Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

"I didn't do anything?" Minister Wang

sneered very angrily. "What happened to the ephedra oral solution ?" Lu Qinghan's instinct tightened when he mentioned the ephedra oral solution, but he immediately explained: "Minister Wang, I am trying to negotiate the patent for ephedra oral solution. But the other party's asking price is too high, and we can't meet it at all, so we are still trying to find a way

. "Minister Wang interrupted Lu Qinghan's words and yelled directly."

Lu Qinghan heard it, he felt a little nervous, and was a little nervous, but still pretending to be silly, "Minister Wang, I don't understand what you mean. It's because we want to buy each other's patents, how can I ask for the price?"

"Lu Qinghan, all this time You ’re still stupid. Do you know that the production and use of ephedra oral liquid is related to the lives and health of our people across the country? Do you want to ignore the lives of the people of the whole country for your own benefit? ”Minister Wang snorted.

Lu Qinghan was stunned in his heart. Did Minister Underworld already know his own affairs and could not help worrying.

But the other party didn't make it clear. He Lu Qinghan would never agree, so he continued to say: "Minister Wang, your words are too serious. Of course I also want to complete the task as soon as possible and produce ephedra oral solution. But the other party I ca n’t help but bite the high price, but I can

only— " " You shut up! "Minister Wang yelled angrily," Lu Qinghan, do you think I really don't know anything? "

" Minister Wang, you What do you mean by that? "Lu Qinghan was really nervous, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Minister Wang said angrily: "Lu Qinghan, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears."

"Chen Fei, who has the patent for ephedra oral solution, has agreed to grant us the patent right to use ephedra oral solution for free. As a result, you But he asked the other party to transfer the patent right of ephedra oral solution for free, and it was still transferred to your Lu Qinghan's Reed Pharmaceutical. Do you think I do n’t know about this matter? "

Lu Qinghan didn't expect that he was hiding from the sky, but he was known to Minister Wang, and he was so scared that he couldn't speak.

"No need to quibble. I know everything." Minister Wang snorted.

Lu Qinghan immediately found an excuse to explain: "Minister Wang, I, I did this, not for personal gain, but for the more convenient production of ephedra oral liquid!"

"You are still making excuses for me!" Minister Wang snorted.

Lu Qinghan bite explains: ".. Minister Wang you know I am the representative of the health sector is down, but to promote the production of oral liquid ephedra, the name of the health sector, requires a lot

of laboratories' "

but the name of the health sector, but There is no direct pharmaceutical factory. If you want to produce it, the process is very troublesome. So, I transferred the patent to our Reed Pharmaceutical, also for the more convenient and rapid production of ephedra oral liquid. After all, our Reed Pharmaceutical, but the top pharmaceutical giant in China "

" My approach is also for the sake of the country, for everyone's sake. "

" Lu Qinghan, these words, say it, do you believe it yourself? "Minister Wang said coldly," Still, you treat me like a fool. "

Lu Qinghan is still trying his best to justify at this moment, saying: "Minister Wang, I really don't have any extra thoughts, just for everyone's consideration."

"Then Chen Fei said orally that he authorized free production of ephedra oral solution, but Minister Wang you know Once this ephedra oral solution is really produced and promoted, the scope of use is almost all over the country, and it is very broad. It must be very large. "

" Then Chen Fei started to produce it for free, without our money. But once we helped to promote the production of ephedra oral solution, he might just like the bald eagle pharmaceuticals, and directly charge a high patent fee. "

If we encounter that kind of thing again, we simply can't resist, we can only choose to pay."

"It is with this in mind that I asked us to keep the patent right in our own hands. So, I asked the other party to transfer, not authorize. I did it with great care!" I

have to say, Lu Qinghan's response was quite quick. In such a short period of time, it sounds reasonable to pull out such a pass.

Under normal circumstances, Minister Wang may really consider Lu Qinghan's words after hearing these.

But now Minister Wang learned the detailed experience from Chai Feichai's old mouth and understood Chen Fei's character. He didn't believe Lu Qinghan's words at all.

He sneered and said, "Lu Qinghan, Lu Qinghan, you use your own selfishness to measure others, but you don't even understand who Chen Fei is."

"Minister Wang, I was a bit careful. But Also for everyone's consideration! "Lu Qinghan is still debating.

Minister Wang shouted loudly, "You shut up for me. What do you know, if Chen Fei is really for money, he doesn't need to talk to us at all."

"Before our delegation came, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical and Bald Eagle Pharmaceutical had both found Chen Fei asked to buy his patent. Moreover, the bald eagle issued a patent that granted a bonus share. "

" At the beginning, it was a base price of 100 million US dollars, and then at least 5% of the profit share was guaranteed every year. The use of ephedra oral solution is promoted worldwide. "

" You talk about yourself, if Chen Fei is for money, why not cooperate with Bald Eagle Pharmaceuticals and instead authorize the ephedra oral solution to us for free? "

Facing Minister Wang's Questioning, Lu Qinghan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Chen Fei even rejected such a good condition and such a big profit. He could not understand such a thing, "Minister Wang, this, this is impossible-"

Minister Wang

shouted angrily : "Impossible? You, a person with only self-interest in your heart, certainly think that it is impossible for a person like Chen Fei who is dedicated to serving the country and the people." "I--" Lu Qinghan wanted to explain what else.

But Minister Wang did not want to have heard directly snapped: ".. Luqing Han, I command you, tomorrow immediately apologize to admit the whereabouts of Chen Fei then signed a cooperation agreement to assist the old wood"

"If the agreement is not signed the final success, then you just wait The punishment above. "

" By the way, and your reed pharmaceuticals, this year's strict inspection, you better ensure that your company has no problems, otherwise if

you- " Hearing this, Lu Qinghan softened and almost did not fall Fall to the ground. He also wanted to plead for explanation, but Minister Wang over there had already hung up.

Suddenly, Lu Qinghan lost his face, holding a mobile phone, and muttered

in his mouth: "How is it possible, how-- " Beside him, the other members looked at Lu Qinghan, who was in drastic change, with a puzzled expression on his face, not knowing what happened.


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