Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

When the mottled Zhu Qi door was pushed open, a damp musty odor suddenly appeared in the hall, which made one step back and frowned as he covered his mouth and nose.

The light in the hall is very dark, and you can't see clearly what is inside, but you can vaguely see the position in the middle of the hall, and there stands a Buddha statue more than two meters high.

Slightly close to the entrance of the hall, I suddenly felt a cold breath coming out of it, and I couldn't help making Song Yi shudder and stopped in front of the threshold.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but say: "Why don't you go in, Sister

Song ?" Song Yi didn't speak, but rummaged in her carry-on bag, and finally took out a string of black bracelets with her hands folded Worshipped in the hall, then put the bracelet on the wrist, and then walked into the hall.

Seeing this, Chen Fei could not help but chuckled: "Sister Song, you don't mean that you don't believe in ghosts and gods. Why are you still--"

Song Yi touched the bracelet and said, "This bracelet was given to me by my friend. She asked for it from the monk, and she specifically told me to come to the land of the Buddhist gates and be sure to bring this bracelet to bless me. "

After I finished, I saw Chen Fei's unbelievable look. Song Yi said again: "It's not important whether I can bless me. What matters is the thoughts of my friends. Besides, it is a respect to bring Buddha

beads bracelets to this land of Buddhist doors."

Wen Yan, Chen Fei didn't say much. He shrugged gently and said, "Sister Song, please go in, I'll wait for you outside."

Song Yi nodded and raised her foot to walk inside the hall.

Chen Fei was waiting outside. This was the tacit understanding formed by the two in the past few days.

When Song Yi came to a place, she would walk around and look around quietly, looking for inspiration for creation. At this time, the most needed thing is Jing, so Chen Fei usually waits in other places.

However, just when Chen Fei turned around to find a place in the courtyard to sit and wait. Suddenly, he glanced into Song Yi's wrist in the temple. The string of black beads suddenly flickered, revealing a layer of ink light.

The ink-colored light turned into a faint smoke, followed Song Yi's breath, from the mouth and nose, into the body.

At this time, Song Yi, without any feeling, walked into the hall, folded his hands together in front of the Buddha statue, and worshipped quietly.

Seeing this, Chen Fei could not help frowning for a while, then turned around and followed Song Yi into the hall.

Song Yi, who was worshipping Buddha in silence, heard the movement behind him, turned around, and

saw Chen

Fei walk in, could not help saying: "Brother Chen, how did you come in? I also want to worship." , Walked into the hall, his face became more serious.

Because, since he stepped into this hall, he felt a cold breath hitting himself. The whole hall seems to be much colder than the outside.

This temperature is not the kind of coldness and heat felt by the body, but a kind of searing and coldness similar to the soul.

"Something wrong, there is really a problem with this temple." At this moment, Chen Fei couldn't help thinking of what the old man in the village said before going up the mountain.

Suddenly, Chen Fei pulled Song Yi to his side and said, "Sister Song, follow me, don't go away."

Song Yi saw Chen Fei's look, and couldn't help but wonder and curious, said: "Xiao Chen, why What's the problem? "

Chen Fei grabbed Song Yi with one hand, his eyes searched in the hall, looking for the source of this strange feeling. At the same time, he said to Song Yi: "There is something wrong with this temple."

Wen Yan said, Song Yi could not help but tremble her body, and a strange color flashed on her face. Then he thought of something, and said to Chen Fei: "Brother Chen, don't you kidding me. Sister, I'm not afraid--"

Although he was not afraid, Song Yi couldn't help but think of what the old man under the mountain said, and he couldn't help getting closer to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei shook his head and solemnly said: "Sister Song, I'm not kidding."

At this moment, Chen Fei's eyes were fixed, and he locked the Buddha statue more than two meters high in the center of the hall.

The Buddha statue is very rough and made of yellow clay. Due to the age, the patterns on the surface have been mottled a lot. In some places, there are even cracks, and you can vaguely see the hollows in the Buddha statues.

At this time, Chen Fei could feel that the Buddha statue exuded a black icy air, drifting into the entire hall.

The breath penetrated into the body, and people suddenly couldn't help feeling a chill, and the whole person shivered gently.

Moreover, this black breath is very similar to the black smoke from Song Yi's bracelet.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei grabbed Song Yi's hand and said, "Sister Song, string your hands to me."

"Xiao Chen, what are you doing, this string is given to me by my friend. If you like it, I will turn it back to you You— "Song Yi said.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "You have something wrong with the bracelet." During the

speech, Chen Fei directly forced the bracelet on Song Yi's wrist.

Song Yi suddenly cheeky resentment of color, do not say, at this time Chen Fei hold her hand, injecting a touch of real dollars breath in her body, then string pointing hand and said: "? See for yourself"

real dollars breath in Song In Yi's body, lingering into her eyes, Song Yi felt that her eyes had suddenly become brighter, and things that had never been noticed gradually appeared in front of her.

Just like the string of bracelets in Chen Fei's palm at the moment, there was a black smoke, which looked very strange.

"This black smoke is—" Song Yi couldn't help being surprised, and the whole person's face was horrified.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fei pointed at the Buddha statue again and said, "Look at that!"

Song Yi looked up and found that the clay sculpture of the Buddha statue even exuded a strong black breath. Moreover, the breath of the Buddha statue and the breath of the bracelet linger with each other, blend together, and strike towards Song Yi's body.

However, when these breaths were about to enter Song Yi's body, as Chen Fei's palm lightly patted, a red breath burst out, sweeping them away.

Such a scene really shocked Song Yi, and his face was filled with incredible colors.

For a few seconds, Song Yi recovered, looked at Chen Fei, and asked, "What is that black smoke, what is going on?"

"We went out and said." Chen Feila Song Yi took her out of the hall.

Then, Chen Fei looked at the bracelet and explained: "The black smoke emitted from the bracelet and the Buddha statue is a breath of heaven and earth."

"Breath of heaven and earth?" Song Yi looked at Chen Fei with some puzzlement.

Chen Fei explained in detail: "Do you know the warrior?"

As a superstar, Song Yi is surrounded by several bodyguards of the Xuan-level realm, and naturally knows the warrior.


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