Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

Chapter 582

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Hengdong snorted and said directly, "Things are already clear, let's do it!"

Suddenly, seven or eight security guards came to Fade Chen and they would be pressed to the ground.

Fade Chen cold swept them a look, said: "Wang Song intentionally crashed us, almost causing a serious car accident at the moment we'd want to apologize to Wang, head of this black and white reversed effort, but added much ah.!"

His words live Everyone's face changed slightly, and the whispered comments and instructions all rang.

Although many people believe Fade Chen in their hearts. After all, they had seen this loose young character during this time and knew how he was.

However, knowing that Gui knows that almost all of the people present are doing business. This kind of thing will not be said at all.

After all, their product review results are still in the hands of Wang Hengdong. At this time, no one is willing to come forward and touch Wang Hengdong's mold.

Moreover, from another point of view, the fall group and Wang Hengdong fall out, and the final judging result is very likely to fail. For people in the same industry, it is a good thing to have reduced one of the biggest competitors.

Therefore, although there are a lot of people talking about it, there are none who come forward to be fair.

Upon seeing this, Wang Hengdong flashed a smug smile on his face, and then shouted, "It is clear that you deliberately hurt someone, and you are still messing around here. The security guard, still stunned, do it!" The

security guards rushed over to Chen Flying hands.

At the same time, Wang Hengdong's eyes flashed, and he quietly pointed in the direction of Lin Qiuhan and Wei Ling.

Someone immediately noticed, separated two security guards, and surrounded the second daughter.

Seeing this situation, Wang Hengdong and Wang Song father and son both smiled.

They seemed to have seen the good things that were about to happen, and Fade Chen was pressed to the ground to apologize. The two beautiful women, Lin Qiuhan and Wei Ling, were taken to their rooms, and they were happy and happy.

But, just when they smiled, waiting for good things to come.

Fade Chen shouted loudly, and the sound of the waves slammed away, directly shaking the safety of several people around him. Shaking his head one by one, he collapsed to the ground dizzy.

Then, Fade Chen glanced at the two bodyguards approaching Zhao Weiling and Lin Qiuhan, his eyes suddenly cold, showing a chill.

His figure moved, and he rushed directly to the second woman, snapped twice, and flew the two security guards out.

Immediately, Fade Chen moved again, came to Wang Hengdong and Wang Song, his expression was cold, and said: "You, damn it!" The

two were just still imagining the beauty, when they suddenly found Fade Chen rushed in front of him, suddenly shocked. , An instinctive retreat, wanted to avoid Fade Chen's attack.

But what about Fade Chen, could the two of them escape.

The two hadn't had time to move yet. Fade Chen punched the two directly on the face door of the two, causing their cheeks to swell up and the nose and blood spewing out.

They covered their noses for a while, and Fade Chen was kicked on the ground by one person. He knocked them heavily on the ground, banged with two loud noises, and instantly passed out.

Fade Chen didn't understand his hatred, but he also punched and kicked them in a burst, punching them with bruised nose and swollen face. In the end, Wei Ling and Lin Qiuhan came over to hold him back, and he stopped.

With such a disturbance, this party will not be able to continue.

The three of the autumn group left the venue directly. Outside, Zhu Lan, who slipped out sometime,

came to Fade Chen and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

Fade Chen shook his head and said:. "? Nothing you do well over there,"

Zhu Lan nodded and smiled and said: "got some useful things, so I went back finishing some, will be able to announce the."

Fade Chen laughed: "Well, I wish you success."

"Thank you!" Zhu Lan nodded, and then the two parties parted ways and left each other.

At this time, after seeing Fade Chen's departure in the meeting place, they dare to call an ambulance and rushed to the hospital to stun Wang Hengdong and Wang Song.

The next day, the news of the provincial capital was calm, but there was no news about yesterday's party.

After all, this party is a party for major cosmetics companies to pull relationships, and the original intention was not very fair and bright. In addition, the team leader and son of the judging team were beaten, and things became even worse.

However, the news is not reported, does not mean that things have no effect.

In the cosmetics industry, due to the impact of this incident, there has been a surge of turmoil.

Originally, the autumn group's existence in the provincial capital was entirely a giant. The results of this review were almost iron and steel. The final number of places to participate in international exhibitions

was also the autumn group.

But because of this sudden incident, the autumn group's review results became confusing. Some cosmetics companies that were originally on the second line also started to move around at this time, trying to win this time.

In the hospital where Wang Hengdong and Wang Song lived, in recent days, almost the people who were visited have leveled the threshold.

In the autumn group, the momentum is somewhat lower. After all, the company prepared for more than half a month, but in the end, it failed for such a reason, which made many employees feel angry and depressed.

Lin Qiuhan knew that the judging would be impossible in the end, but he didn't care too much. After all, the product quality and word-of-mouth of the Autumn Group are there. The result of this review is icing on the cake. If not, there will not be much impact. It will only slow down the development of some companies.

Therefore, Lin Qiuhan deliberately opened an employee meeting and expressed his attitude at the meeting, and at the same time issued a total of up to 10 million bonuses to all employees. Suddenly boosted the low morale.

The company is back to normal, and the day when the final review results come out is coming.

The preparation work for the exhibition is also in full swing. Some big-name cosmetics companies at home and abroad have already begun to send people to settle in. It's an enterprise on the provincial side. The final quota has not yet been determined.

In this tense atmosphere, finally, the review team announced the results of the review.

Among the more than 20 cosmetic companies participating in the review, in the end, there were a total of 18 companies that passed the national brand review, of which five companies had excellent results and the rest were qualified. In addition, one of the five most famous companies, "Aoba Beauty", won the final place to represent the provincial capital.

If the results of these reviews are still expected by everyone, then the next news released by the review team will make the whole market a bit upset.


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