Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Amid all kinds of discussion, the Yue family, Qi Yuxuan, came over. And when their team was close to Chen Fei, Chen Fei could not help but narrow his eyes, his eyes dignified.

Because, in the Yue family, he saw the figures of Yu Qingmei and Yu Qin. The two were guarded by the two Yue family members from left to right and followed behind Yue Qiaoyu.

If viewed from the position, the two can be said to be in good standing. However, from the moment when Yu Qingmei's eyebrows were drooping, Chen Fei couldn't see a bit of excitement, but instead showed sadness in her eyebrows.

Suddenly, Chen Fei frowned, and then whispered, "Sister Qing Mei!"

Hearing Chen Fei's cry, Yu Qingmei looked up and looked down at Chen Fei, and couldn't help but reveal a surprise The expression, can't help but laugh out.

However, at this time Yue Qiaoyu also heard Chen Fei's voice, and looked at it, with a bit of chill in his eyes, and shot at Chen Fei violently, his lips moved, but there was no noise, but Chen Fei Still seeing what he meant, "You-dead!"

Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he gestured directly at Yue Qiaoyu and wiped his neck.

Yue Qiaoyu's eyes shrank fiercely for a moment, his footsteps also stopped for a moment, and a muffled noise came out.

Seeing this, Yu Qingmei couldn't help but show her anxiety, and quickly waved to Chen Fei, whispering: "I'm fine, you don't want to be impulsive."

Chen Fei nodded, then shook his fist to Yu Qingmei, firmly said: Sister Qing Mei, no matter what happens, I will not let them hurt you. "

Wen Yan, Yu Qingmei's beautiful eyes, could not help a watery mist, her mouth moved, and wanted to say something. But before speaking, Yu Qin covered her mouth at once, pulled her to speed up, and embarked on the cruise.

The Yue family boarded the ship and entered the lake. Behind them, there was a team from Perak Gate.

Among the ranks, the pale and gloomy Changzhi stared at Chen Fei fiercely, with a strong hatred in his eyes. When passing by Chen Fei, he directly threatened Chen Fei and wiped his neck. gesture.

Chen Fei didn't take it seriously and responded to him with the same gesture.

The nature of the subsequent appearance is the sponsor of this martial arts conference-the Sun family in the provincial city.

When the Sun family with local advantages came out, there was a burst of warm cheers and shouts at the scene, and people continued to shout to the Sun family for cheering. After all, the competition of the martial arts conference is also equivalent to a game of martial arts people from the five provinces. If the Sun family can achieve good results, the martial arts of the provincial capital will also be happy and excited.

Facing the warm cry, Sun Fengqin, who had always been indifferent, showed a smile in the corner of his mouth, nodded slightly to everyone, and returned his support.

Later, when Sun Fengqin was about to approach Chen Fei, she raised her hands, bowed respectfully to Chen Fei, and said, "Chen

Da- " Chen Fei understood her meaning and knew that she wanted to invite herself to board the ship. . However, Chen Fei didn't want to wait for the ship to be bored now, so he waved to Sun Fengqin and signaled that he was free.

Sun Fengqin froze, then nodded, bowed respectfully in the direction of Chen Fei, and then strode meteor into the cruise ship.

This behavior made everyone wonder for a while. What Sun Fengqin wanted to say at the time, who she bowed to, and who was it.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd, but it created a small mystery for this martial arts conference.

"Senior Sun seems to be bowing to someone just now? Am

I reading it right?" " Yes , I saw it."

"Who is that person, I can get the bow from Senior Sun , It ’s really amazing! "

"Can it be the legendary Master Chen?"

"It is possible, but on this occasion, Master Chen should appear on the cruise ship!"

"If it is not Master Chen, who is that, can get Senior Sun So respectful? "

Amidst the rumors of discussion, all the martial arts forces boarded their respective cruise ships, and the cruise ships also gathered towards Lake Heart Island.

After some of the largest cruise ships left, some smaller cruise ships appeared on the shore.

Among the crowds on the shore, a figure flew out immediately. After stepping on the boat, these figures seemed to be the volley of the sword, gliding along the boat to the lake heart island.

"Spirit Fox Sword, Dong Jiang!"

"Jiangnan Rain, Ping Yan!"

"Jiangnan, Jiang Family!"

A small boat, accompanied by a name, drove towards the Lake Island after the big ship.

The warriors on the shore listened to these titles and were excited again.

"Dong Jiang, I didn't expect Dong Jiang to come, but he hasn't appeared in more than ten years!"

"Pingyan beauty also appeared, she is still the same beauty, it is the fairy sister in my dream."

" Unexpectedly, the Jiang family also appeared. This time the Sun family was full of face. They invited so many martial arts guests from other provinces to come and cheer. "

" This five provinces martial arts conference seems to be brilliant! "

These newspapers are famous Many of the martial artists of the No. do not belong to the five provinces of this martial arts conference, and all of them came to participate as guests.

Just as everyone shouted, two figures jumped into the boat one after the other.


Sanhezong , He Yongshan!" "Lingyunzong, Zhuo Dongquan!" Sanhezong and Lingyunzong

are also all Xuan-class forces, comparable in strength to the Sun family. This time they also came as guests.

Originally, among so many guest warriors, the two were not conspicuous and nothing special.

But when the two set foot on the boat, they did not leave directly like other warriors, but turned around and bowed to the crowd on the shore, and said loudly.

"He Yongshan met the master, thank the master for his mercy last time!"

"Zhuo Dongquan saw the master, thank the master for the kindness of Ling Yunzong to help me!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but show a smile, lightly Nodded slightly, and then waved his hand, indicating

that the two of them would not use it.

The two saw Chen Fei's small movements, and after arching their hands again, they immediately turned around and stepped on the boat towards the lake's heart island.

Chen Fei and the two knew well, but the other martial arts around saw it like this, but they were confused.

They did not know how the two Xuan-level masters, He Yongshan and Zhuo Dongquan, bowed to the warriors on the shore to express their gratitude.

You know, the people who can help them, strength and power, at least one thing is not bad. As long as there is one of these two points, it is not a problem to go on the boat and approach the lake heart island. How can you stay on the shore and get together with ordinary warriors to watch from a distance.

Therefore, they are puzzled, who the hell are they worshiping?


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