Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Huang Fei hadn't spoken yet. The companions behind her shouted at the moment.

"Sun Xi, the school newspaper website has published news, what else do you install?"

"That is, you clearly know that Huang Fei likes milk tea and school grass, and he is actively pursuing it. Do you know what this behavior is."

"You This is Primary Three, destroying people's feelings. "

Upon hearing this, Sun Xi suddenly realized, and said:" You are talking about the news reported by the school newspaper? I just saw that news. "

" And, that The things reported in the news are completely false. I didn't chase the milk tea school grass at all. "

Huang Fei looked at Sun Xi with a look of disbelief," You didn't pursue him? How could it be, at first, it was better Everyone sees you walking with him. "

Sun Xi explained:" That was when he had pursued me, but they were all rejected by me. "Upon

hearing this, Huang Fei couldn't help but change his face, his expression was a bit ugly Then, he did not say: "You said you rejected the milk tea school grass, what a joke!"

The companions around Huang Fei also suddenly opened their mouths.

"Milk tea school grass is so handsome, which of the school girls doesn't like him? You said he took the initiative to pursue you, it's a joke."

"The bigger joke or she rejected the milk tea school grass pursuit, such a lie, how can you make up for the lies . " "

that is, school grass tea is not only handsome, but worth doing well, large asset hundreds of thousands. this guy you pursue a common girl, you got rejected. "

looked at his face look like Huang Fei they do not believe, Sun Xi explained anxiously: "All I said is true, I really didn't pursue the milk tea school grass? And, I have no interest in him."

"Really?" Huang Fei still looked suspicious.

Sun Xi nodded seriously: "Huang Fei, this kind of thing, I don't have to deceive you at all. Moreover, I was going to ask the newspaper office, then who reported the news, it was completely nonsense."

Huang Fei still With some doubts, his eyes turned and said to Sun Xi: "No, your words, how can I know which sentence is true and which sentence is false?"

" I-- " Sun Xi was anxious.

The companions around Huang Fei suddenly said something to Huang Fei. Huang Fei's eyes lit up and he touched his mobile phone. He said to Sun Xi: "If you want to prove your innocence, then take a video for me and explain you and the milk tea school Grass is okay, and promise that you will not have

any relationship with him in the future, otherwise, the thunder will strike, and the thunder will blow. "

" This- "Sun Xi doesn't feel well.

Huang Fei was aggressive, saying: "If you don't shoot the video, you're in a ghost. I don't believe you."

She wanted Sun Xi to shoot this video, she had her own plans. No matter what Sun Xi just said is true or false, as long as this video is taken. She can put it on the school network and make it public.

In that case, Sun Xi wouldn't be able to achieve it even if he wanted to pursue milk tea.

In this case, her Huang Fei will lose one of her rivals, and she will be even more sure of catching the milk tea.

After all, in her view, the milk tea school is handsome and handsome, young and promising, and homely and generous. It is definitely a perfect marriage partner. She Huang Fei almost regarded milk tea school grass as her unswerving goal, so she should block any risks.

At this moment, she looked at Sun Xi's hesitation and couldn't help but urge: "Hurry up, what are you still thinking about. If you don't shoot, what you just said is all fake."

Sun Xi frowned, not feeling right, and wanted to say something. But Huang Fei and their several girls, in an aggressive manner, constantly urged, "Snap, admit it quickly."

Seeing this, Fade Chen frowned and walked out, glaring at Huang Fei, and said in a deep voice: " Do n’t you think that your behavior is excessive? ”

Huang Fei looked at Fade Chen and said,“ What is wrong with us? She said she did n’t pursue milk tea and school grass. Let ’s ask her to make a video to prove what happened? "

Fade Chen said coldly:" What qualifications do you have for Sun Xi to prove? Why should Sun Xi prove it to you? "

Huang Fei looked like he took it for granted." Because I am pursuing the milk tea school. " Grass, he

belongs to me. " " Oh! "Fade Chen sneered," not to mention whether Sun Xi is pursuing the milk tea school grass. Just because you are pursuing each other, you should not allow others to approach him. You think you count What is it? "

" You, you-- "Huang Fei's eyes were round and he stared fiercely at Fade Chen and Sun Xi, wanting to refute, but he could only repeat his own words," because, because Milk tea school grass is mine, it ’s me first Seek, my - "

Fade Chen seeing this, could not help but shook his head, he has been too lazy and self- righteousness, and all self-centered guy speak.

Gently patted Sun Xi's shoulder, Fade Chen said: "Let's go, with her, there is no need to talk down."

Sun Xi nodded and walked away with Fade Chen.

Seeing this, Huang Fei wanted to stop, "You are not allowed to leave!"

Fade Chen turned to stare at her, coldly said: "You want to stop me?"

Huang Fei shuddered, then froze in place, no Dare to speak.

Then, Fade Chen and Sun Xi walked towards the school newspaper together.

Looking at the figure of the two leaving, Huang Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Somehow to inform people, we must not allow Sun Xi to interfere with the good things of milk tea and school grass."

Then, a few girls left quickly.

At this time, Fade Chen and Sun Xi came to the school newspaper. Sun Xi found the person in charge and asked with a smile: "Hello, classmate. Excuse me, where is the person in charge of the school's electronic news?"

The classmates at the front desk pointed to an office inside and said, " Senior Hu is in it! "

" Thank you! "Fade Chen and Sun Xi thanked and walked towards an office.

Sun Xi knocked on the door, and a response came immediately, "Who is it?"

Sun Xi politely said: "Senior Hu, hello. I am a sophomore Sun Xi from the College of Liberal Arts, I have something to consult with Senior Hu You. "

" Sun Xi! "A slightly surprised voice came from the room. After a moment of silence, he said," Come in! "

Sun Xi pushed open the door and walked in with Fade Chen.

After all, it is the newspaper office of the school, and many of them are responsible for the students, so the environment in the office is naturally a bit rudimentary.

There are only a few chairs, a desk and a bookshelf in the house. Behind the desk, a man in his twenties with glasses was banging at the computer.

Xi Fade Chen came and saw the Sun, his eyes flicker for a moment, then asked: "? Sun classmates, what do you do"


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