Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

Wei Tian shook his head and said: "Your brother is even more powerful, is there any Master Chen?"

"Master Chen? What Master Chen?" Han Hu looked at Wei Tian puzzled.

Wei Tian looked at Han Hu and said, "You said, in the provincial capital, who can deserve the title of Master Chen?"

Han Hu was surprised for a moment, and then his face changed greatly, showing a surprised look, saying: "You, you Does that mean Master Fade Chen Chen who defeated Sun's ancestors? "

" Anyone but him? "Wei Tian smiled.

Recognized by Wei Tian, Han Hu was even more surprised. He glanced at Fade Chen with a doubtful look. "He, is he Master Chen?"

Wei Tian didn't answer directly, but looked at Han Hu with a smile, saying: "If you don't believe it, you can give it a try and see what will happen in the end."

The expression on Han Hu's face changed a little. He heard a lot of rumors about Master Chen and knew that Master Chen was very young. Moreover, Master Chen was originally from Long'an City. And this Weitian also happens to be a person from Long'an City.

With such a thought, the possibility that this person is Master Chen is extremely great.

Thinking of this, Han Hu couldn't help but tremble in his heart, his face showing horror. Then quickly and respectfully bowed to Fade Chen, anxiously apologizing: "I don't know Chen Da-" Before the

words were finished, Wei Tian directly interrupted Han Hu's words, saying: "Fei Ge does not like high- profile, some words You should n’t say it, do n’t say it, understand? ”

Han Hu froze and immediately moved his heart, knowing that Wei Tian meant that Fade Chen did not want to reveal his identity. So, Han Hu immediately changed his mouth: "We don't know it is Mr. Chen, you accidentally offended Mr. Chen, please ask Mr. Chen to forgive me?"

Fade Chen looked at Han Hu and said lightly: "Wei Tian is my friend, There are also friends who are studying martial arts in Weitian Wuguan. Do you understand what I mean? "

Han Tiger nodded and said: "..? I know, I'll apologize to the boss Wei Wei-day loss of all martial arts, we are willing to assume a force also please forgive me Mr. Chen"

Fade Chen gently nodded his head, then look to the Wei Tian.

Wei day after all, is to do business, to the martial arts industry to mix, so do not want to force the other anxious, then nodded and said:. "Since Korea boss said so, so, not stop it."

"Thank you, David Boss! "Han Hu quickly thanked.

Wei Tian nodded, and Han Hu was ready to take people away.

But at this moment, there was a brake sound outside the door, and then a young man yelled and heard

the voice coming in, "Dad, Dad, I heard that you are here? I was bullied and the car was hit by someone. , People were beaten. You must find a place for me! "During the talk

, everyone saw a young man with blue hair rushed in, and behind the man, he followed a young man. woman.

Everyone was puzzled when they saw the two. But when Fade Chen and Liang Pan saw the two, their faces changed immediately. Because these two guys are Han Shao and Zhang Ying they just met on the way.

Han Shao rushed to Han Hu and wanted to say something. As a result, he glanced and saw Fade Chen and Liang Pan opposite.

"Why are you here!" Suddenly, Han Shao was startled, and then he was angry and stared at the two.

Zhang Ying also got close to Han Shao, looked at Liang Pan and Fade Chen fiercely, and said: "You dare to appear before us."

Then Han Shao said to Han Hu: "Dad, they beat me and smashed My car. Hurry up and teach them a meal. "

After finishing, Han Shao was proud, and said to Liang Pan and Fade Chen: "You two, have you seen this? This is me, Taekwondo black belt nine-segment master, martial arts master of the early Xuan level. If you are acquainted, let me come over now Kneel to admit mistakes. "

Zhang Ying also looked smug, holding her arms and said:" Liang Pan, don't think that you are a big man, in front of Han Shao, they are just an ant. Don't roll over and apologize! "The

two He screamed with arrogance, without realizing it. After listening to their words, the face of Han Hu and his group all changed.

Han Hu looked pale and stared hard at Han Shao. He

shouted : "Shut up!" Han Shao was stunned and looked at his father in a puzzled way. What do I do? I want to retaliate— "

Han Hu raised his left hand and slapped it on Han Shao's face before he finished speaking. He shouted," Tie Zi, shut up. Don't kneel down to me yet, apologize to Mr. Chen Admit mistakes! "

" Dad, what are you doing with me, obviously they are-- "Han Shao was puzzled and still debating.

But Han Hu looked at Fade Chen's gloomy face, and his heart was horrified. He kicked directly at Han Shao's leg bend, and let Han Shao pour to the ground. Then he shouted: "Apologize to Mr. Chen!"

Han Shao suffocated in his heart, but he could only apologize to Fade Chen and Liang Pan when he saw his father's forehead full of anger.

Next to it, Zhang Ying, who was just so proud, was also stunned at this time, not understanding what was going on.

At this time, Han Hu stared at her directly and said, "What are you still standing for?"

Zhang Ying was suddenly scared and her legs softened, and she quickly fell to the ground and apologized to Fade Chen and Liang Pan.

The two apologized on their knees, and Han Hu looked at Fade Chen with a smiling face.

Fade Chen said nothing and looked at Liang Pan.

Liang Pan glanced at Zhang Ying, then withdrew it, and said softly to Fade Chen: "Mr. Chen, I don't want to see them anymore!"

Fade Chen nodded and waved coldly to Han Hu: "You go. "

" Yes, thank you Mr. Chen, thank you Mr. Chen! "Han Hu thanked quickly, and then took his son and a man and so on, and quickly left the martial arts hall.

Inside the martial arts hall, Fade Chen looked at the martial arts crowd who was shocked at him, clapped his hands, and said, "What are you doing, continue training!" In

an instant, the crowd recovered, and immediately a swarm of bees swarmed to Fade Chen, excited Asked for advice.

If before, the public instructors were a little surprised at Fade Chen's strength just because he defeated Zhang Mang. So now, they see Fade Chen easily defeated Han Hu at the early stage of Xuan Ji, and forced Han Hu to kneel to apologize. Everyone was completely conquered by Fade Chen, regardless of Fade Chen's strength or status.

Fade Chen looked at the enthusiastic crowd and did not hide it, and then directed them.

On the other side, Han Hu and his party who escaped from the Wei Tian Wu Pavilion looked dignified

at the moment, and their expressions were somber.

Han Shaoman covered his cheek with grievance and looked at his father, Han Hu, and said, "Dad, how did you just--"

Han Hu snorted without waiting for him to finish, and said, "Say, you and Mr. Chen, What the hell is going on? "


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