Magic Industry Empire

Volume 1 17 - Free repairs

Volume 1 17 - Free repairs

Volume 1 Chapter 17 Free repairs

Everyone instantly calmed down, looking at each other in blank dismay.

“Brand? What is that?”

“That’s right, what is this thing? Have you heard of it before?”

“Only a ghost would have heard of it……”

“He wouldn’t be speaking nonsense to fool us, right?”


Everyone discussed this and after a while, the large man couldn’t take it anymore and shouted at Heinz, “Hey, profiteer, what is this brand you mentioned? Why can you tell it wasn’t sold by you since there was no brand? Let me tell you, if you want to cheat us, there is no good ending for you!”

Heinz laughed and waved his hand, “No, no, no, how could that be? My place is a lawful operation, how could it cheat people. Of course, it isn’t something sold by us, so how can it be associated with us? Come, everyone take a look.”

Heinz took as Magic Fan he had already prepared from Alex and raised it high up, letting everyone see it. He pointed at the badge above the switch at the base of the Magic Fan.

“Does everyone see this? There is a half wing design here, which is the brand of a Magic Fan made by us. It is called the Frestech Brand. Only Magic Fans with this symbol are products sold by us. If it doesn’t have it, it is fake goods sold by someone else!”

[TL Note: Frestech is an actual chinese company that sells refrigerators.] josei

Hearing him say this, everyone couldn’t help looking at the Magic Fans in their hands.

“Yi? It really doesn’t have it.”

“That’s right, mine doesn’t have it either.”

“Could it be that he is telling the truth? These Magic Fans really aren’t sold by them?”

“It can’t be. I’ve asked around, there is only this place in Banta City that sells Magic Fans.”

“That also isn’t right. My Magic Fan was not bought from this store, it was a fellow who ran to my village to sell this. I’ve heard they specially came to our village from this store to resell this thing.”

“Oh? It’s the same as me. What did the fellow who sold you the Magic Fan look like?”

“Let me think…...That fellow was not old, but his skin was very dark. That’s right, his nose was especially big.”

“Oh, that isn’t the same. The fellow who came to our village to sell the Magic Fan was a middle aged man.”


Hearing the discussion in the crowd, Heinz gave a slight nod. It seemed like the fellows selling imitation Magic Fans was a group. After they finished making the imitations, they split up to sell them in the villages.

After everyone discussed this, they all had the same worried looks.

“Hey, according to what this fellow said, this Magic Fan was not sold by them. What do we do now? I spent two gold coins on this Magic Fan and now it’s broken, so who should I look for now?”

“That’s right, I can’t just spend these two gold coins in vain, right?”

“Ai, it’s my fault for being lazy and cheap. I asked around earlier, everyone who bought a Magic Fan here bought one for two gold coins. Think about it, since those fellows were trying to resell them, how could it be for only two gold coins? Wouldn’t he have made a trip in vain, what money would he gain?”

“That’s right……”

“This isn’t good. According to what you’ve said, haven’t we been cheated? Didn’t we waste those two gold coins?”

“Otherwise? Can we still find the boss here to cause trouble? Our Magic Fans don’t have that…..brand he mentioned, it means it wasn’t sold by him.”



Seeing everyone’s worried looks, Heinz seized this chance to loudly shout, “Everyone, please calm down. I still have something else to announce.”

Everyone immediately stopped talking, they wanted to hear what he was going to say.

“I know that everyone has been cheated by a swindler and I understand what everyone is thinking, but I must make something clear right now. The Frestech Magic Fans is currently only sold in our store, anything sold anywhere else are all imitations. I ask everyone to please be careful.”

“Che…..What use is there in saying this now? We’ve already been cheated.”

“That’s right, it’s just words. This fellow wouldn’t compensate us our gold coins.”

“Humph, this fellow in the end is just a profiteer, would he have any good intentions?”


Heinz revealed a faint smile as he continued to say in a loud voice, “But, the cause of this matter is the Magic Fan in the end. Our Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s chairman has said that this time everyone has sustained a loss and although we can’t give everyone compensation, we can at least help everyone solve some of their problems. For the Magic Fans everyone has bought this time, whether it is of the Frestech Brand or not, as long as it is broken, it can be repaired for free! Listen well, as long as it doesn’t require a part replacement, the repair will be free!”

Heinz announced this and everyone broke out in cheers.

“Really? You’re speaking the truth?”

“Free! He actually said free repairs!”

“It can’t be, right? Didn’t he say that our Magic Fans weren’t sold from his place? Why would he repair it for us for free?”

“Are you stupid, didn’t you hear what he just said? Their chairman is helping us solve this problem.”

“Wa! That chairman really is a great person! That’s right, what is your company called? It’s Fresh…...Frestech Chamber of Commerce?”

“That’s right, Frestech Chamber of Commerce. This store owner just said that the Magic Fans were of the Frestech Brand, it seems like the name came from the name of the company.”

