Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Chapter 507

With a stern drink, Han Biao over the phone also heard Fade Chen's voice, first stunned, and then furious, directly frying the pan, "Who was talking just now? That stupid kid named Chen. Manager He. , You turn on the hands-free and let the kid talk to me. "

Manager, he can only helplessly turn on the hands-free. Suddenly, Han Biao's angry shouting came out," Dad boy, in the provincial city, dare to threaten me Han There are not many stubborn people. How dare you yell at me, I think you are tired of living. "

Fade Chen Shen coldly said:" I am tired of living, or you are tired of living. I see It ’s not clear the situation. ”

Han Biao said angrily:“ Boy, he ’s not very young, but his tone is not small! Pretend to be in front of me, I will immediately make you pretend to be stupid. ”

Immediately, you can hear the other side of the phone Han Biao called people's voice.

"Call me right away, take the two cars, and flatten the shop to me. And what the Chen guy, come over to me, and I will teach him hard."

Hearing this, Big Brother Liu and Old Liu couldn't help but show concern, even Tao Ling, at the moment, vaguely figured out his mobile phone, ready to contact a familiar person for help. After all, as the director of internal medicine in the first hospital of the city, she still knows the powers of some provincial capitals. If you ask for it, she might be able to talk and engage in relationships.

While many people worry about, Fade Chen, but still very calm, cold and calm voice of Han Biao shouted: "Well, I'll give you a chance, however, you do not cherish.."

Then, Fade Chen directly Hejing 'S phone fell to the ground and became a smash. Then, Fade Chen touched his mobile phone and quickly made a phone call. He simply said a few words, "Yes, it's me. Help me check a man named Han Biao, a boss named Hongling Real Estate. Yes Yes, I want this company to go bankrupt, the faster the better. "

Immediately, Fade Chen hung up the phone, then hummed and sat directly back to his position.

Dr. Tao and Liu Lao still couldn't hide their worries on their faces.

And Manager He and Lei Boss, between the eyebrows at this moment, a faint expression of joy. Because they had heard it just now, President Han was angry, and he was already calling for people to come. When President Han arrives, they will be saved.

As for Fade Chen's words that made Hongling Real Estate go bankrupt, they directly regarded them as a joke and did not care at all.

Just when the people in the shop are thinking about each other. At this time, in the Hongling Real Estate Office, Han Biao had just sent people out. Sitting in the office chair, Han Biao photographed the phone, and then sneered: "Damn, this year, a hairy kid dared to drink three or four to Lao Tzu, there is no rule. Wait for the next person to bring it Laozi had to let the stinky kid look at what is called a rule. "

Just when Han Biao hated himself, suddenly, the phone on his desk rang.

Han Biao got into the phone impatiently, but before he spoke, there was a quick voice over there: "Mr. Han, it's not good. The project on the Longjiang Bridge, which has been agreed with us, is now cancelled. "

" How could this be the case? Didn't all talk about it? How could it be cancelled suddenly? "Han Biao asked in a hurry.

"Me, I do not know ah! I asked the other side, the person in charge over there, we should not provoke provoke the people, the next will suffer, they can not cooperate with us."

"Should not mess with People? "Han Biao pondered," Isn't it that you didn't manage well last time, or some other problem? "

" No, President Han, we did what you said last time. And, Things were almost booked last time. "

" Why did that happen? "Han Biao was also a little angry. Just when he was about to get angry, the phone in his arms also rang.

Han Biao connected the phone impatiently and said, "What's the matter?"

On the mobile phone, there was also a quick voice, "Mr. Han, it's not good. Over there, the Urban Construction Bureau suddenly said that the piece of land we took last time was unqualified. Now we have to take it back for review."

"What?" Han Biao Startled, "How could this happen? Haven't the land procedures been completed?"

"I don't know. I asked an acquaintance from the Urban Construction Bureau. He privately revealed that

he seemed to say that we shouldn't have caused something. "

Broken people." Upon hearing this, Han Biao's eyebrows were wrinkled, and his mouth murmured: "Who is the person who shouldn't be blamed? I haven't offended any big guys recently. What is going on here?" What's the matter? "

Just when Han Biao was puzzled, the office door was broken open with a clatter, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather suit hurriedly rushed in and said to Han Biao:" Old Han, how are you? What happened? Actually offended the big man? Are you

looking for a way to die ? " Han Biao froze for a moment, then looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said:" Lao Xu, I've just burned my head, you again who said that? "

the old Xu see an astonished look Han Biao, said: "Old Han, you, you do not know who you offended?"

Han Biao Yipaitaitui, emergency channel:? "Yes ah I do not know what I recently made, just received a phone call Both of the company's two businesses are at a loss, I am confused? "

" Old Xu, do you know what's inside, please tell me quickly. "Han Biao said anxiously.

When old Xu looked at Han Biao, he didn't seem to be a fake. He suddenly showed a shocked and anxious expression on his face, extended his finger, pointed at Han Biao, and said, "You, you, old Han, you are a smart person. Confused! You offended the man

above the Sun family? You dare to provoke such a big person, are you looking for death? " " The one above the Sun family? That is-- "Han Biao hasn't returned yet After a moment of wonder, he suddenly awakened suddenly, "Lao Xu, what are you talking about, who defeated Sun Fengqin and Sun Lao?"

"Who else besides him?" Old Xu said anxiously, "Hurry up, how did you get that guy?"

"That guy, surnamed Chen, and not very young. It seems, seems to—" Suddenly, Han Biao thought of something, and his face suddenly changed, his mouth murmured, "Is the one above Sun's house the one in the shop? He seemed to warn before that Fade Chen made Hongling Real Estate not to cause trouble "

Old Xu Dao:" It is Fade Chen, even Sun Yongfei, the current Sun family owner, should be called Mr. Chen in front of that person! "Now

, the identity of the other party was completely confirmed, and Han Biao suddenly looked crazy. Changed, the whole person was stupid, slid directly from the seat, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lao Xu was anxious and panicked and came to help Han Biao.

But Han Biao covered with a shiver, what to think of something, suddenly from the ground up, and then quickly rushed out toward the outside, "I just sent out, not, have to get them back, certainly faster."

Yuehua Jian, Han Biao rushed out of the office.


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