Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 632

Chapter 632

Chapter 632

Chapter 632

Seeing this, Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of cold light flashed, and he hummed, and his fist was also gripped, and he was about to fight back.

But just before the henhouse head was about to start, a few other Harley-Motors came by. The same young men with the henhouse head came over and said to the henhouse head: "Lao Yao, Xu Shao's The convoy is coming. If you do n’t come to help, what is going on there? ”

The old lady heard his cry and immediately closed his fists. He shouted to the chicken nest next to him,“ I know, Xu Shao's things cannot be delayed.

During the talk, Lao Yao's chicken nest turned around and left, but when he left, he did not forget to turn around, glaring at Chen Fei fiercely, threatening: "Boy, I remember you. During this time, your best Don't stay in Long'an City, otherwise, you will know the consequences. "

Chen Feiwen said that he didn't take the other party's threats at heart, but looked forward, frowning.

Because, these young chicken nest head young men, after stopping the motorcycle, walked to the front row of traffic policemen, and said something to a captain-like middle-aged traffic policeman.

Then, several traffic policemen and those chicken nest heads, then walked to the blocked vehicle, knocked on the window of the vehicle, and then shouted to the drivers.

Suddenly, many drivers complained and dissatisfied.

"Why should I close the road?"

"Why should I move the car ? I'm driving normally. Which point has violated the rules?"

"I have an emergency at home, can I do it well, and let me go first?"

"You are a violation." , I want to report you. "

Some people threatened and some begged, but in the end they had no effect.

Under the deterrence of the traffic police and Jiwotou, the vehicles in front had to move slowly, and they stiffly stood in the road, opening a passage.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei frowned slightly and whispered to himself: "The traffic police closed the road and opened the road artificially. Is there any big leader

coming to inspect this posture?" Just as Chen Fei muttered, a traffic policeman approached , Directed to Chen Fei: "Reverse, stop over there!"

Chen Fei started the car as directed by the traffic police. At the same time, he couldn't help but ask: "Comrade Traffic Police, what's going on? Is the leader inspecting?" The

traffic police waved at Chen Fei impatiently, glared at him, and shouted, "Ask so much? What do you do? Do n’t talk nonsense! ”

Chen Fei was stunned for a while, his expression sinking, but he thought that the other party might

have received the order from his superior, and he had no choice but to get angry. Instead, he reversed the car and stopped at the designated location.

Upon seeing this, the traffic police nodded and then directed the vehicles behind to go.

On this side, many drivers who had parked in front of the car got out of the car and leaned on the railing of the roadside, smoking and chatting.

Seeing this, Chen Fei also found a pack of cigarettes and walked towards them.

Smoke was emitted to several drivers, and Chen Fei asked: "Brother, what's going on? Is the leader inspecting?"

A middle-aged driver took Chen Fei's cigarette and lit it in his mouth, deeply He took a sip, spit out a white mist, and then said with emotion: "The shit leader inspection? Now it's tightly grasped, how can a leader dare to come to this set?"

"It's not a leader inspection, what's going on? And the traffic police came to seal Road, this posture is a bit big! "Chen Fei asked.

The middle-aged driver looked at Chen Fei and said, "Boy, are you a foreigner?"

Chen Fei pointed to his vehicle and said, "Here from the provincial capital to visit relatives."

"That's no wonder!" Middle-aged The driver said, "If we in Long'an, we should be used to this kind of thing."

"Use this kind of thing? Is this kind of thing very common in Long'an before?" Chen Fei was a little surprised.

Middle-aged driver said: ".. Before it touches much, just recently two months since the only thing to us who Gangster City, Long An, things of this road closure, the more the"

"big brother "Uncle Long?" Chen Fei frowned lightly and asked.

The middle-aged driver glanced at Chen Fei and said, "Yo, you still know Uncle Long, it seems that you still know a little bit about our city

of Long'an !" Chen Fei pointed to Lin Qiuhan in the car and smiled: "My wife is from Long'an City!"

"No wonder!" The middle-aged driver nodded and immediately sighed, "However, the information you know is outdated."

"Before, our boss in Long'an City was indeed Uncle Long ." And Master Chen on top of Uncle Long. However, since Master Chen left Long'an City, Uncle Long often went out and spent much less time in Long'an City. "

" So, recently, there was a Xu Shao, The momentum is very strong, and the strength is also good. It has become our big brother in Long'an City! "

" Xu Shao? "Chen Fei did not know when Xu Shao came out of Long'an City.

The middle-aged driver heard some gossip and told Chen Fei with great interest: "This Xu Juvenile is not very old, but it is similar to you. He came to our city of Long'an two months ago, and he defeated

our dragon with one shot Several local masters in Anshi quickly made a name for themselves. "

" And, he was generous, and soon gathered a group of people. The momentum became

stronger in Longan, China. " Chen Feiwen said, even more curious And wondered, "This Xu Shao, came from outside! He is so big in Long'an City. Doesn't the local forces matter? Uncle Long is not there, and the people under his hands don't care anymore?"

The middle-aged driver said: "Don't it matter? It's just that Xu Shao is also clever in doing things. During this time, although he was quite busy, he basically did not have any substantial conflict with Uncle Long's forces. So, Uncle Long ’s The Longteng Group did not do

anything with this Xu Shao. " " Moreover, I heard some news that this Xu Shao is on it, it also matters. Therefore, even Uncle Long's forces would not dare to easily deal with this Xu Shao. " novelbin

" Does it matter? Does Xu Shao know the official person? "Chen Feidao said.

The middle-aged driver said: "Of course I know, otherwise, do you think anyone can send traffic police to close the road? Such a big situation can not be achieved by fighting."

"From this perspective, this Xu Shao is indeed more powerful than Uncle Long, "the driver said with emotion.

"Brother, listen to what you say, Xu Shao often closes the road!" Chen Fei said.

The driver sighed and said, "That's not it. This month alone, I have encountered three road closures due to Xu Shao. This is the fourth time today."

"So frequently, does that affect everyone? Travel normally. "Chen Fei frowned.

"Isn't it!" The middle-aged driver exclaimed. "Every time the road is closed, more than an hour short, long time, three or four hours is possible. Today, this time, I don't know how long to wait. ”


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