Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 696

Chapter 696

Chapter 696

Chapter 696

Song Yi, the queen of the new generation of singers in today's music world, is an absolute first-line actress and is Sun Lao's most proud disciple.

Everyone never thought that a superstar like Song Yi would appear here at this time. For a time, everyone was stunned, looking at Song Yi dumbfounded, eyes burning.

Upon seeing this, Sun Lao

laughed and said: " This guest I invited, is it okay ?" Wen Yan, Huang Tianyu just recovered, and asked: "Lao Sun, what do you mean! Let Miss Song

Come to the rescue? I do n’t know Miss Song she— " said, Huang Tianyu looked at Song Yi. Although Mr. Sun had said it, he was still a little unbelievable. Song Yi would come to perform in such a small place, and he was still pulled to the rescue.

In the face of everyone's eyes, Song Yiyan smiled, playful and with a sexy taste, said: "The teacher told me the situation here, the whole thing, speaking, was caused by Lin Bai's mistake. I As a fellow

student , it ’s right to help. ” Huang Tianyu was overjoyed and quickly said:“ It ’s great, great. Miss Song, I ’ll arrange it immediately. Will you be the finale? ”

Song Yi did n’t answer directly. Instead, he looked at Zhang Qiuyue and said, "Is it okay?"

Zhang Qiuyue heard the words, and then he recovered, and Song Yi was just asking his opinion. After

all, it was Zhang Qiuyue who was originally scheduled to be the finale, and now Song Yi has replaced her, so naturally you have to ask.

Zhang Qiuyue froze for a moment, then quickly nodded, "Yes, of course! Miss Song, you must have the finale, I don't have to play."

Zhang Qiuyue at the moment looked at Song Yi excitedly, his eyes full of worship. Obviously, she is also a fan of Song Yi.

Song Yi heard the words and gently shook his head, saying: "You are going to play, but you are my little sister, I came here this time and I haven't heard your singing!"

With that, Song Yi walked over and smiled and patted Zhang Qiuyue's shoulder. Zhang Qiuyue's face was flushed with excitement, and an unprecedented smile appeared on his cheek.

At this moment, Chen Fei, who saw this scene beside him, looked at Song Yi and nodded gently. Through this little thing, his impression of Song Yi is much better.

After all, Song Yi, as a front-line superstar, can think of a little singer like Zhang Qiuyue and politely and actively inquire, this is a manifestation of literacy.

At this moment, the staff came in to remind that the previous program was about to end and the next program was ready.

Immediately, Huang Tianyu looked at Zhang Qiuyue, Zhang Qiuyue, who was already nervous, Song Yi was present at the moment, and could not help but feel a little nervous. She took a deep breath and

took the microphone and walked towards the stage.

Song Yi was behind, and said softly, "Come on, Xiaoshimei!"

Zhang Qiuyue heard the voice and turned back with a smile, his expression more confident, and immediately went out.

A soft prelude music sounded, and a moment later, Zhang Qiuyue's clear singing sounded.

The scene immediately burst into warm cheers.

At the moment, Song Yi in the background heard the singing, and couldn't help but lighten his eyes, his expression became serious, his eyes focused on the screen, his ears were moving gently, and he seemed to be capturing every song Slight changes at the place.

In this way, a clear song was sung, and there was a warm cheer outside.

Many fans continue to shout.

"Zhang Qiuyue, come again!"

"Goddess, goddess!"

"I love you, come again, I love you!"

In a warm voice, the host came out and said: "Everyone, originally, this show of Miss Zhang Qiuyue was the last show of this concert. But we welcomed a mysterious guest, and finally Everyone sang a

song as our organizer's greatest sincerity. "

Immediately, the lights on the stage dimmed.

The audience could not help but talk about it.

"There are guests, Who?"

"Or to the finale, it should be no small reputation."

"It is unlikely that such a thing to save the field, how could get a large star?"

"No and again before the yellow stars, Chen Mei like them, find some dragon local star, right? " "

they're good, but after all, a bit worse. " "

I think, might as well let Chang Moon again sing. "

buzz in , And some dissatisfied voices also rang.

"What kind of moths are messing up again? I'm here to listen to Lin Bai's concert, and the result is so fool us, hehe!"

"Lin Bai is nothing. Compared to Zhang Qiuyue, he is far from it."

"Fart, Lin Bai is a second-tier star, not much better than the new singer! I'm here for Lin Bai, not an unknown newcomer."

"Then you have been sitting and listening for so long, why don't you leave?" "

" This, this. I spent the money, don't listen to the white and don't listen. "

" Oh, the official has already said that the full vote will be refunded. You don't like it, you can go! "

" I will not go, I am I want to see, this organizer, find something to deceive. Huh! "

Amid the sound of discussion and argument, the light on the stage lit up.

Immediately, a slim figure appeared under the light curtain. However, the light is relatively dark, and everyone can only see a silhouette shadow, but can not see the face.

This situation even made the audience curious.

"It looks like a woman, it should be a beauty!"

"It can come to the finale, it must be a beauty!"

"Oh, still engage in these outside tricks, without Lin Bai, use the woman's exposed meat to attract attention, ridiculous . " "

that is, do not know what got small Gala Li singer! "

just the buzz, the light gradually lit up, silhouette cheek under the lights, but also gradually clear appearance in front of everyone.

When everyone saw the man's cheek clearly, the noisy scene quieted down, and everyone almost breathlessly looked at the familiar beautiful face.

For a moment, the stunned audience discussed.

"Then, that's Song Yi, I'm not wrong!"

"Isn't it possible, Song Yi is a first-line singer, known as a new generation of queens! How could it be here?"

"I think it's impossible, but this Looks like it too! "

" Perhaps those who engage in imitation shows. "

" It should be, the organizers should be specially contacted by such people. "

" Oh, the so-called mysterious guest, is such a fake. Goods? "Someone complained.

Just when everyone was guessing that they could n’t believe it, Song Yi on the stage said, "Hello everyone, I am Song Yi. At the end, I bring everyone a time."

Without any extra words, Song Yi sang immediately.


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