Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Chapter 653

At the moment, Chen Fei, Qi Jian and Wang Bin, looking at Liu Na, almost burst out of fire in their eyes. They wished to rush over and beat the hypocritical guy.

Just when things were stalemate, Chen Fei turned around and looked back, and then said: "Yes, I almost forgot. The surveillance is installed in the yard. What is the matter? Just look at the surveillance video and it will be clear at a glance. "

Wen Yan said, Liu Na couldn't help but change her face drastically, and she was almost as soft as possible.

The faces of Qi Jian and Wang Bin showed excitement and excitement.

Ma Dong looked at Liu Na around him, and there was a slight suspicion on his face. It's just that Liu Na didn't want to give up the last chance. She thought in her heart that Chen Fei deliberately defrauded herself. In fact, there was no monitoring in the hospital. After all, the villa of this rich family has always paid attention to privacy and should not be monitored.

Liu Na is actually right. In the villa courtyard, when Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan were still living, they did not install monitoring. But later, after the two went to the provincial capital. Mother Wang is alone, and sometimes she is not there. Therefore, for safety reasons, monitoring was installed in the courtyard of the villa.

While Liu Na was still holding her last hope, the monitoring was tuned out. What happened just now in the courtyard was photographed clearly.

But after watching the video, everyone looked white.

Qi Jian, Lin Qiuhan and Wang Ma looked at Liu Na's eyes even colder. They just heard a few words of Liu Na just now, but now through the video, they saw Liu Na's completely disdainful words.

Ma Dong's face changed at the moment. Shaking off Liu Na who hugged herself fiercely, she said in a cold voice: "You tell me, what's going on?"

Liu Na's face was completely frozen at the moment, froze in place, not knowing what to say. Could he tell Ma Dong the truth, he was so arduous and wanted to find a spare tire to play with.

Seeing dumb Liu Na, Ma Dong slapped Liu Na straight and slapped, coldly said: "Later, get away from me."

Then, Ma Dong puffed up and fell on Chen Feihe before Linqiu Han, said: ".. the total forest, Chen I'm sorry, I just disrespectful speech, also requested two adults do not remember villain, forgive me once,"

Chen Fei waved his hand and said: "you are being deceived, to Qi Jian Apologize to Mother Wang, I won't pursue it anymore. "

Ma Dong nodded quickly, then apologized to Qi Jian and Mother Wang.

Qi Jian and Wang Ma were so soft-hearted that they saw Ma Dong kneeling and apologized and quickly helped him up.

Ma Dong was lifted up, looked up at Qi Jian's face, and suddenly thought of something, his face was startled, said: "You, are you General Qi?"

Qi Jian said: "My name is Qi Jian!"

Lin Qiuhan said at this time : "Qi Jian is in charge of the business of health wine under our Autumn Group." After

this remark, Ma Dong instantly confirmed Qi Jian's identity, and he was shocked. He quickly said: "Mr. Qi, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I do not know you, I once again apologize to you and your mother. "

after the apology finished, Ma Dong Na Liu stared at, shouted sternly:"? you also stunned with what, do not come to apologize to the sum of Qi aunt "

" President Qi? "Liu Na was a little stunned, and didn't understand why Ma Dong used such a name.

Ma Dong said in a cold voice: "Qi Jianqi is always the general manager of the health wine business in Long'an City, managing the business of health wine over 100 million in Long'an City. You don't know Taishan, and even disrespected the aunt! "When

hearing this, Liu Na was completely stupid. She looked at Qi Jian staring, with an incredible look in her eyes.

She did not expect that the cock-like cock in front of her turned out to be the existence of a general manager level, and took care of over 100 million business. This scale is much larger than the business of Ma Dong's family.

Moreover, now Ma Dong also broke up with her Liu Na.

When she thought of herself, she missed two horses in succession, and Liu Na burst into tears.

At this moment, she looked at Jianjian again, completely without the arrogance and disdain just now, slumped to the ground, slammed her head, and apologized to Qi Jian and Wang Ma for admitting the mistake.

Seeing her apologize, Qi Jian waved her hands in disgust, and said coldly: "You can leave."

Liu Na got up from the ground, and then staggered out of the yard and walked away.

Later, after Ma Dong apologized again, he also drove away.

He drove his red Chevrolet and galloped past Liu Na, with no intention of staying at all. Instead, Liu Na took a bite of ash, and the whole person was disgraced and looked embarrassed.

This matter was settled, and the atmosphere in the villa returned to normal.

However, Wang Bin still felt guilty and apologized to Qi Jian and Wang Ma. Qi Jian and Wang Ma will not blame him, but comfort him.

Fortunately, Wang Bin was active, and after some relief, his mood recovered. Leaving Liu Na's affairs behind, I talked to Qi Jian about the university time and work.

After chatting for a while, Qi Jian and Wang Bin then left.

In the villa, only Chen Fei, Lin Qiuhan and Wang Ma were left, and it seemed that they had returned to the previous time in Longan City.

Supper was also made at home by Wang Ma, and Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan had a beautiful meal.

Then the two washed away.

Chen Fei took a hot bath and came out wearing a bath towel. He happened to see his wife who had also finished washing and was going to go upstairs in bath towel.

Suddenly, Chen Fei raised the corner of his mouth, and then crouched up.

Following his wife to the door of the second floor, Lin Qiuhan opened the door and was ready to enter. As a result, she noticed that there was a figure suddenly behind her.

Chen Fei quickly hugged Lin Qiuhan's waist, hugged his wife, and smiled: "Wife, it's me, don't be afraid!"

Lin Qiuhan gave Chen Fei a fierce glance, and then saw Chen Fei's thief's eyes. Glancing towards his chest.

Lin Qiuhan looked down, only to find that his wide bathrobe was separated by the action just now. Through this mouth, you can see the beautiful scenery inside the bathrobe.

"You--" Lin Qiuhan quickly pulled up his bathrobe, wrapped his body, and then gave Chen Fei a fierce look. "You are still looking around, your eyes turned."

Chen Fei hurriedly called injustice, "wife, I did not look around. I

’m just helping you. If you break your body, then I ’m going to die. " " You are slippery! "Lin Qiuhan stared at Chen Fei, then broke free from Chen Fei's arms and helped the door." You don't Go to bed, follow me to do what? " novelbin

Chen Fei smiled and leaned against the door frame," wife, look, we will come back easily. Otherwise, sleep together tonight! "


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