Magic Industry Empire

Book 8

Book 8: Chapter 41: Letting go

Book 8: Chapter 41: Letting go

A letter from the “Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce” arrived in Xu Yi’s hands.

Normally speaking, letters from other companies, even official documents, wouldn’t be sent to Xu Yi’s hands.

Although he was the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s chairman, he didn’t really care about the general business of the company.

These letters would be taken care of by the subordinates responsible for this, even the CEO Glarus wouldn’t be alerted.

But this time, because there was the Magicians Guild behind the Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce, the subordinates didn’t dare process this and handed it to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi’s eyes just swept over the contents before he threw it to the side, completely ignoring it.

This letter from the Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce seemed like it conveyed the intentions of the Magicians Guild, but really it was the Mana Magic Kingdom’s intentions being conveyed to Xu Yi.

Because the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had fully withdrawn from the Mana Magic Kingdom, if they tried contacting them through the Mana Magic Kingdom channels, they would definitely be ignored. Then having the Magicians Guild who was the greatest supporter of the Mana Magic Kingdom contact them was very normal.

In this letter, the Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce only mentioned one matter. It was that they hoped to cooperate deeper in terms of agricultural magic machines, buying higher end agricultural magic machine technology from the Frestech Chamber of Commerce. They also indicated that they would pay a high enough price for this.

This letter seemed very normal from a first glance.

There were hundreds of companies that wanted to cooperate with the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, it wasn’t strange if there was an extra Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce.

But in reality, Xu Yi knew that the Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce, or rather the Magicians Guild was standing up for the Mana Magic Kingdom.

The Red Cloud Chamber of Commerce had the Magicians Guild behind them and they didn’t have much territory to begin with, so why would they care about the agricultural magic machines?

Of course it was for the Mana Magic Kingdom.

Xu Yi was very clear that in a month, it would be the spring plowing for most countries on the Sines Continent.

The Mana Magic Kingdom had lost the support of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, so now this large gap was very hard to replace and it would greatly affect their spring plowing.

The Mana Magic Kingdom wanted to use the Magicians Guild to solve this problem, while also expressing the intention of reconciliation with the Frestech Chamber of Commerce.

However, Xu Yi didn’t care at all. He didn’t go back on his promise, but he would let the Frestech Chamber of Commerce return to the Mana Magic Kingdom in several months.

Although Xu Yi had explained how he would handle the Mana Magic Kingdom to Freya, he didn’t explain everything.

In fact, his strong reaction to the Mana Magic Kingdom’s strong opposition of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, while also tolerating the Candra Empire and the Lampuri Kingdom secretly developing military magic machines had all been intentional.

His grand announcement of withdrawing from the Mana Magic Kingdom, first it was to target the strong stance that the Mana Magic Kingdom wanted to show and second, it was because he already had this plan, but the Mana Magic Kingdom made a move first.

Now that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had completely withdrawn from the Mana Magic Kingdom, he believed that everyone would notice the large influence this would have on the Mana Magic Kingdom.

Through this matter, the other countries of the continent would have a more profound and direct understanding of the magic machine industry. They wouldn’t be like before where even if the Frestech chamber of Commerce helped them, they would develop slowly because it wasn’t important to them.

The Mana Magic Kingdom could be considered an “example” that Xu Yi made.

Right now, in less than half a year, the Mana Magic Kingdom had suffered a loss to the Ensfarlan Kingdom, which gave the other countries a perfect “example”.

As for tolerating the Candra Empire and the Lampuri Kingdom……It was like he had explained to Freya. It was because he couldn’t suppress the ambitions of the other countries forever, so he wouldn’t suppress them.

Xu Yi didn’t plan on taking over the world, he didn’t have this ambition nor was he interested.

But even if he didn’t want to, others did.

All the countries on the Sines Continent wanted to unite the continent and become one of the great empires of history.

Xu Yi couldn’t suppress their ambitions, so he could only let nature take its course.

He had already helped the continent gain ten years of development and as for what happened after, he didn’t care and was too lazy to care.

Not to mention that war was a catalyst for technology development. In the two world wars on earth, there were two large technological booms.

