Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 643

Chapter 643

Chapter 643

Chapter 643

Immediately, a thin figure came up, his eyes cold, his voice low, it was Hou Dong.

Speaking of Hong Ge, who was on Xing's head, when he heard the voice, he immediately frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "Lao is talking about me and the Monkey King, who is interjecting here! Damn, what

is-- " He turned his head scoldingly. When I came, I saw a thin and thin man in front of me, but the whole person seemed to be chopped by thunder and shivered violently. Then he said, "Monkey, Monkey King. Why are you here?"

The name Monkey King The first exit immediately shocked the scene's gangsters. One by one, he looked at Hou Dong in astonishment, and then his face changed drastically.

Hou Dong snorted

coldly and said, "I heard that someone is playing my name, and bullying is here, so I will come to see it naturally." Wen Yan, Hong Ge's face changed, and he wished to smoke himself a few Slap, regret in my heart.

However, his face still Peizhuoxiaolian, effort, explains: "Monkey King, I, I was joking how I dare to do bad things with your name it this, it was all a misunderstanding.?."

Having , Hong Ge made a stern look at Chen Fei and Uncle Liu ’s son here. The meaning was self- evident, “Come on, hurry up with me!”

Uncle Liu ’s son moved his eyes, his mouth moved, and said: Monkey King, this, this is indeed a misunderstanding. This house belongs to my house, I want to sell the house. Hongge did not bully the bully. "

Hongge quickly said:" Yes, this is it. Monkey King, this is the way, It ’s just a misunderstanding. ”

Next to this, Chen Fei could n’t help kicking Uncle Liu ’s son and gave him a hard look.

Then, Chen Fei looked at Brother Hong and said coldly: "I don't know what happened. You--"

As soon as Chen Fei was about to speak, Hong Ge suddenly stared at Chen Fei suddenly, lowering his voice and threatening: "You talk nonsense, be careful of Lao Tzu-" Do

n't wait for Hong Ge to finish, Hou Dong stepped forward and slapped directly On the back of Hongge ’s head, he yelled angrily: “How did you talk to Mr. Chen! Are you looking for death!”

Then, Hou Dong walked in front of Chen Fei and bowed respectfully, said: “Mr. Chen, I ’ve brought someone "

Chen Fei nodded and said," Yes, let's deal with the matter here! "

After finishing, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan turned back to the room.

Hou Dong respectfully watched Chen Fei return to the house, and then turned around, looking coldly and horribly at Hong Ge and others.

At this moment, everyone in Hong Ge saw this scene, and the whole person was stunned, completely dumbfounded, and some unbelievable murmured.

"This, this can not be right!"

"Well, the man who in the end? Monkey King so how will he respect?"

"My eyes took it? I am not wrong it!"

In a shocked expression, Hou Dong drank coldly and said, "Don't tell the truth, would you like me to do it yourself?" At

this time, Hong Ge was trembling with fright, and how dare to conceal anything, only the whole thing could be written in one hundred and fifty Everything is explained.

Hou Dong immediately took care of the situation here. After it was done, Hou Dong came to the house respectfully and reported the relevant situation to Chen Fei.

This Hongge took ordinary people, in this old community, in a threatening way, got a dozen houses at a low price, and was preparing to meet the upcoming demolition. If he succeeds, he will eventually make a profit of tens of millions.

However, now Hou Dong came forward, and Hongge returned all the houses he had previously threatened to occupy.

Chen Fei understood the situation, then nodded, and said to Hou Dongdao: "These things, you deal with it, I am at ease."

Hou Dong nodded, and then said: "Mr. Chen, you told me before, about Long An The chaotic things in the underground world of the city,

I-- " Chen Fei waved his hand and said:" I still have something now, and I will talk about it later. You go back to investigate the situation and do all kinds of preparations. There is something similar to this one. You should pay more attention to the chaotic situation in the community. "

" Yes! "Hou Dongdao.

"Okay, then you go back first!" Chen Fei waved.

Hou Dong then respectfully took his own people away.

Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan immediately bid farewell to Uncle Liu and Auntie and left.

As for Uncle Liu's son, looking at Uncle Liu's face, Chen Fei didn't fight hard. But he also ordered Hou Dong to take him away, a good lesson.

Hou Dong has been in the underground world for so many years. There are too many ways to deal with this kind of eating, drinking, betting and delicious lazy. I believe that in the hands of Hou Dong, within a week, that guy will definitely be able to get rid of the bad things on his body.

The matter on Uncle Liu's side was handled properly. Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan drove towards Lin Qiuhan's father Lin Zhidong's grave.

Although some time was delayed because of the house, fortunately, the cemetery was in this area, not

too far from Uncle Liu ’s community.

Therefore, at 10:30 in the morning, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan rushed into the cemetery.

The cemetery is very large and thousands of people are buried here. The dense tombstones are neatly arranged, giving a solemn feeling.

Coupled with the flowers placed in front of some tombstones, the scented paper money burning in front of some tombstones, and the rising smoke, lingering over the cemetery, the sound of silent birdsongs and bugs makes people feel as if they have entered a piece A different kind of world.

Here, meditate, close your eyes, and smell the fragrance in the air. The spirit seems to be floating, seeing the sounds and smiles of those friends and family who used to be.

Since today is not a festival of ceremonies, there are not many people in the large cemetery and it seems very quiet.

However, even so, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan slowed down and moved forward solemnly. This is a kind of courtesy and respect, respect for those who are buried here, respect for their relatives and friends in the world.

Lin Zhidong was very quiet, so Lin Qiuhan and his mother Xie Lingshuang, when choosing the cemetery for Lin Zhidong, set the location on the quietest corner of the cemetery.

Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan walked towards that side because of the inaccessibility, the grass and trees on the walkway were obviously more vigorous, and even the stone road was drowned.

The wild vegetation and shade of the trees make this place more quiet and even cold. In particular, the light breeze blowing from time to time makes some people feel slightly chilly. In such a place, one cannot help but think of some legends like ghosts.

However, Lin Qiuhan did not believe this, Chen Fei was not afraid of these, and the two were naturally not afraid.

Lin Zhidong's tomb position was about to arrive. At this moment, suddenly, there was a loud noise of music in the silent cemetery.


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