Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Seeing this, Fade Chen was speechless and couldn't help but knocked Zhu Lan's head and said, "What are you thinking about? I'm worried that you will be in danger again before I say I want to send you. Moreover, I'm married "

" Ah, you are married! "Zhu Lan looked at Fade Chen with some surprise." I didn't expect you to be so young that you are married. What kind of person is your wife? "

Fade Chen gave Zhu Lan a glance. Knocked on her head again, said: "Do you reporters, are you all so gossip?"

"Don't think you are tall, just knock on my head. If you are stupid, you will be responsible." Holding his head, a pair of big, dripping eyes looked at Fade Chen, pursing his mouth and muttering. At this time, the expression was not as serious as before, but it was a little girl-like.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but smiled, then found a bicycle, patted the back seat, and said: "Okay, don't knock on you. Let's take you home."

Zhu Lan smiled and then sat sideways In the back seat, he wrapped Fade Chen's waist with one hand, and then said, "I live in Huayu Apartment, do you know the way?"

Huayu Apartment is a high-end villa of good grade outside the Second Ring Road. The high-level white-collar workers of some nearby companies live. Of course, the price is not cheap. Fade Chen Macy's got Zhu Lan is quite rich.

However, he didn't say much, just nodded, said it, and then stepped on the bicycle.

The journey was not too far. About 40 minutes, Fade Chen sent Zhu Lan to the apartment and waved goodbye.

Zhu Lan, who came back to the apartment, threw things all over her bed, then immediately opened her laptop and started to sort out the previous interviews and information.

After a busy day, Fade Chen's interview was finally sorted out, the first draft was finalized, and then sent to the editorial department.

Stretching a lazy waist, Zhu Lan immediately took off the necklace hanging around her neck, pulled out the small ornament on the necklace, and then exposed an interface. This necklace turned out to be a small USB flash drive.

Plug the interface into the computer, Zhu Lan's expression became serious, and began to browse and organize the data in the USB disk.

While finishing her mouth muttered out: "This incident turned out so many companies involved, there are more than twenty full almost all of them related to the fraud and bribery to the relevant review individual products.."

"There In the next review meeting, 18 of the more than 20 companies have entered the final review. It is enough to see the confusion of the entire industry. "

" Before the review meeting, there seemed to be a party, those judges and participating in the review

Companies will send people to go. It is a good opportunity to collect evidence secretly. "Zhu Lan pondered," This is, this kind of party, if you want to mix in, I am afraid it is difficult? After all, my current identity, in Some bosses have already been exposed. "

Just as Zhu Lan frowned, she suddenly glanced at a business card set aside, which Fade Chen just gave her.

Upon seeing the introduction on Fade Chen's business card, Zhu Lan couldn't help but illuminate his eyes, "I didn't expect him to be an autumn group, or a manager. Now, I have a solution."

Immediately, Zhu Lan got excited.

Fade Chen finally returned home.

It must be said that today's time is really busy.

First, they had dinner with Fatty Huang and Wei Tian, but they encountered a provocation by Taekwondo. Then, he was busy dealing with Liang Panjiaolou. Immediately afterwards, Liang Pan led to Zhang Ying's affairs, and finally came to a conflict with the Taekwondo Hall in the martial arts hall.

When he thought everything was over, he didn't expect that a female reporter suddenly appeared and encountered such a thing.

This life is also rich enough.

So, in the next two days, Fade Chen was almost paralyzed at home, did not go anywhere, and took a good rest.

In the past two days, his wife Lin Qiuhan was so busy that he even stayed at the company overnight. Fade Chen then went to the company to ask about the situation, only to learn that Lin Qiuhan and Wei Ling were busy receiving the review work of the review team from Beijing.

After a few days of busyness, finally, the review work was over. Lin Qiuhan finally relaxed and returned home.

Fade Chen immediately gave a massage to his wife to relax, pressed his wife's fragrant sweat, her face flushed blushing, and made a tempting moan. As a result, Fade Chen was so tempted that he couldn't control it, and directly hung out like a hungry wolf, and had a big battle with his wife for 300 rounds.

After the fierce battle, Lin Qiuhan frowned lightly and gave Fade Chen a strange look, saying: "I blame you, chaos. I was tired enough, and you are the same again. There will be an important party tomorrow. It's inconvenient to participate. "

Fade Chen approached with a big hand, gently touched his wife's body, and smiled:" If it's inconvenient, don't participate! "

" You're talking lightly! "Lin Qiuhan glared at Fade Chen," That The party was not a general party, but was jointly organized by the companies participating in the review, and invited the people in the Beijing review team. If the party had a good relationship with the review team, the final review result would be stable. "

Fade Chendao: "It's so troublesome to have a relationship with them! Isn't it a matter of course to judge the state-level brand-name products based on our company's product quality? Besides, you didn't say that before. Is the product evaluation very good? "

Lin Qiuhan gave Fade Chen a blank look and said:" It's good to be good, but before the final evaluation result is out, everything is not final. We must do our best. OK. Also, you have to go to the party tomorrow. "

"Well, my wife, let me go, I will go!" Fade Chen laughed, "However, my wife, let's take a good rest now!" During the

speech, Fade Chen's big hand began to slide down, probing some of the bedding The secret.

Lin Qiuhan suddenly blushed, holding Fade Chen's big hand, and said: "I'm tired, there is something wrong tomorrow, you don't want to come."

Fade Chen smiled and said: "My wife is tired, then I will give you a massage and relax "

Regarding the massage, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but think of the scene of the fierce battle between the two just now, and he couldn't help getting a red face, whispering:" No, no, I'm going to sleep! "

" We were already sleeping! " Hehe smiled, his hands hard, began to knead and massage up.

Suddenly, Lin Qiuhan's face was more ruddy, and a muffled humming sound was suppressed, and his body also became hot, writhing gently.

Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but smiled, pulled on the quilt, and the whole person flew up like a hungry wolf.

Suddenly, the spring colors in the garden couldn't be closed, and the red waves flew over the luan birds.


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