Xu Yi couldn’t guarantee that there would be a technological boom in this world after a war, but he was certain that if there was a chance to study military magic machines, the countries of the continent wouldn’t hold back in investing in magic technology.

This was the real reason for Xu Yi telling Freya that he wanted to be a “bit more selfish”.

Letting the large countries develop military magic machines will make it impossible for the peace to remain, it would create turbulence and even disaster for the people of the continent.

However, Xu Yi wasn’t a saint or a god, he couldn’t live forever and couldn’t make the Frestech Chamber of Commerce suppress the other countries with absolute power forever.

So he only had the ability to control the situation and relax the limitations.

He wasn’t certain if this matter would develop as he expected, but he would try to protect the rights of making a living for the people of the continent as much as possible.

That was the only thing he could guarantee and the only thing he could do.

“Ai, compared to this, the situation on the Magic Cloud Continent is more pure.” Xu Yi turned his eyes away from the letter and looked to the west.

Compared to the Sines Continent that was already carved up by the various countries, because the Magic Cloud Continent’s society hadn’t developed as well and because they had been dominated by the rather backwards goblin race, it was much easier to handle compared to the Sines Continent.

The Frestech Chamber of Commerce had been developing the Magic Cloud Continent for over ten years now and after all these years of investing, with the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s power, they had shattered the control of the goblins and had created a large area of control on the Magic Cloud Continent.

The local races of the Magic Cloud Continent couldn’t resist the goblins like the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, so naturally they couldn’t resist the Frestech Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, compared to the goblins that only brought destruction, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce brought better lives and greater prospects for development for the locals.

So the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had received the full support of almost all the locals of the Magic Cloud Continent. They had obtained the rights to their governing region and had full control.

Of course, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s “doing what they wanted” was just developing the magic machine industry on the Magic Cloud Continent, depending on it to take root.

With the absolute control of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and absolute support of the local races, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s development speed on the Magic Cloud Continent far surpassed that of the Sines Continent. josei

In just ten years, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had built the same perfect magic machine industry as the Sines Continent on the Magic Cloud Continent, which could be considered a shocking speed.

Although the Magic Cloud Continent was less developed, the resources they had weren’t worse than the Sines Continent. So after the Frestech Chamber of Commerce took root, they were about to become self sufficient.

If it was a few years ago, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce still needed to transport large amounts of resources from the Sines Continent to the Magic Cloud Continent. However, in recent years, it was the Magic Cloud Continent side that kept transporting resources for the Frestech Chamber of Commerce on the Sines Continent.

It could be said that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s investments on the Magic Cloud Continent had already given large returns.

It was because the Frestech Chamber of Commerce already obtained this solid foundation on the Magic Cloud Continent that Xu Yi chose to let go of the Sines Continent.

When there was a broad land where it was easier for him to accomplish his dream, if he wanted to be a bit more selfish, choosing to no longer interfere with the Sines Continent was the best choice.

As for what the Sines Continent would turn into, he could just coldly watch from the side.

“Of course, that is the premise that I have enough power.” Xu Yi narrowed his eyes and turned to leave his manor.

Half an hour later, he appeared on a barren hill to the north of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce main base.

Looking around the barren hill, there wasn’t anything here and it was no different from any other hills.

But after coming here, one would notice that there was a giant magic barrier around this hill that had an illusion property to it. It hid everything that it covered.

This special magic barrier naturally was a unique magic barrier made by the elves, os it could perfectly block all peeking from the outside world.

To enter this magic barrier, one would either need to be strong enough break through the barrier, but that was impossible since this was a magic barrier that had over a hundred thousand Evs of magic in it, so it was impossible for a single person to reach that level.

Or they needed the special method of entering the magic barrier which was entering a magic password.

The ones that had this magic password were only Xu Yi and the high level members of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, even the normal staff members didn’t know this password.

It had to be known that without authorization, normal staff members would never be able to enter and exit this place at will.

It could be seen how strict security was here.

But after Xu Yi went through several procedures and finally entered the magic barrier, seeing the valley standing tall and the buildings inside that valley, as well as the thing that looked like a giant bullet, he once again affirmed that these strict security measures were necessary.

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