of anger flashed, Shen said:" Mr. Chen is awesome. Discourse. However, I would like to know, if I do not withdraw from Hongling Real Estate, how can you? "


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