Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Fade Chen couldn't help but look to Zhu Lan, thinking of Zhu Lan asking himself about seafood allergies last night. At that time, Fade Chen thought that she used it for her own purpose, but did not expect it to be for the purpose of President Zhu. It seems that the relationship between the two is not ordinary!

At the moment, Wang Hengdong, President Yu and Director Xu were stunned. They didn't even think that Chairman Zhu had personally used the autumn products. For a time, several people's faces sank, and some did not know what to do.

Wish Upon seeing the president, Chen Sheng Leng Heng said:. "? Such effect is a good product, you gave me that substandard quality that I'd like to ask you, what kind of product, it belongs to the quality of qualified products"

face Questioning President Zhu's stern voice, Wang Hengdong and others looked more and more gloomy, their eyes kept turning, their eyes glorious and flickering.

In the end, Wang Hengdong gritted his teeth, his eyes showing a firm color, looked up to Zhu Xuyang, gritted his teeth and said: "President Zhu, maybe the autumn group products just cured the seafood allergy. But this does not represent the quality of their products. There is no problem. "

" After all, the short-term effects of many prohibited items are also very good. I am still not at ease about the quality of the autumn group's products. "

Wang Hengdong said with a firm expression, immediately letting many people around move. Secretly

pondered. Faintly, some people nodded accordingly, seemingly agree with Wang Hengdong's words.

Upon seeing this, Wang Hengdong felt a little ecstatic, and his uneasy heart eased a little. After all, if oneself is committed to the quality problems of the Autumn Group, even President Zhu Xuyang cannot prove it directly.

This way, although offended Zhu Xuyang, but he may still be able to gain a reputation for fearing power and insisting on checking the quality of products. There may be another opportunity.

If you serve softly at this time, then Zhu Xuyang must have offended and died, and her reputation has been ruined, then she will have nothing.

It is with these considerations in mind that Wang Hengdong insisted on the issue of the quality of Autumn Group products.

After listening to Wang Hengdong's words, Yu Zong and Director Xu's eyes lighted up, and soon understood Wang Hengdong's meaning, and then began to speak out.

"President Zhu, the quality of the Autumn Group ’s products is determined by the review team. It is by no means arbitrary by Team Leader Wang."

"That is, the short-term effect of the product is good, but it may cause long-term negative effects. Zhu Hui If you want to use these products for a long time, you still need to be more cautious. ”

Listening to their words, Zhu Xuyang said to Shen Shenshui, Shen Sheng shouted:“ It ’s all time, you are still

quibbling in front of me? ” Wang Hengdong shuddered in his heart, but his mouth But he firmly said: "I wish President, I do n’t understand what you mean, we have no place for quibbling, and we are telling the truth!"

Yu Zong and Director Xu immediately spoke to the mouth: "Please wish the Chairman to be clear- minded, we really do not have "A false statement."

Zhu Xuyang looked at the three people who sang the harmony, looking at the iron blue, directly took out a few stacks of documents, and threw them in front of them, coldly said: "This is the review data of your review team. The corresponding relevance is directly proportional to each other. I would like to ask you to tell me why there is such a big one but it becomes small, which is completely irregular. Value? "

Zhu Xuyang directly pointed out several index values in the evaluation results and asked Wang Hengdong.

Seeing this, Wang Hengdong suddenly turned pale, and some did not know how to explain it. After all, those numbers were filled out casually by him, as long as they failed.

As for the corresponding law, he never considered it. This kind of data may not be obvious to laymen. But for President Zhu's expert, he saw the flaw at a glance.

Suddenly, Wang Hengdong sweated on his forehead, and his lips shivered to explain, saying: "Here, these data may be experimental errors!"

"Experimental error?" Zhu Xuyang snorted coldly, then pulled out a stack of data and asked, "This is the result of the autumn group product testing in the Provincial University Laboratory. The difference

between the two data is more than 3% Hundred, you tell me, is this an error? "

" This, this-- "Wang Hengdong couldn't explain it.

Zhu Xuyang stared at him fiercely and asked, "Don't tell me, you will make such a big mistake even with this most basic test. If so, what use does our association want you to use as a review team?" "

Wang Hengdong knew he had exposed the stuff, but now the matter was over, he could only gritt his teeth and find excuses:" Perhaps, maybe the experimenter was negligent and filled in the wrong data. "

Director Yu and Xu immediately immediately explained.

"President Zhu, this kind of thing hasn't happened."

"Yes, President Zhu. This time, Team Wang's review team reviewed the products of more than 20 companies, with hundreds of samples. The wrong data is also a very likely thing. "

Zhu Xuyang looked at Mr. Yu of Aoba Beauty, sneered, and said," Really? Then I have a question to ask you about Aoba Beauty. " "

Zong Yu groaned for a moment, and a bad feeling came into his heart.

And Zhu Xuyang, at this moment, he has already produced two stacks of information and dumped it to Mr. Yu, saying: "Could you please explain to me your green leaf beauty products. Why the results of the review and the test results made at the Provincial University The data is so much different? Isn't it true that your data was also mistakenly filled in by the experimenter? "

Yu Zong looked white, his heart jumped wildly, his brain quickly turned around, looking for an excuse. "

Zhu Xuyang didn't wait for him to say anything. He slammed directly and said," No excuses. I don't know what you think you are doing. "

Wang Hengdong and President Yu heard that they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts and gave a bad hunch.

At this time, Zhu Xuyang turned his head to look at Zhu Lan, then nodded.

Zhu Lan came out, looked at Wang Hengdong they sneer, the channel: "As a reporter, this time, I'd take some interesting pictures now, I want to put to you and take a look.."

Yuehua Jian, Zhu Lan nodded to Fade Chen, and Fade Chen immediately ordered to the autumn group booth.

As a result, the large screen of the booth flickered, and then a picture appeared.

The light on the screen was dim and flickering, and it seemed to be in a private room in a nightclub. Subsequently, several figures appeared in the picture.

Needless to say, everyone immediately recognized the people in the figure, including Wang Hengdong and President Yu.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hengdong and President Yu suddenly looked bloodless, and the whole person collapsed to the ground, revealing the color of despair in their eyes.


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