Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

It turned out that An Ling Xing's father An Zi Xing was here. An Zi Xing was definitely the backbone of his family, and he managed a lot of entertainment resources.

Now that Anzi Xing has arrived, everything is easier to manage.

Chen Fei's so-called Boss Huangshan boss was not worth mentioning in front of An Zixing.

After all, Huang Tianyu is just a boss in the entertainment industry in Long'an. And Anjia is a giant in the entertainment media industry in the whole province. In front of Huang Tianyu, it was completely crushed.

Thinking of this, Lin Bai showed a happy look in his eyes and looked at Chen Fei's gaze, which also changed at this moment. He shouted directly at Anzi Xing: "An An, An Shao was beaten by their poisoned hands like this, please grab them."

An Lingzhi also shouted at the moment: "Dad, you will teach them quickly. I want Revenge, fierce revenge. "

Hearing their voices, Anzi Xing's face sank sharply, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. The whole person strode over meteor.

Seeing this, An Lingzhi and Lin Bai were very happy. They knew that Mr. An was angry, and Chen Fei must be finished.

While they were glad to wait for Anzi Xing to let the bodyguard teach Chen Fei, they suddenly found that Anzi Xing, who was angry, came towards them.

"What's going on?" Lin Bai and An Lingzhi wondered, "Dad (President An), the beating person is over there, they—"

Anzi Xing rushed over and slaps, waiting directly for them to finish. Pumped on the faces of An Lingzhi and Lin Bai, and screamed angrily: "Shut up for me."

An Lingzhi and Lin Bai were stunned, covering their cheeks, and looked at An Zixing in a puzzled voice. Dad (Ann Zong), why

are you— " An Zi Xing gave the two a fierce glance, then quickly walked to Chen Fei, bowed respectfully, and greeted:" I have seen Mr. Chen. "

Chen Fei looked at the rich middle-aged man in front of him, and said indifferently, "Your surname is An, who lives in the provincial capital?"

An Zi Xing nodded, his attitude was even more respectful, "I am the cousin of President An! "

Anzi, the chief of Anzi Xingkou, is naturally the helm of Anjia's family.

While An Lingzhi and Lin Bai saw Anzi Xing's attitude, they couldn't help but be more surprised. They glanced at each other, and there were countless doubts in their hearts.

" Hey , what's going on?"

"How can Anzi Xing be so respectful to Chen Fei?"

"It seems that Chen Fei is also familiar with the provincial capital!"

Just when they were puzzled, Anzi Xing respectfully Apologizing to Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, we are wrong this time. Please also ask Mr. Chen to punish!"

Chen Fei looked at An Zi Xing in front of him, and then looked at An Lingzhi and Lin Bai, and then posed Shaking hands, said: "For your sincere apology, I will not kill

anyone ." Wen Yan, An Zi Xing could not help but relieved.

While An Lingzhi and Lin Bai are increasingly puzzled. They did not believe that Chen Fei really dared to kill.

At this moment, Chen Fei's arm lifted slightly, struck with vigour, and did not enter An Lingzhi's abdomen.

An Lingzhi suddenly made a painful cry, and the muscles on his face were wrinkled together. An Zixing also looked worried, but he dared not say anything to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said lightly: "Since he can't control his gadgets, then I'll take care of him. Now, he was smitten with me and he was not allowed to touch a woman within three years, otherwise he would have to wait for a lifetime Be an eunuch. "

" Ah! "Anzi Xing and An Lingzhi exclaimed at the same time.

Immediately, An Lingzhi's face changed drastically, and the whole person was excited, shouting angrily: "You, you have abandoned me, I will fight with you, I--"

After all, for An Lingzhi, this flower For the son, letting him abstain for three years was almost uncomfortable than killing him.

Therefore, at this moment, he will be so excited.

When Anzi Xing saw it, he rushed over and slap again at An Lingzhi, Li said: "Shut up, thank you Mr. Chen."

An Lingzhi was reluctant, but faced his father harsh With almost a murderous look, he had to bow his head at the moment and apologize to Chen Fei to admit his mistake.

Chen Fei looked at the apologizing An Lingzhi, nodded gently, and then turned to Lin Bai.

Lindbergh seeing, suddenly Yi Chan himself, his face flashed a hint of horror of color, his hands to his lower abdomen, quickly stepped back, "You, what do you want?"

Chen Fei eyes of a cold, then to Ann Xing Road : "In the future, I don't want to see him in the entertainment circle?"

Anzi Xing nodded quickly: "Mr. Chen please let go, we can settle down."

Wen Yan, Lin Bai was really stupid.

The reason why he betrayed Zhang Qiuyue, he did not hesitate to fall down with Sun Yi, in order to settle down on the thigh to settle down, want to go further in the entertainment circle.

The result was unexpected, not only did it go no further, but was directly blocked by Chen Fei in such a sentence.

For a time, Lin Bai was pale, his lips were trembling, and his eyes were full of anger. He wished to rush over and tear Chen Fei apart.

Seeing Lin Bai's anger almost exploding, at this time, Sun Lao came over, shaking his head in sorrow and sighing, and said, "You'd better not do it, otherwise you will regret it."

Lin Bai heard the words and moved his eyes, But I still don't believe it.

At this moment, Anzi Xing's gaze also came here, and coldly warned: "Don't think about doing it, otherwise, if Mr. Chen doesn't do it, my family will do it and wipe you out."

Anzi Xing threatened Immediately let Lin Bai cool down, a look of panic in his eyes, a sense of revenge in his heart, and now the smoke disappeared, and he didn't even dare to look up at Chen Fei.

At this moment, Chen Fei gently hugged Zhang Qiuyue and said softly, "Let's go!" The

people quickly gave way and respectfully bowed Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue.

The two left, and there was still silence in the house for a while. It was An Lingzhi who first opened his silence, and said to his father Anzi Xing with a reluctant face: "Dad, what the hell is going on, you are to that kid--"

Lin Bai, Xu Huan and others are also curious and unwilling at the moment The expression looked at An Zixing. Obviously, like An Lingzhi, they did not understand An Zixing's respectful attitude towards Chen Fei.

At this time, Anzi Xing didn't wait for An Lingzhi to finish, and immediately turned around, and immediately shouted: "Shut up for me! You want to die, don't drag our entire family home to be buried!"

An Lingzhi was frightened by his father's attitude and words , Trembling for a while, then whispered: "Not just two sentences, how serious is that, but also let us settle down with the whole family. How could that be possible?"

Lin Bai and Xu Huan and others nodded in agreement. , Looking at Anzi Xing.

An Zi Xing glanced at everyone in the room, and then said coldly: "Impossible? You don't know who that is? Otherwise, you know, for him, nothing is impossible."


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