Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Chen Fei found Du Lao, and Du Lao explained his idea of opening a medical hall. After listening to Du Lao, not only did he not worry about Chen Fei's competition, but he was very happy. He enthusiastically made suggestions for Chen Fei.

After some discussion, in less than a day, the plan was quickly decided.

As Wei Ling suggested, Chen Fei is planning to open a Chinese medicine museum, which mainly uses Chinese herbal medicines to treat various diseases.

But in the general direction of operation, there is still a little difference from Du Lao Du Medical Hall.

Du Medical Museum is a traditional Chinese medicine museum. It is treated by consultation and prescription, inherited by apprentice master and so on. One of the most important is the cultivation of Chinese medicine personnel in the medical hall and the diagnosis of patients.

The medical hall that Chen Fei wants to open puts the main direction on the prescription, similar to various western medicines. Chen Fei fixed some prescriptions for common diseases and prepared them directly. After the patient came to the door, the common symptoms were directly treated with fixed medicines according to the condition.

If you are unsure or have a special condition, ask a doctor to diagnose and determine the treatment.

Compared with hospitals, this approach is more similar to pharmacies. The main function is to sell medicine, and the diagnosis is only an accessory function.

Moreover, this way, compared with the traditional Chinese medicine museum requires a lot of professional manpower. After all, Chen Fei cannot really focus on the medical hall.

On the other hand, Chen Fei intends to lower the price of medicine in the hospital, so that patients can cure the disease at the most affordable cost. After all, he didn't lack money, and he opened the medical hall just to treat people and save people, and inherit traditional Chinese medicine. So I don't even care about the money that the medical clinic makes.

Having determined the direction, Chen Fei immediately began preparations for construction.

With Chen Fei's current identity and status, preparing for this kind of work can't be easier. Choose a suitable place directly, buy it for money, and even use it for decoration. After a simple renovation, less than three days of effort, it is ready to be opened.

Relevant registration procedures and materials are handled by the professional staff of Autumn Group arranged by Wei Ling, which is fast and convenient.

Of course, Chen Fei was left with the question of how to name his newly opened medical hall.

This actually stopped Chen Fei. He could only call Du Lao, Dr. Tao, and Du Cang together to work together to make them think of their names.

A group of people expressed their opinions and said several names, but Chen Fei did not feel very suitable. Some are too classical and some are too modern.

In the end, everyone was scratching their heads, Du Cang clapped his hands and said directly: "My medical hall is called Du Medical Hall. Chen Fei, your surname is Chen, or simply call Chen Medical Hall."

Chen Fei did not speak, Tao Ling did not Too agree, saying: "Chen Fei said before, his medical hall is mainly for prescriptions, it is not appropriate to call the medical hall."

Du Cang is simple and rude, clapping his hands again, saying: "That is called Chen Yaoguan, so the head office "Don't you!"

Tao Ling heard, and couldn't help but give Du Cang a glance.

It was Chen Fei who thought of it at the moment and said: "Chen Yaoguan, this name is simple and easy to remember, but also highlights the key points, but it is OK."

Du Cang suddenly rejoiced, saying: "I will do it, Brother Chen really "I know the goods."

Chen Fei smiled and said: "However, in this name, I want to change a word."

"What word to change?" Du Cang said curiously.

Chen Feidao: "I want to change Chen Fei's Chen to" integrity "sincerity. It is called the Chengxin Pharmacy, which represents the core of our pharmacy. It is cheap and sincere, and never fakes."

After listening to Chen Fei, Du Cang immediately applauded. Tao: "Well, this reform is good."

Tao Ling also nodded at the moment and agreed to the name.

Mr. Du also said: "Yes, Xiao Chen has a heart."

Chen Fei laughed: "Since that is the case, it will be set, it is called Chengyao." The

name is confirmed, and the relevant procedures are quickly processed . Moreover, Lin Qiuhan also asked the autumn group to return the formula of autumn health wine and refreshing brain fluid to the name of Chengyao.

According to Lin Qiuhan, although Autumn Group is her company, there are other shareholders after all. The recipe for health wine was taken out by Chen Fei, and it has been used freely by the autumn group company before.

Now, since Chen Fei established his own company. Then, it is a matter of course to attribute his formula to him. Moreover, this clear division of property rights also facilitates more complex business cooperation in the future.

Chen Fei had no objection to these, anyway, he did not expect to make money with these formulas. But since his wife said it was better, he would not refuse. Simply ask Wei Ling to help some of the formula patents he brought out, all under the name of Chengyao. Among them are the patents for the formulation of ephedra oral solution recently.

After dealing with these, a week later, Chengyao opened its doors in Longjiang City.

With the title of Chen Fei's personally established pharmacy, coupled with Tao Ling and Du Lao's help, Chengcheng Pharmacy became hot just after it opened.

On the first day, the shop door was surrounded by water. Chen Fei was busy from seven o'clock in the morning until he got off work at nine o'clock in the evening.

In the following days, there were more people in front of the pharmacy. Not only the influence of Chen Fei's fame, but also the word-of-mouth communication of many people who take medicine, saying that the medicine of Chengyao not only has good effects, but the price is also very cheap, and it attracts more patients to come to the hospital.

In particular, Chen Fei, who brought Xu Xiaoting and others over to help, did not expect that there was still not enough manpower. In the end, it was Du boss who waved his hand and personally brought a group of disciples over to help, which helped Chen Fei through this crowded period.

For a few days, Chen Fei was almost full of busy.

Finally, a week later, the business of Chengyao Drugstore stabilized. Although there are still a lot of people coming every day, it is not as crowded as before. Several people trained by yourself can also get started. Chen Fei was finally able to relax.

Just when Chen Fei had just been idle, Director Zheng Ruhui Zheng called and said that there were important things and asked Chen Fei to go to the provincial health department for a meeting.

Although because of his son Zheng Yu, the relationship between Zheng Ruhui and Chen Fei is not as close as before. However, Zheng Ruhui is a public official of the Provincial Health Department. In this antibiotic incident, he was a major contributor, so he had many contacts with Chen Fei.

Chen Fei came to the relevant department, after the meeting, to understand the important things in Zheng Ruhui's mouth.

It turned out that there was a response to the report of the ephedra oral solution reported some time ago, after urgent verification and discussion at the meeting. The above decided to send an inspection team to come down to Longjiang City to personally test the effect and effect of ephedra oral solution.


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