Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Xie Yuan was defeated by Chen Fei when he was in Long'an City, and then followed Chen Fei to the provincial capital. Later, Chen Fei arranged things for him to help, so the next two did not meet.

Now, suddenly came Xie Yuan, Chen Fei could not help it a little surprised, got up and looked at the Xie Yuan, said: "?? Thank Master, you are so free to me what the things you"

Xie Yuan looking anxious, for Chen Fei said: "Mr. Chen, it's not good, something happened to me over there."

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei heard the words and couldn't help but move, his expression a little serious.

After all, what Chen Fei arranged for Xie Yuan was to go to the cave of the Bodhi tree that they found in the mountain forest at the junction of the provincial city and Longan city.

At that time, Chen Fei discovered Chiyan Stone in the Bodhi Tree Cave. Later, Chen Fei guessed and planted the mature Jiuye Bingluo flowers there, using Chi Yanshi's breath to make Jiuye Bingluo flowers grow and flower.

Because Jiuye Bingluohua cherishes incomparably, it is one of the nine things that Chen Fei needs to be cloudy to cold. Therefore, Chen Fei attaches great importance to this, specifically let Xie Yuan guard there, to prevent accidents.

But I didn't expect that something was wrong there.

Chen Fei immediately froze and asked, "What happened to the Bodhi Tree?"

Xie Yuan's face was ashamed, and he said, "Mr. Chen, you let me stay at the Bodhi Tree, I did n’t do well to protect the growth of Jiuye Bingluo. ”

“ Just this morning, a group of people passed by. They found the linden tree in the valley and asked to come in to see it. I did n’t agree, As a result, the group of people was also among the martial arts people, and they directly broke into it. "

" Originally, they rushed in to steal the trunk of the bodhi tree. But in the process, they found Jiuye Bingluo. flower."

"So, they want to take Jiuye Bingluohua. I naturally would n’t agree, and I explained the strong relationship with them. But they did n’t buy the bill at all, they directly wounded me, and forcibly occupied the valley. They wanted to occupy Bodhi and Jiuye. Bingluohua. ”

After listening to Xie Yuan ’s words, Chen Fei could n’t help but look cold and slapped on the table with a palm, said coldly:“ What a bold courage to dare to occupy my stuff. How many of them are they and what is their identity ? "

Xie Yuan said:" a total of six people, I do not know the specific identity, but they listen to the accent should be clouds in the south to the province and they are all martial arts myself, some good strength among six people. Four of them have reached the level of Xuan level, and the remaining two also have the strength of the peak of Huang level. "

Xie Yuan followed Chen Fei, and his strength has improved a lot. Has reached the early stage of Xuan level, in a small place, it can definitely be called a side character.

Now, the strength of the other six players has completely crushed Xie Yuan. No wonder he will lose.

However, no matter how strong they are, they are not worth mentioning in Chen Fei's eyes.

As a result, Chen Fei took the case coldly and said angrily: "Let's go and have a look with me."

Immediately, Chen Fei and Xie Yuan moved their bodies and left the company.

At the same time, in the Bodhi Valley of the mountain forest, three people were surrounded by the Bodhi Tree at the moment, and their eyes gleamed with golden light.

One of the middle-aged men with gray hair was full of admiration, looking at the bodhi tree, and said: "This bodhi tree can grow so big, contains such a rich atmosphere, it is really a good treasure!"

"And the following nine Compared to Ye Bingluohua, this bodhi tree is not worth mentioning. The nine leaf Bingluohua is the real treasure. "A Dao, who looked serious and wore a robe, said with a serious face.

"Not to mention the treasures, I just went out to inquire about it. The guy who was repulsed by us before was called Xie Yuan. He is said to be Master Xie. He is indeed very famous in this generation and has good strength. The short-dressed man looked serious.

"Whatever, it's not our men's defeat!" The aunt with a serious face said with a strong disdain in her tone.

The short and short-dressed man continued: "Mr. Jing Guan, this is not as simple as you think. Because I still heard, Xie Yuan is not the master of this place. Behind him, there is a real master, known as Chen. Master. That talent is our biggest opponent. "

" What a shit Master Chen? It's ridiculous to call us a master in front of us! "A companion heard the words and said disdainfully.

The short-dressed man frowned unpleasantly and said, "Can't underestimate the enemy. I heard people say that Master Chen is very powerful, and even has the title of local master. So, we must be careful to guard against that. The arrival of Master Chen. "

" If you can, collect things early, we leave early. "

The middle-aged man with gray hair, after hearing the words, looked at the short-dressed man and smiled:" Little Liu, don't be so nervous . We came all the way, what the first local master had n’t seen, and the results were all boasted, no need to worry about it at all. ”

“ As far as we ca n’t leave now, it ’s because the nine-leaf iced flower has n’t fully bloomed. If you pick it now, it will greatly lose the efficacy of the medicinal materials. So, we will wait, anyway, things are not urgent in Western Chongqing, and there is still time. "

Taoist Gu Jingtai too nodded:" The nine leaves ice flower network is very rare and can not be wasted. "

heard two are saying, this 34-year-old man dressed fine short, do not say things Chen master, but squinting his eyes, thought He, opening:. "? Mr dark, contemplation Shi Tai you say nine leaf ice envelope flower so precious, but only one, then I do not know that the flowers mature, how we allocate


Upon hearing this, the two of them couldn't help but change their complexions, and there was a chill in their eyes.

Mr. An sneered coldly and said, "When I dealt with Xie Yuan before, I had the most to contribute. Our Soul Soul Gate naturally divides into large heads. There are nine petals in this nine-leaf ice-collar flower, and our Soul Soul Gate will have five pieces. "As

soon as this remark came out, the Meditation Master was too directly dissatisfied, and said:" Mr. An is going to have five films per person, which is too much. To say that to deal with Xie Yuan, we have a lot of strength in Meditation. If you follow According to Mr. An, we should get five pieces of Jingan Temple. ”

Mr. An heard the words and snorted . He said, “ Mr. Jinguan Master, you ’re still in Jingan Temple. Compared with our Soul Gate, it ’s still a little worse, you Are you sure you want to fight with me? "The

Meditation Master has no meaning of concession, and said:" If it is something else, I can give you Mr. An and Soul Gate. But this Jiuye Bingluohua-no way . "


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