Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 716

Chapter 716

Chapter 716

Chapter 716

The ephedra oral solution was sold in Longjiang City, and within less than three days, it completely replaced Alstom antibiotics.

Because of this incident, the price of Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical in the stock market of Xiangjiang has dropped a lot, and the market value has been lost by billions. The whole Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical Company was very distressed.

In the past few days, Jiang Lingyun has been in constant contact with Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical's Xiangjiang headquarters and the people of Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical to discuss countermeasures. Finally, let my emotions settle down.

On that day, in the office, he hung up the phone and was silent for a moment, then immediately waved Hu Hai and said, "Help me to make an appointment with Chen Fei, and say I have something to talk to him."

Hu Hai heard, could not help Startled, he whispered: "Mr. Jiang, do you really want to offer Chen Fei? He is now, I am

afraid- " Jiang Lingyun said: "Just say I have benefits for him, great benefits. I don't believe it, so big benefits He will not be moved before him. "

Hu Hai still wanted to say something, but when he saw Jiang Lingyun's cold eyes, he immediately swallowed the words back and nodded," Okay, I will help immediately. "

Jiang Lingyun nodded. The head, then called the secretary and said: "Let the driver wait for me at the door of the company, I will go to the airport to pick up people." The

secretary said some support: "General Jiang, the door of the company may not be convenient. Or, Let the driver wait for you at the back door. "

Wen Yan said, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help but anger, shouting:" I am the general manager of Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, it is inconvenient to go in and out of the door of your company? Do you have any opinions about me? "

The secretary explained: "No, President Jiang, I . Dare I mean, the gate of the company, was poured paint, as well as manure, now not clean, so - "

heard this, Jiangling Yun think of it, themselves and the company, now in dragon Jiangshi is just a mouse crossing the street-everyone shouts.

Not to mention that manure was splashed at the door of the company, even the car of his Jiang Lingyun was also splashed with manure.

Thinking of this, he could not help frowning, shrinking his neck, and then said: "Then go through the back door."

"Yes, I will arrange it immediately!" The secretary said.

The next morning, in the prosperous Haitian Hotel in the center of Longjiang City, the entire second floor was completely wrapped up.

However, this time it was not Chen Fei, but Jiang Lingyun.

Jiang Lingyun sat in the room, constantly watching the time on his watch, and could not help frowning, saying: "Why haven't it yet? That surnamed Chen is so proud." By the

side, Hu Hai explained quietly: "General Jiang It's ten minutes away from the agreed time. "

" And, last time when Jiang Jiang and Chen Fei met, they were half an hour late. I was worried that Chen Fei might— "Speaking of which, Hu Hai didn't Keep talking.

Jiang Lingyun immediately understood the meaning of Hu Hai and said unpleasantly, "You mean that Chen Fei will also be deliberately late this time to get back the previous face."

Thinking of this, Jiang Lingyun couldn't wait to leave. Just thinking of the task his cousin gave to him, he suddenly fell back and could only sit in a chair and wait anxiously.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Jiang Lingyun kept looking at his watch. Every minute of this wait, he felt very long.

Eye to see the last minute, the door is still no movement, Jiangling Yun could not help his face covered with clouds, teeth and whispered: "! That surnamed Chen, and I really dare to play this"

"Is not a point to learn traditional Chinese medicine Is that a stinky kid? Place your music in front of me! "Jiang Lingyun murmured in dissatisfaction.

At this moment, there was a footstep at the door, Chen Fei, Tao Ling and Du Lao came in.

At this moment, the second hand has just reached the last second.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help but say: "Mr. Chen is here, it's really on time! It's not bad for a second."

Chen Fei glanced at Jiang Lingyun, said lightly: "It's not bad for a second, It's better than some people are half an hour late! "

This is undoubtedly the last meeting with Jiangchuan.

Jiang Lingyun didn't want to continue to say this, and changed the subject. He smiled a little at the corner of his mouth and said to Chen Fei: "This time, please ask Mr. Chen to come out. I have something important to discuss with Mr. Chen."

"Important!" At a glance, his attitude was disdainful, and said, "What is important, President Jiang please say it!"

Jiang Lingyun saw this, holding back his dissatisfaction and anger at Chen Fei, saying: "It is a pile that will make President Chen make money The good thing about big money, I don't know if Mr. Chen is interested. "

" Making money-of course I am interested. "Chen Fei deliberately prolonged his tone and said.

Jiang Lingyun heard a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Since President Chen is interested, then I will not turn around. I will speak directly."

"We Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, want to buy Mr. Chen in your hands Patent of Mahuang oral liquid. "

After that, Jiang Lingyun stared at Chen Fei with a staring look, confident look.

After listening, Chen Fei clasped his finger on the armrest and said, "Acquiring a patent for ephedra oral solution! President Jiang, do you think it is possible?"

"You just threatened our Longjiang city with the patent of Alstom antibiotics. Now, I also want to acquire my patent for ephedra oral solution. "

" Do you think that I am a fool? Selling the patent to you and let you continue to threaten us. "At the

end, Chen Fei's voice became cold, with a lot of anger meaning.

Jiangling Yun quickly made a gesture with both hands under the pressure, and said: "President Chen not angry, the acquisition of patent ephedra oral solution, we guarantee, will definitely guarantee a sufficient supply of Longjiang City."

"Guaranteed for Longjiang City There is plenty of goods, what about other places? You can play another set of threatening tricks like before, "Chen Fei said coldly.

Jiang Lingyun waved his hand and said, "It seems that Chen always misunderstands us. We, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, are doing business, and some things are just business methods."

"This time, you bought Mr. Chen your ephedra oral solution Patent. We came with sincerity! "Jiang Lingyun said.

Chen Fei shook his head and said: "I don't believe in your sincerity. The patent is sold to you, I might as well dedicate it to the country!"

Jiang Lingyun said with a smile, and said with a smile: "This is what Mr. Chen said. Xiangjiang people, but they still know the situation in the mainland. The oral solution developed by Mr. Chen spent so much energy. If it is presented, I am afraid that you will be rewarded with tens of thousands of pieces at most, and then the award of the honorary certificate will be over. "

"And we, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical, are completely different. We are sincere to negotiate and cooperate with President Chen."

"In order to show our sincerity, I will report to President Chen." Said Jiang. Ling Yun extended a palm to Chen Fei with a smile on his face, "This number, as long as President Chen is willing to sell us the patent. This number will be yours immediately."


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