Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

Chapter 677

1. Chapter 677

However, Hu Kang asked the traffic police to find a circle, but still found no trace of Chen Fei's vehicle.

Because at this moment, Chen Fei has driven out of the bustling urban area and headed for the remote suburbs without cameras.

The four gangsters in the car chatted for a while, inadvertently looked at the scenery outside the window, and then some doubts, patted the back of the driver's seat and said: "Brother, how did you go out of town? Xu Shao won't stay Countryside? Where are we going? "

Chen Fei said coldly:" Wait later, you will know. "

Still this, but at this moment, the gangsters are a little alert.

The long hair sitting in the co-pilot's position frowned and looked at Chen Fei, saying, "Who the hell are you? Who are you with?"

Chen Fei stopped talking at the moment and stepped on the accelerator directly to speed up the car.

Upon seeing this, the bastards knew that the situation was wrong, and immediately became alert, and shouted loudly, "Stop!"

The long-haired bastard in the passenger seat directly rushed towards Chen Fei, trying to snatch

Chen Fei steering wheel.

But Chen Fei snorted coldly, punched directly, and stunned the long-haired blender, then slammed, "Sit me all, don't move, or kill you."

Strong momentum, after a while All three of them were shocked.

The car whistled as it drove more and more biased, and the few gangsters in the car were now more chilled.

Finally, after driving for about half an hour, the car drove into an abandoned courtyard.

The car stopped, and Chen Fei kicked the unconscious long-haired gangster into the car, and then let the remaining three people get off.

After getting off the bus, the three gangsters discovered that this is an abandoned brick kiln. Not far from them, there is a huge earthen kiln and several huge earthen pits. There is even unburned coal in the earthen kiln.

In such a situation, I couldn't help but let a few confidants feel cold, and the expression was more frightened.

Chen Fei pointed at the abandoned earthen kiln entrance and said coldly, "Stand over."

The entrance was originally a brick-burning entrance. Now several gangsters were standing there, and suddenly a chill of fear came to my heart, all trembling. Got up.

After they stood well, Chen Fei kicked him on the long-haired blender and kicked him over.

The long hair fell hard on the ground and woke up directly. Looking at the surrounding scene, he suddenly panicked and shouted: "What are you doing, dare to move me, I will not let you go,

I-- " "Shut up!" The concubine shut up, and then stood in front of them, coldly said, "I will ask you what you answer, otherwise, I don't mind killing you."

Looking at the cold Chen Fei, a few bastards don't Dare to say.

"Say, who asked you to smash the woman's car and hit her?" Chen Fei asked directly.

The faces of several gangsters changed, and their expressions were a little heavy. They were mixed, naturally knowing that betraying their companions is the most disgusting, so they do not want to speak at the moment.

The long-haired bastard even asked: "Who are you, why should I ask these?"

Chen Fei said coldly, "I am the husband of the woman you are about to fight. Let me ask again, who is the person behind you?"

Listen Several people could not help being surprised at Chen Fei's identity.

However, the long-haired blender still didn't want to speak easily, and looked at Chen Feidao: "You know, we can't betray our companions in this industry, otherwise we won't be able to mix on the Dao in the future."

"Really?" Chen Fei looked cold. "If you don't say anything, you don't want to think about it." During the speech,

Chen Fei stepped forward, strangled the neck of his long-haired hair, and thrust him directly into the earthen kiln.

Immediately, a lighter appeared in Chen Fei's hand, and after being lit, it was directly thrown into the coal under the earthen kiln.

Suddenly, the coal began to burn slowly. Although I still can't feel any heat, several gangsters were shocked and trembling, their legs were soft, and they quickly said: "No, don't kill us,

don't-- " The long-haired gangster struggled to think Drill out of the earthen kiln. But would Chen Fei give him the opportunity to punch him directly, smashing him with blood on his face and falling into the earthen kiln, almost unable to move.

Upon seeing this, the remaining three people were frightened, and Chen Fei knelt down on the spot, begging for mercy: "We all said, we said everything, don't kill us."

"Say!" Chen Fei said coldly.

The three little bastards quickly said: "We are the people who follow Niu Ye. During this time, Niu Ye has been asking us to find a license plate number. Yesterday, we just found it and reported it to Niu Ye."

"Today, Niu Ye Let us follow this car, and then find a chance to catch the people in the car. "

" Niuye? Who is he with? "Chen Fei continued to ask.

The three young bastards quickly said: "Ye Niu was fooling with Xu Shao. We heard that Xu Shao ordered him to arrest people."

Hearing this, Chen Fei immediately understood what was going on.

It should be the thing that blocked the road, let the other party write down their license plate number. That Xu Shao was disgusted, so he sent someone to find the car, and finally wanted to catch them in revenge.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly felt angry and frightened.

He was angry that Xu Gang was cruel and fierce, and then afraid that if Lin Qiuhan was not so lucky at that time, he had not escaped into the mall and was really caught by this group of gangsters. The consequences would have been completely unimaginable.

This fear made Chen Fei very angry at the moment, and he had only a strong idea in his heart to destroy Xu Gang.

Suddenly, Chen Fei cold eyes, looked at a few bully, asked: "What Xushao people live?"

Several fry a moment, then said: "I, we only know Xushao in the south side of downtown, concrete The location, we are just a little bit, not at all clear. "

" Who knows the specific address? "Chen Fei said coldly.

"Yuye knows, he must know our boss Niuye." The little bastard said quickly.

"Where does Niu live?" Chen Fei asked.

The little bastard hesitated a little, and immediately reported the address of Niu Ye.

Chen Fei took note of his disciples and immediately slammed his feet, kicking the remaining three gangsters into the earthen kiln.

Then, Chen Feiyang picked up the scattered bricks and hurriedly passed to block the entrance of the earthen kiln.

Immediately, Chen Fei turned around and drove away, and at this moment, the coal under the earthen kiln was burning more and more.

The four gangsters in the clay kiln can now clearly feel the hotter and hotter temperatures below. For a time, several people were shocked and wanted to rush out.

But the entrance was tightly sealed by Chen Fei, and there was not much space inside, and they were not good at exerting force. For a while, it was impossible to break the seal at all, and I could only feel that the temperature in the kiln was getting higher and higher.


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