Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Liu looked sad, and said sharply: "You little warrior, our Spirit Dragon's rules, what do you know?"

"Now, surrender yourself immediately. I may be able to save you a life."

"Stay my life!" Chen Fei sneered for a while, then said sharply, "I originally thought that the Linglong organization should be fair and fair. But I didn't expect that there is still such a thing for power for personal gain." During the

speech, Chen Fei kicked Xu Gang and said : "Because he has a relationship with the Yao family, because the Yao family is powerful. So, even if he shoots my friends and family, you can find an excuse for him, find the so-called rules to restrain me, and let me endure!"

" All nonsense— "Liu's face sank, and he scolded.

However, before he finished speaking, Chen Fei's eyes were cold and his expression was solemn. He slapped his hand on Xu Gang's head and said coldly: "Now, I don't want to bear it."

Xu Gang's neck made a crisp sound with a crackle , And immediately broke, his head crouched softly, and the whole person fell to the ground, losing his breath.

Such a situation can't help but make everyone stupid, watching this scene inconceivably.

Ding Zhaorui looked at Chen Fei dumbfounded and Xu Gang again, completely speechless. At the end of the video call, Liu Ju was startled, and then shivered with anger, staring at Chen Fei violently, and

said angrily: "Bold villain, dare to murder in front of me. Ding Zhaorui, Qin Tianqiang, I Command you, take him to me and take care of it. I will interrogate it personally. "

Ding Zhaorui heard the words, waved his hands, and looked at Qin Tianqiang coldly:" Qin Tianqiang, this is an order, you still What a daze, do it! "

Qin Tianqiang looked stiff and looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said lightly: "Don't panic, let me deal with it."

Seeing this, Ding Zhaorui sneered: "Okay, the two of you are colluding together. Liu Ju, did you see them,

they-- " Just when Ding Zhaorui and Liu Ju in the video were flushed with cheeks, Chen Fei was faint He drew a document from his arms and showed it in front of them, said coldly: "Now, do you still dare to grab me?"

"Don't you dare, we--" Ding Zhaorui didn't look closely and shouted directly.

However, Liu Ju in the video can be clearly seen, the bright red steel stamp on Chen Fei's certificate, and the title of special instructor of the Linglong organization.

Suddenly, Liu Bureau shivered and quickly shouted: "Stop, Ding Zhaorui, you will stop now."

"Liu Bureau, I--" Ding Zhaorui was a little puzzled.

Liu Ju could not wait to rush out of the phone and shouted at Ding Zhaorui: "You see clearly, that is the special instructor's certificate of the Linglong organization, he, he is our superior!"

Ding Zhaorui listened to this, and then looked closely. . At first glance, he was dumbfounded.

As a member of Linglong, he certainly knows how difficult it is to be a special instructor in Linglong.

First of all, it is needless to say about the strength of martial arts. As a special instructor, the strength must be at least at the level of Xuan level peak.

Moreover, this is the minimum requirement. As for other factors such as birth, family background, and contribution to the spirit dragon, all people who can meet the standard can count with almost two hands.

Any one of them, the status in the spirit dragon, is absolutely unimaginable. Not to mention the leader of the local urban dragon organization in Liu Bureau, even if it is the leader of the province's Linglong organization, in front of the special instructor, it must be respectfully praised by the instructor.

Therefore, when he saw that Chen Fei turned out to be a special instructor of Linglong, Ding Zhaorui and Liu Ju were completely scared.

At the thought of the scene they just played against Chen Fei, the two of them suddenly felt cold, their muscles trembling in their faces, and they were speechless.

"Chen, Instructor Chen, you, hello! We were just now, sorry, I--" Liu Ju stammered.

Ding Zhaorui also squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying, and nodded and looked at

Chen Fei.

Chen Fei cold waved his hand, interrupted their words, said: ".. Do not have to apologize Linglong Linglong rules, you do it by the rules to Linglong, naturally some people will deal with,"

he said, Chen Fei looked at Qin Tianqiang and said, "

Please report it to me here." Qin Tianqiang nodded and immediately took out his mobile phone to start reporting the situation.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ju and Ding Zhaorui looked ashen, almost crying.

This time, let alone the practice of using power for personal gain. Even if not, the people above knew they had offended a special instructor and would never punish them lightly. These two men's career in the spirit dragon is considered to have come to an end.

Looking at the two's mourning cheeks, Chen Fei turned to leave.

However, after a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, turned over and said: "Yes Yao there, you stay out if they wanted to get it, even though you let them come for me..."

Then, Chen Fei turned and left, and Qin Tianqiang immediately followed.

But Liu Ju and Ding Zhaorui were crying, completely speechless. Originally, they also wanted to sell the Yao family a face, to remind the Yao family out loud, for some benefits. As a result, Chen Fei now warned that they dared not act lightly.

As for the Yao family, I can only hope that they will not be stunned by anger and do something stupid about revenge.

With the death of Xu Gang, the battle that lasted for many days in Long'an finally came to an end. Wei Jinlong took control of Long'an City smoothly again.

Then, Wei Jinlong immediately carried out a survey activity, and all the small streets and streets that had previously disturbed the people and carried out the evil were all checked, and the previously chaotic underground order in Long'an City was stabilized.

These things, Wei Jinlong and they deal with it, Chen Fei is enough to just ask.

After a few days of rest, Chen Fei ushered in a guest at home that day, not someone else, but Sun Yi and Sun Lao. Zhang Qiuyue also came with him.

It turned out that after these few days of persuasion, Zhang Qiuyue was already quite emotional and was ready to agree to join the Provincial Conservatory of Music as a close disciple of Sun Yi and Sun Lao. Sun Lao naturally rejoiced, so he wanted to strike the iron while it was hot to settle things down.

So he found Chen Fei again, hoping that Chen Fei would work harder and persuade some Zhang Qiuyue.

On the other hand, before Sun Lao asked Chen Fei to help his students, during the concert of Prince of Love Song Lin Bai, Huang Wei and his dad Huang Tianyu also got things done, Lin Bai's concert will be held soon.

Therefore, Sun Lao also thanked Chen Fei for this, and sent him several tickets for the concert, inviting

Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue to see the concert together.

For this kind of concert, Chen Fei had little interest and wanted to refuse. However, Sun Lao intends to introduce Zhang Qiuyue to his student Lin Bai and let Zhang Qiuyue enter the singer circle in advance.

Zhang Qiuyue was introverted and was not very comfortable with these situations. She was a little timid, so she wanted Chen Fei to accompany her. Knowing the whole story, Chen Fei immediately agreed.


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