“Alright, I’ll remember that. Frestech, Frestech, I’ll look for this first when I buy Magic Fans in the future! The other fake products can all go shove it!”

“Un, me too! As long as you can fix my Magic Fan this time, not to mention the Magic Fans, even for other things, I will buy everything as long as your Frestech Chamber of Commerce sells it!”


Hearing everyone continuing to talking about “Frestech”, Heinz’s expression became very strange.

Could this be the “brand recognition” Xu Yi talked about?

Although he didn’t understand what these words meant, based on the reaction of these people, not only did he and Xu Yi not suffer a huge loss this time, they even gained some benefits that couldn’t be seen right now.

“Managing a brand is very hard, it needs to be maintained for a long time. If we even relax a bit, it could be destroyed at any moment. So, Heinz, you have to remember in the future, no matter the time, as long as there is a chance, you have to seize it to advertise our brand.” After he finished fixing a Magic Fan, Xu Yi turned his head over to speak to Heinz.

“Un, I know.” Heinz replied with a nod.

Seeing the people who had full smiles and were filled with words of thanks after their Magic Fans had been repaired, Heinz had some understanding in his heart.

After this matter, these people should have a deep impression of the “Frestech Brand”. This means that in their hearts, they should have a certain amount of brand awareness.

Seeing Heinz being lost in thought, Xu Yi turned back around with a smile. After he stretched out his stiff limbs, he nodded at the person waiting in front of him, “Alright, bring your Magic Fan over.”

Afaylia’s after carefully placed the Magic Fan he was carrying on the table in front of Xu Yi. After sitting down, he didn’t watch Xu Yi fix the Magic Fan, but rather he looked at Xu Yi with a curious look.

Sensing Afaylia’s father’s gaze, Xu Yi felt a bit awkward. He looked over the Magic Fan while saying with a smile, “Old grandfather, what are you looking at me for? Is there something on my face?”

“Ah? Ah…..nothing, nothing.” Afaylia’s father quickly waved his hand as he said while laughing, “I’m just a bit curious. Hey, kid, tell me, what is your company’s boss thinking?”

“What do you mean?” Xu Yi asked back in a surprised voice.

“I’m saying…...These people who been scammed with these Magic Fans are clearly unrelated to you, so why is your boss helping us fix them for free?”

“Oh, you’re asking about this. It’s very simple, our chairman said that a company is not just about making money, they also have to bear social responsibilities. Although it was you all who were cheated into buying these imitation Magic Fans, because we didn’t announce this matter beforehand, you were all cheated. So that means, we do have some responsibilities. These free repairs can be considered our compensation to you all.”

Afaylia’s father knit his brows and thought it through for a while before shaking his head, “I don’t understand. Actually it’s fine if you all do nothing since these Magic Fans weren’t sold here. We can’t cause any trouble for you even if we wanted to.”

“He, he, I’ve already said this, this is our social responsibility.”

“What social responsibility? I don’t understand.” Afaylia’s father waved his hand.

Xu Yi laughed, “You’re old, you don’t need to understand. You just need to know that this is how it’ll be.” After saying this, he returned the Magic Fan in his hand to Afaylia’s father, “Here, it’s fixed. Why don’t you take a look?”

“Ah? It’s fixed?” Afaylia’s father took the Magic Fan in a daze. He looked over it before pressing the switch.

After a few seconds, the blades of the fan began moving and it blew out a cold breeze after a while.

Afaylia’s father instantly bloomed with a smile, “This is great! This is great! With this fan working, my little grandson won’t cause any more trouble! Thank you kid!”

“No need, this is what I should do.” Xu Yi smiled as he spoke in a respectful voice before adding, “That’s right, there is a problem with the Magic Array inside the Magic Fan and there is a problem with the structure, so it can’t be used for a long time. You need to let it rest after a certain amount of time or something bad will happen to it. According to my estimates, you can’t use it for more than two hours before you need to let it rest.”

“I can’t keep using it?” Afaylia’s father’s good mood instantly sunk, “What broken thing is this? It even cost me two gold coins.”

After being annoyed for a bit, Afaylia’s father asked Xu Yi, “Then what about the one you sell…..Right, that Frestech Magic Fan? Does it need to keep resting like this thing?”

“Of course not.” Xu Yi shook his head with a smile, “There is definitely no problem with the quality of our Magic Fans, it can be used continuously for three days without problems. You can ask around Banta City, there are people who have bought our Frestech Magic Fans and there hasn’t been a single person with any problems. Of course, it can’t keep spinning for too long, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to keep going no matter what it is. Don’t you think so?”

“I understand this, but it’s so much better than this broken thing.” Afaylia’s father slapped his head in annoyment, “If I knew this earlier, I wouldn’t have blindly bought something outside. I would have just come into the city and bought it from here!”

Xu Yi laughed, “It’s not too late to know about this now, you just need to recognize our brand in the future.”

Afaylia’s father gave a strong nod, “Frestech Brand, right? I’ll remember it!”

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