Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

As soon as Fade Chen heard these words, he suddenly glared and gave these guys a punch, screaming, "Shut up for me."

Several people looked at Fade Chen's fierce eyes and scared I didn't dare to say anything, I could only retreat thieves.

Immediately, Fade Chen rushed into the company building and felt the top floor quickly.

At this time, a lot of people have stood on the staircase at the top floor, including police and firefighters, as well as company employees. Lin Qiuhan was also at the entrance of the stairs, his expression was tense. He was looking at the man at the railing, and his heart was about to pick up.

About five meters away from the man, a public security officer and Liang Pan ’s colleagues were persuading Liang Pan about what to do.

However, Liang Pan couldn't listen to them at all, and looked sad and desperate, sitting on the railing and shaking gently. However, he touched his cell phone from time to time and glanced at what he seemed to be waiting for.

Seeing this, Fade Chen could not help but frown lightly and turned his head to ask: "Who knows who the last phone call he received? What did he say?"

Lin Qiuhan looked at Liang Pan's boss, who shook his head and said it was unclear.

At this moment, there was a footstep in the corridor. Immediately, a middle-aged man and middle-aged woman came over with anxiety, and the accompanying person immediately introduced: "This is Liang Pan's parents."

Lin Qiuhan hurried forward to greet him.

"Where is Pan'er?" Liang Pan's parents looked anxious and tried to rush out.

But Fade Chen stopped them and said in a deep voice: "Uncle and aunt, you can't go by now. Liang Pan's emotions are more excited, and we don't want to stimulate him before we can figure things out."

"But-" Liang The parents panicked.

Fade Chen comforted them: "The two of you are assured that we will definitely rescue Liang Pan. But, before saving him, I would like to ask the two. Do you know who Liang Pan's last phone call was, What did you say? "

Liang Pan's parents shook their heads for a while, not knowing.

At this time, Liang Pan, sitting on the railing, seemed to be unable to wait. He reached out his phone and made a call. However, no one seemed to answer the phone. After he put down the phone, the expression on his face became more irritable and excited, and the whole person was crumbling at the edge of the railing.

Seeing such a dangerous situation, everyone at the scene was anxious.

At this time, the boss IT Department received a phone call, immediately opening: "We contacted the telecom operators there, they just do not check out, climbing the last beam is 152 answered the phone"

complete newspaper phone, the boss look To Liang Pan ’s parents, he asked, “Uncle, aunt, do you know this phone number?”

Liang Pan ’s father still remembered, but his mother suddenly thought of something, and was a little excited: “Here, this number is Xiaoying . the " "

who is Xiaoying? "

Liang climbing mother said:." Liang Xiao Ying is climbing girlfriend, talked about a year and a half, some time ago, he said it is ready to get married, it will not Xiaoying for now, "

Liang climbed father pulled out his cell phone directly at this time, to play out, said:" Xiaoying, I am your Liang Bobo just before the half hour, you are not to climb children called and -. "

said At this point, the voice of a young woman came over the phone, seeming impatiently: "It was I who called, and I said I would break up with him. We are over, and trouble Uncle will not call me again. "When you

hear the word break up, everyone around People couldn't help but change their face, and then looked at Liang Pan, they could already guess that Liang Pan wanted to jump off the building, I am afraid it was because of breaking up.

At this time, the woman on the other end of the phone is about to hang up.

Liang Pan ’s father hurriedly said: “Xiaoying, do n’t hang up the phone. Paner has an accident. He wants to jump off the building. Can you come here?”

Hearing the word “jumping the building”, the person on the phone was silent for a while, but then it was cold. Voice said: "Sorry, uncle, I am busy at work now, I want to hang up the phone."

Wen Yan, Liang Pan's mother was anxious, came together, crying: "Xiaoying, we did not lie to you, Paner really I want to jump off the building. I know you broke up, but now the situation is urgent, I beg you, come and rescue my paner. "There

was another silence at the end of the phone, and then the woman's cold voice rang:" Sorry, We've broken up, it doesn't matter. "

" Xiaoying, don't hang up the phone. Even if you don't come, you can call Pan'er, OK! I kneel down for you, please beg— " Liang Pan's mother cried.

However, the female voice over the phone sounded impatiently: "We have broken up, I don't want to cause trouble, you don't want to call again."

Next, the public security staff couldn't help but said, "We are the Public Security Bureau the beam is now climbing life-threatening, you help out, that is, save a life ah! "

However, the woman's voice was decidedly:".. I'm sorry, I do not like moral kidnapped this matter, and I am nothing. "

Then, no longer When the people here spoke, the phone hung up directly.

Immediately, Liang Pan's father hit him again, completely unable to connect. Obviously, the other party blacklisted the call.

Liang Pan ’s parents were in a hurry, and tears could no longer stop flowing, crying in the direction of Liang Pan, “Pan'er, do n’t do stupid things. If you go, what shall we do!” "

Hearing his parents' voice, Liang Pan on the railing couldn't help but tremble and turned his head to look over. Suddenly burst into tears, with a tearful voice said:. "Dad, Mom, my lack of filial piety, I can not repay you upbringing I go, you have to take care of yourself."

Heard, Liang climbed parents are more anxious, Crying more severely.

Beside, the public security personnel and company colleagues were very anxious and persuaded.

"Liang Pan, a girlfriend, this thing is not worth it."

"Little climb, I turned around and introduce you to a girlfriend, definitely stronger than that Xiaoying, you do not hang on the tree."

Everyone persuade However, Liang Pan shook his head decisively and said, "I don't understand my feelings for Xiaoying. I don't believe that she will suddenly want me, and I don't believe she will be so unsympathetic."

"If that's the case, I will I don't believe in love anymore. I would rather die like that. "

Wen Yan, the persuaded person was even more anxious, and began to persuade again in a hurry.

However, Fade Chen gave them a shut-up gesture at this time, so that they should not continue to speak.

Because at this time, Fade Chen at this time, observed this Liang Pan, and then combined with the information given by colleagues. He can judge that this Liang Pan belongs to that kind of introverted, sullen technical otaku. During his schooling, he had basically not been in contact with girls, let alone fell in love.


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