Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

The two quickly walked into the ward. This is a single ward with an area of nearly 20 square meters and a good environment. At the moment on the hospital bed, a young man of 17 or 18 years old was lying.

The young man was very thin. He was only one meter and seven or five meters tall, and he looked like a hundred pounds. Moreover, his face was dull and his face was ugly, and he was lying on the edge of the bed at the moment, coughing and vomiting constantly.

Beside him, two little nurses were supporting the young man, constantly patting his back on him.

But the young man's vomiting continued, and his forehead was bruised with bruises, and his face was faint, and he was a little bit purple.

Looking at the situation, Tao Ling couldn't help but change her face. She hurried forward with her stethoscope and prepared to auscultate the young man for diagnosis.

But the young man was not at all restless, and his body kept twisting and vomiting, making Tao Ling unable to auscultate at all.

Seeing that the two little nurses could not control the patient anymore, Fade Chen stepped forward, his hands like pliers, buckling the young man's arm so that he could not move.

Tao Ling gave Fade Chen a grateful look and then auscultated.

After the auscultation, Tao Ling's face could not help but darken, her brows frowned, and the young man's eyelids rolled over again.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Is the situation wrong?"

Tao Ling looked serious. "His situation is very strange. This morning, I just checked him again. He is just an ordinary gastroenteritis. rest two days can be discharged. but now, not only is the stomach, and even his liver, seem to have a problem. fast heartbeat, very eager, very unstable. this is not gastroenteritis symptoms. "

So saying, Tao Ling looked at the nurse and asked, "Have you given the medicine I ordered on time?"

The little nurse quickly nodded and said, "We are taking the medicine on time. And, just over ten minutes ago, we just gave him anti-inflammatory drugs, but he was just like this."

Wen Yan, Tao Ling could not help frowning, his expression increased. Seriously, he said to the nurse: "You go to open a list, prepare to do ct, chest X-ray. There are blood and urine, go to prepare." The

nurses said that they would leave after nodding.

And at this moment, Fade Chen, who had just finished the pulse for the young man, suddenly changed his face and said in a deep voice: "No, he is not gastroenteritis, it is poisoning."

"Poisoning?" Tao Ling couldn't help but look at Fade Chen.

Fade Chen said firmly: "I'm sure it is definitely poisoned, and the toxicity is a bit severe. The situation is

a bit critical and must be dealt with immediately."

Tao Ling heard this, and her expression could not help changing. She immediately called the nurse and said: "Little Wang, please bring a tool and check his blood immediately. Others, no need to check. Xiao Li, go check Zhou Zhikai ’s recipes and medications today, and monitor the wards, and bring them up. "

" Yes! " The two little nurses were busy immediately.

At this time, the young man in the hospital dared not cough up and vomited, but his stomach was already vomited, and he could not vomit anything at all.

Upon seeing this, Tao Ling couldn't help being anxious. "Fade Chen, what do you do?"

Unconsciously, Tao Ling formed a light sense of dependence on Fade Chen.

Fade Chen was slightly silent and said: "Although I can't judge what poison he has in the end. However, I can use the breath of truth to clear the body's meridians and relieve the toxins, and then explore the specific cause. "

You're here soon." Although she didn't understand the principle of Zhen Yuan Qi dredging the meridians, Tao Ling trusted Fade Chen and nodded to Fade Chen immediately.

Fade Chen put one hand on the young man's heart, and one hand grasped the five young men's wrists, and began to run the real breath directly into the young man's body, using the real breath to suppress and purify the toxins in the blood.

About a few minutes later, Fade Chen withdrew his hands, and a thin layer of sweat beads appeared

on his forehead.

The boy in the bed is in a much better condition. The whole person was a lot calmer, lying on the hospital bed, his face turned red, and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Upon seeing this, Tao Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thanking Fade Chen again.

Just at this time, Mike nurse came in, "Dr. Tao, which is a list of recipes today Making Offerings and medication, as well as monitoring ward, is here."

Dr. Tao immediately took the list view, and nurses Clicked the surveillance video.

After reading the list, Tao Ling shook her head and said, "The food and medicine are the same as before. There is no problem."

Immediately, several people's eyes turned to the monitoring video of the tablet computer. Tao Ling directly pulled the video time. When it was time for me to leave, I quickly checked it.

Drag the progress bar from time to time to view the monitoring status.

Suddenly, Tao Ling's eyes narrowed and shouted, "Stop, just in front, go back and stop." The

nurse stopped the video, Tao Ling pointed at the doctor in the white coat and said: " Who is he? Why did he appear in Zhou Zhikai's ward. Zhou Zhikai is the patient I am attending, and other doctors will not come to the ward easily. "The

nurse looked a bit stunned at the figure and shook her head." I , I do n’t know. I did n’t see this doctor

entering or leaving the ward. "

Tao Ling heard that, frowning frantically, while continuing to watch the video. The doctor in the picture went into the ward and went to Zhou Zhikai's bed. While Zhou Zhikai was asleep, he quietly took out a syringe, plunged it into a hanging bottle, and pushed the liquid in the syringe.

Upon seeing this, Tao Ling said

in a deep voice : "Is he the poison?" Tao Ling quickly said to the nurse Xiao Li: "You immediately Xiao Wang's side, urging the blood test side hurry."

Xiao Li Fei Kuai 's Photographed to urge to go.

Tao Ling said to Fade Chen apologetically: "Dr. Chen, I have to report to the dean for this matter."

"Well, you go! Here I am watching." Fade Chendao.

But just as Tao Ling was about to walk out of the ward, all of a sudden, a rapid footstep sounded, and he quickly walked towards the ward.

Then Tao Ling nearly collided with a pearlescent middle-aged woman.

Tao Ling hurriedly stabilized her body and said sorry, ready to detour.

But the middle-aged woman took a closer look at Tao Ling, grabbed her, and shouted, "You are Doctor Tao! Why are you so eager to leave?"

Tao Ling suddenly looked at the middle-aged woman. Recognizing that she was Zhou Zhikai ’s mother, she immediately explained: “Mother Zhou, I ’m in a hurry here, and I ’m going to report to the dean.”

This week, when she heard this, she did n’t let go, but she pushed Tao Ling into the ward. , Shouting loudly: "Urgent? What emergency can you have? My son has a problem, this is the biggest emergency."


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