Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

In this way, Huang Fei's face changed a lot, staring at Fade Chen for a few moments, and then his face was horrified, "Master Chen, really Master Chen! So, Sun Xi, really Sun Jiada Miss. "

" Master Chen, Miss Sun. I, I don't know your identity, so-I, I'm wrong, please, please forgive me- "Huang Fei faced with fear, facing Fade Chen and Sun Xi begged for mercy.

Yi Bo and Yi Fangfang are still a little confused, at this time they do not understand what is going on.

Yi Fangfang looked at Huang Fei and said, "Huang Fei, what's wrong with you? Why should they ask for mercy, what is going on?"

Huang Fei pulled Yi Fangfang at once and said, "Apologize and ask for mercy! Then But Master Chen and Miss Sun. "

" What Master Chen and Miss Sun, Huang Fei, you explain! "Yi Fangfang said.

Huang Fei was shocked and anxious, saying: "Miss Sun is the eldest lady of the Sun family of our first family in the provincial capital, and Master Chen is the first master of our provincial capital, defeating the senior martial arts master Sun Senior.

In this way, Yi Fangfang and Yi Bo suddenly understood even if they were not clear about the situation of the provincial capital.

After all, after they come to the provincial capital, other big names may not be clear. But the names of

the Sun family and Master Chen, but they are so ridiculous, I have heard that I do not know how many times.

At the moment, when Huang Fei pointed out that the two of them were actually the big men standing at the peak of the entire provincial capital, Yi Fangfang and Yi Bo still felt unbelievable.

"He, they turned out to be--this, this is impossible!" Yi Fangfang was a little hard to believe, shaking his head.

"Isn't it possible? If it's impossible, why do you think President Liu would treat them so respectfully! Why do you think Master Chen had stolen the deputy director Zhao of the Culture Hall alone?" Huang Fei said.

After talking, Huang Fei knelt in front of Fade Chen and Sun Xi, and thumped his head to beg for mercy.

In this case, even if Yi Bo and Yi Fangfang don't want to believe anymore, they have to believe it at this time.

As a result, the two fell to their knees and started begging for mercy like Huang Fei.

Fade Chen and Sun Xi looked at them coldly without any expression. Principal Liu looked at the two and respectfully said: "Mr. Chen, Miss Sun, how to deal with them?"

Looking at their blood-filled appearances, in the end, Sun Xi was still softened, saying: "Clarify the matter and then let them Leave the campus! "

Principal Liu immediately said:" Okay, I understand, handle it immediately. "

Immediately, Yi Bo took a video and posted it on the Internet to clarify the fake news. Then, Yi Fangfang, Yi Bo, and Huang Fei crawled out of the room.

Several people walked on the campus. Although the bright eyes shone on them, they felt an unprecedented chill rise from the bottom of their hearts.

Although they are now out of danger. But the three of them felt more and more frightened, and a feeling of fear came to their hearts.

They didn't even know that they were arrogant in front of Master Chen and Miss Sun.

Then I think that Huang Fei and Yi Fangfang just said that Sun Xi is not good enough for Yi Bo, it is for money to pursue Yi Bo. Can not help but feel a ridiculous and ridiculous.

According to the status of the Sun family, Yi Bo's so-called career, the so-called hundreds of thousands of properties are completely ant-like existence, the other party is not in the eyes. As a result, they proudly showed off and thought they were incomparable.

Subsequently, Yi Fangfang and Yi Bo thought of the matter of Fade Chen and Zhang Qiuyue eating a few days ago. They couldn't help but feel cold again. They comforted themselves before that said that Fade Chen was eating soft rice, and Zhang Qiuyue was just a celebrity star and would soon get angry.

But now think about the situation at that time, Fade Chen is really the owner of the restaurant, and Zhang Qiuyue, with Fade Chen this huge backing, how could it be out of breath!

Thinking of these things, Yi Fangfang and Yi Bo were so cold that they no longer dared to spend more time in the provincial capital. They did not care about the loss of property and immediately packed up. They left the provincial capital that day.

Even Huang Fei, after returning home, within a few days, the family immediately moved to the field.

In this way, Sun Xi ’s affairs at school were solved. President Liu issued a password to Hu Xue, who knew Sun Xi's identity. Sun Xi's life on the provincial campus was calm again.

Some time ago, the hot event of hot tea came to the milk tea school grass. With the bizarre closure of the milk tea shop, students gradually forgotten. After chasing to the next hot spot, this matter was quickly forgotten to the back of the head.

Fade Chen also resumed some idle life. However, not long after his wife Lin Qiuhan called Fade Chen to the office on a phone call.

Fade Chen came to the office, looking at a uniform wife, could not help but laugh: "? Wife, called me to the office for a long time did not come, what is it you,"

Lin Qiuhan heard this, could not help a white Fade Chen, some Jiaochen tone said: "You're so kind to say that as a member of the company, how long have you not been to work!"

Fade Chen said with a smile: "Wife, this is not a company with a lot of talent, plus your wise leadership of your wife, it has worked very well. , I don't need me at all! "

" I knew to make excuses. "Lin Qiuhan glared at Fade Chen, and then changed his tone," Now, the company needs you. "

" Need me? "Fade Chen smiled and looked towards Lin Qiuhan Approaching, his hands touched Lin Qiuhan with some unreliable hands. "Does the company need me, or your wife needs me?

" With a snap, Lin Qiuhan knocked off Fade Chen's mischievous hands, then stared at her Tao said, "If you have something serious, don't come here."

Fade Chen twitched back his hands and smiled, "Then I will wait for the right thing, and then you will come with your wife."

Lin Qiuhan glared at Fade Chen, then said: "Wait at ten thirty, you go to the provincial high-speed rail station.

Take a trip, pick up a person. " " Pick up? Just send a driver from the company and you'll have to go. Why do you want me to go! "Fade Chendao said. novelbin

"Don't you go?" Lin Qiuhan looked at Fade Chen and asked.

Fade Chen looked at his wife's eyes and felt something was wrong. He said, "I don't mean I can't say it, but I feel unnecessary."

"Oh, it's unnecessary!" Lin Qiuhan said, "If it's not necessary, then I'll send someone

Take care of Wei Ling, go back. " Fade Chen just wanted to turn around, and after hearing Wei Ling's name, he turned around and looked back at his wife. I'll pick it up. "

" No, I'll send someone else to go. Don't you say it's unnecessary? "Lin Qiuhan said coldly, picking up the phone as he said.

Fade Chen smiled and pressed the phone and said: "Sister Ling is the senior executive of the company, an important veteran, naturally it is necessary. Let me go!"

Lin Qiuhan gave a funny look at the childlike Fade Chen, put down the phone Road: "You go, don't forget the time."

"Obey, wife!" Fade Chen nodded and left the office.

Lin Qiuhan looked at Fade Chen's back, and his face gradually sank, and he sighed softly, with a voice that only he could hear, and whispered: "We are just contract marriage. It will stop you. "

After saying this silently, Lin Qiuhan's eyes condensed, restored the president's decisive and focused look, and began to work again.


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