Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

For a time, the shop was surrounded by a turbulent crowd.

The peasant woman with the baby in her arms just now rushed up excitedly again, waving the banknotes in her hand, shouting: "Give me a bottle, give me a bottle. My child is sick, continue to keep health, and give me a quick Bottle. "

Chen Fei met on the sidelines, blocked the crowd from the peasant woman, and sold her a bottle of health wine.

The peasant woman was overjoyed, immediately squatted at the door of the store with health wine, opened the cap, carefully poured the cap, and then fed the coughing child in her arms.

Seeing this, Chen Fei could not help frowning for a while and stepped forward to stop: "What are you doing? Feeding such a small child to drink!"

Although the health wine has many health benefits, it is wine after all. It ’s not a good thing to drink for a few years old.

Chen Fei peasant woman see such a big figure over, not help but feel tense, the words have some stuttered, looking timid Chen Fei said: "My child is sick, you need to drink."

Chen Fei one, he is puzzled, said: "The children sick Now, take your child to the hospital for treatment! What do you do to feed him and drink here? "The

peasant woman was very timid when she saw Chen Fei's anger, and said:" The hospital is too expensive to see a doctor. Drink. "

" Your child is a cough, how expensive it is to see a doctor. "Chen Fei couldn't help but say," Wellness wine is not a medicine after all,

let alone such a small child, it is not good to drink. "The peasant woman shrank her head and said:" I bring The child went to the hospital and the doctor said that it would take 8,000 yuan to be completely cured. I look down on it, so I want to buy health wine to treat the child. "

" What! Seeing a cough, it costs 8,000 yuan! Why is the hospital so expensive? " Chen Fei could not help frowning, "Are you going to the wrong hospital?"

"Then, that is the cheapest." The peasant woman whispered.

"Why?" Chen Fei looked puzzled.

At this time, the crowd watching around was also talking lip-sharply.

"Mr. Chen, you are a big boss, I don't know the difficulty of our ordinary people!"

"Yes, now the hospital's medicine costs have risen so much, to see a common cold and fever, it will be one or two thousand!"

"More complicated I do n’t need to say that I ’m sick, just go in for thirty or forty thousand! ”

“ You rich people may not care about this money, but our little people ca n’t afford it! ”

Chen Feiyue felt more and more wrong , Then asked on the spot.

Then, knowing the situation, Chen Fei's expression instantly became serious.

The group buying at the door of the shop is basically similar to that of the peasant woman. All are family members or they are ill, but they went to the hospital to look down on the illness, so they came to buy health wine.

And from the price they said, Chen Fei felt that the cost of hospital treatment in the past few months seemed to skyrocket.

Chen Fei knows that things seem to be more complicated than they thought. This is not simply a shop owner who is pushing up prices.

Immediately, Chen Fei did not say much. After helping to cure the baby in the arms of the peasant woman, he immediately returned to the company with Manager Han.

After returning to the company, Chen Fei immediately summoned the person in charge of health wine sales and came over to ask about the situation.

As a result, the person in charge did not know the specific situation. I just know that during the recent period, the sales of health wine have been very hot, and the whole Longjiang city has been mad.

Chen Fei was furious and asked his staff to immediately go to various sales points to personally investigate the relevant situation.

Soon, the results of the investigation were reported. Looking at the same survey results, Chen Fei found that the situation at each point of sale was almost the same as what he saw at the door of the shop.

At the entrance of each shop, almost all of them were surrounded by hundreds of panic buying. Increasing sales of health wines and collusion with cattle are also common.

The deeper reason is that the hospital's medical expenses have skyrocketed.

During the time when Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue left Longjiang City, the medical expenses of Longjiang City almost doubled by four or five times, and the high costs, by so many times, suddenly made ordinary people unable to afford them.

Therefore, many sick people have to find other ways. Some stay at home and do not treat the disease. Some look around for various homeopathic methods.

Not long ago, some patients stayed at home and recovered after drinking autumn health wine. The news spread that all the people who had no money to cure the disease suddenly started to buy health wine.

After all, 500 bottles of health wine is quite expensive when it is used as an optional drink. But as a medicine to save people's disease, compared to the medical expenses after the skyrocket, it seems very cheap.

As a result, the entire Longjiang city immediately set off a wave of panic buying for health wine.

And as soon as this craze started, the price of health wine naturally rose.

It's just that although the price of health wine is high, the effect is good, and the hospital's medical expenses have also risen sharply. Therefore, many people continue to snap up health wine.

This is the panic buying scene that Chen Fei saw in the store just now.

Knowing these reasons, Chen Fei immediately ordered to work overtime, speed up the production of health wine, and strictly control the price increase at each point of sale.

Of course, Chen Fei also knows that these measures are only superficial means and cannot solve the root cause.

As long as the hospital's high medical expenses still exist, the phenomenon of rushing to buy health wine cannot be eradicated. After all, at the current scale of the Autumn Group, for a city of several million in Longjiang City, the supply of health wine is simply not sufficient in the short term.

Therefore, to solve this problem, we must start from the root cause and find a solution to the high medical expenses.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately took out his phone and called Dr. Tao Ling Tao.

"Hey, Chen Fei, have you returned to the provincial capital?" Tao Ling over the phone seemed busy. Vaguely heard the footsteps of her trot and the noise behind her.

"Well, I just came back yesterday. Dr. Tao, what happened to the surge in hospital medical expenses?"

Chen Fei asked.

Tao Ling said: "You have discovered this problem, and I will not be able to say clearly after a while."

"When will Dr. Tao be free?" Chen Fei asked.

"Get off work. After work today, I will tell you in person." Tao Ling said.

"Okay, it's in the Sichuan restaurant in front of the first courtyard of the city!" Chen Fei set a position.

Tao Ling said: "Okay, I'll call you after work."

Hanged up, Chen Fei then called Du Jingcao Du Lao of Du Medical Hall , and asked Du Lao to come out.

Soon, when it was time to get off work in the afternoon, Chen Fei arrived in front of the first courtyard of the city and sat down in the Sichuan restaurant.


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