Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 739

Chapter 739

Chapter 739

Chapter 739

"You hold the patent of ephedra oral liquid in your hands, and you do not want to open up authorized production. Even the personal request of the delegation sent by Jingcheng, you are unshakable. You don't care about everyone's life and ask for high prices. In order to make money, you do whatever you want.

" This kind of behavior, but still in this pretentious and kind-hearted doctor, is a great irony! "The

old man sighed aloud, then flicked his hand and stepped away from the pharmacy.

Chen Fei heard the words and frowned, looking at the old man, not knowing what he was thinking.

The apprentice next to him was completely angry and could n’t help it. He rushed in front of the old man and stared at him fiercely. He said, "Stop me, apologize to Dr. Chen immediately."

"Apology, why should I Apology? Is it because you told the truth? "The old man said.

The apprentice said indignantly: "The truth, the truth of shit! What you said is completely slandering us Dr. Chen."

"You don't even know how much Mr. Chen has paid for this matter and how much he has received. Grievance. Right here nonsense, blame accusations. "

" Pay, grievance? "The old man looked disbelieved, looked at the apprentice," I really want to hear, he is a lucrative businessman, what did he pay? , What was wronged? "

Chen Fei heard, frowned, and said:" There is no need to explain, send him away, he doesn't believe it. "The

apprentice looked at Chen Fei and said," Dr. Chen, no, I don't hold back Live. This old guy, so slandering and wronging you, I must clarify, otherwise, I wo n’t be able to sleep for the next week. "

" Are you still acting in a chorus? "Said the old man.

These words really angered the apprentice and stared at the old man fiercely, saying: "Shut up, don't talk nonsense without knowing."

"Did you know? At the beginning, the shortage of antibiotics happened in Longjiang City, which caused the autumn health wine to be sought after, and the price rose linearly. The original price was 501 bottles. At that time, it was directly fried to 230,000 or even a bottle. The price continues to rise. ”The

old man was a bit strange, saying:“ What kind of health wine does this have to do with him? ”The

apprentice said:“ Of course it does, the health wine was developed by Dr. Chen. At that time, the price of wine soared. in short supply. so a good opportunity to make money, Dr Chan he crack down on price gouging behavior, while requiring all the city's health wine prices down to the original price. " "

if Dr. Chen want to make money, then the money will not lay this at your fingertips Earn it? "The

old man frowned and said softly," There is such a thing? "

" Of course there is, this matter is in full swing in the whole city of Longjiang. For this reason, Dr. Chen did not know how much we offended him. People, you will know when you go out and ask. "The apprentice said angrily.

The old man was silent for a while, his eyes rolled, and then he said, "According to your opinion, you Dr. Chen really thinks for everyone. Then why not open the patent of ephedra oral solution to the delegation, and instead take the opportunity to ask for a high price?"

Hearing this The apprentice almost exploded and said: "Where did you hear these words? Who said that Dr. Chen did not open his patents, and who said that Dr. Chen asked for a high price for the delegation?"

"Don't it? But I heard Someone said that? "Said the old man.

The apprentice said: "I don't know who you listen to, but I tell you that things are not like that at all."

"When the delegation did not come, we, Dr. Chen, prepared a free authorized patent document and asked for ephedra The right to produce oral liquid is authorized to the delegation to accelerate the production of ephedra oral liquid. "

"However, those who visited the delegation were very arrogant. When we first came, we were late, let us stay in the rain for an hour, and we did not want to get off without a red carpet."

"We respect Respectfully greeted them, and then, without mentioning any conditions, showed them the free authorization documents and asked them to sign them. "

" But the people of the delegation left us the documents of Dr. Chen and asked us to sign what they

provided. The document. "

At this moment, the old man frowned, and the muscles on his face shook gently." There is such a thing? Then why don't you sign the document of the delegation? "

" Why? "The apprentice yelled," We Dr. Chen Ben had already been willing to authorize the production of ephedra oral solution for free, but the head of the delegation, Lu, was shamelessly proficient and asked us to transfer the patent right of ephedra oral solution to them, and it was free. "

" Transfer! The old man frowned and chewed.

The apprentice said indignantly, "What is more shameless is that in the document, the object of the transfer is not the superior health department. It is the company that is the head of Lu Headquarters, what is Reed Pharmaceutical."

"We, Dr. Chen, have spent all our energy and expense It took a lot of effort to develop a prescription and take it out for free to save the disease. The group of people was still not satisfied, and wanted to take the opportunity to take Dr. Chen's prescription for private gain. "

" I really want to transfer the prescription to them, who knows our first Where did the blood of the cavity end up? "

" Not to mention, not long ago, the Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals opened a price of 100 million US dollars, and it was divided into hundreds of millions of dollars at an extremely high price every year to buy Dr. Chen's patent. Dr. Chen did not sell it. What is alleviating the severe situation in the country and benefiting everyone. "

" You said, if you encounter this kind of thing, will you transfer your prescription? "The apprentice stared at the old man angrily and asked with a voice.

After listening to the old man, his face was very serious at the moment. He looked at the apprentice and Chen Fei and said: "These things are true?"

Chen Fei nodded lightly. "It is true. Of course, believe it or not."

Apprentice Then he was a little excited: "Of course it is true. We have the contract provided by the head of Nalu. We also have the recording of the conference room at that time. We also have."

"Contract and recording, can you show me?" The old man Asked.

The apprentice was shocked and looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked at the old man strangely and said, "What the hell are you? What do you want these things to do?" The

old man looked serious at the moment, and said to Chen Fei: "I am absolutely not malicious, just an old Chinese doctor who also wants to save the world. "

" Old Chinese medicine, as expected. "Chen Fei thought of something, said," Your chaotic pulse just now is that you pierced your own Hangu, Shenyu and Fengchi points with a silver needle before you came in. " "After

hearing the words, the old man looked startled and said," Did you see it? "

Chen Feidao said:" Your pulse was very chaotic at that time. If you are a traditional Chinese medicine doctor with insufficient experience, it is easy to be misdiagnosed as a symptom such as heart and lung deficiency. A closer inspection can still find the nuances. "

" I saw your means, so I said that you are not sick and let you leave. "Chen Fei said lightly.


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