Magic Industry Empire

Volume 8 Chapter 98

Volume 8 Chapter 98

Volume 8 Chapter 98 Like a little girl

Prince Raymond stood straight and had a perfect smile on his face as he walked into the hall filled with people.

He had a strong figure because of his constant exercise and with his magnificent formal dress, he fully demonstrated his elegant appearance. It attracted the passionate gazes of many Antila Kingdom noble girls, as if they would swallow Prince Raymond in a single bite.

This was the Antila Kingdom’s royal palace and Prince Raymond acted like he was in the Lampuri Kingdom’s royal palace, without any intentions of being a guest.

Because this time he had come to attend the Antila Kingdom’s surrender ceremony.

As the representative from the Lampuri Kingdom, he had to show the stance of a master because this surrender ceremony represented the Antila Kingdom’s complete surrender to the Lampuri Kingdom, accepting their integration into the Lampuri Kingdom.

After two years of war, the Lampuri Kingdom had completely defeated the Antila Kingdom, forcing them to surrender. For the Lampuri Kingdom, this was without a doubt a magnificent feat.

It had to be known that in the several hundred years of the Lampuri Kingdom’s history, although they had a great achievement of destroying the Sack Kingdom and the Falk Kingdom, that was done with the help of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and wasn’t recognized by everyone.

But this time, the Lampuri Kingdom had relied on their own power to defeat the Antila Kingdom.

The Frestech Chamber of Commerce had been neutral during this entire war and never helped the Lampuri Kingdom.

Of course, the Antila Kingdom’s people definitely didn’t believe this.

Prince Raymond looked in front of him at the Antila Kingdom’s king and other high level representatives waiting for him. Seeing the forced smiles on their faces and the unconvinced and fierce looks in their eyes, he couldn’t help smiling.

So what if they’re unconvinced? The facts were that the Antila Kingdom couldn’t resist the Lampuri Kingdom and was conquered.

Even if the Antila Kingdom could resist a bit, that was just some small problems not worth mentioning and couldn’t affect the general situation.

Thinking of this, Prince Raymond’s smile became wider as he walked forward towards the Antila Kingdom’s representatives.

But before he took a few steps, he suddenly felt a special pair of eyes staring from the crowd that made him unable to not turn his head to look.

However all he saw was a normal looking girl hiding in the crowd. Although her clothes were luxurious, she was very different from the beautiful young noble ladies of the Antila Kingdom around her.

But when this woman raised her hand to give a strange signal, Prince Raymond’s eyes shrank.

Then that woman gave Prince Raymond a nod before turning to leave.

Prince Raymond stopped for a bit before he continued forward.

Not many people noticed this small interlude and the entire ceremony continued as planned.

The surrender treaty was smoothly signed.

Even if the Antila Kingdom’s ministers created some barriers with their words, Prince Raymond easily solved them all.

In the end, the situation had been determined and the Antila Kingdom couldn’t fight back at all.

When night came, the ceremony and banquet that had lasted several hours finally came to an end.

Prince Raymond declined everyone’s invitations and directly left the Antila Kingdom royal palace.

After leaving the royal palace, he took the Lampuri Kingdom’s motorcade, but he didn’t go to the embassy prepared by the Antila Kingdom, but rather drove out of the Antila Kingdom’s capital city.

When he came to a place around three kilometers outside the capital city’s gate, he finally stopped by a small river.

Prince Raymond came out and walked over to a common looking Magic Sedan by the river. He opened the passenger seat and sat down.

“Hey, Raymond, you weren’t taken away by any of those Antila noble girls?” The person in the driver’s seat turned over and asked Prince Raymond this with a bright smile.

If anyone else was here, they definitely would have been shocked.

Because this person was actually the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s current chairman, Freya!

Prince Raymond gave a shrug, “Since Freya was looking for me, even if they did invite me, I could only let them down.”

In front of Freya, he didn’t speak with the tone of the “gentle without any dignity” and “benevolent and fair” prince in the eyes of the Lampuri Kingdom’s people, rather he spoke very casually.

Freya looked at him and shook her head, “You shouldn’t say that to me. Your son is already two years old, so you shouldn’t play around that much.”

Hearing Freya mention his son, Prince Raymond revealed a happy smile.

“He, he, Hasal can already run around now. I think that in a few years, I can bring him out to play.” After a pause, he revealed a bitter smile, “Speaking of playing around, I’m not that interested. But lady mother wants me to find a few more and give birth to more children, so she always encourages me.”

Freya gave a soft snort, “Does aunt Seveni like having that many grandchildren?”

“She is just thinking about our Lampuri Kingdom’s royal family bloodline, I can understand this.” Prince Raymond explained on Seveni’s behalf. josei

Freya looked at Prince Raymond and shook her head, “Forget it, the thoughts of your royal families aren’t things that normal people like us can understand, I’m too lazy to care about that.”

Prince Raymond looked at Freya and thought that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s chairman can’t be considered a normal person.

Then he also thought of another problem.

“Freya speaking of this, when......are you planning on getting married? You’re already thirty......”

“Shut up!” Freya angrily reprimanded, “You’re a prince, don’t you know that discussing a woman’s age is rude?”

Prince Raymond helplessly spread his hands, “But can you say that this isn’t a problem? I think that uncle Xu and aunt Still have always been worried about this, haven’t you thought of that?”

“I say, you are an honoured prince and the future king of the Lampuri Kingdom, can you care about the important things that you should care about and not ask me these questions?” Freya glared at him, “You want me to get married? Alright, as long as you can find someone as outstanding as my dad or just a bit worse than him, then I’ll agree. Can you find someone like that?”

Prince Raymond revealed a bitter smile.

Xu Yi had already become a legend on the Sines Continent.

Whether it was as an Arch Magus or creating the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, he was at the peak of this world. How could there be someone that is like him?

“Alright, time is precious, let’s stop rambling and get to business.” Freya cleared her throat and continued, “Raymond, is your Lampuri Kingdom still not planning on entering the outer space industry? According to the news I received yesterday, the Candra Empire has launched their sixth satellite and the Marlow Empire launched their fifth last month. If you give them some more time, I think that they will be able to set up a complete monitoring system and the countries that don’t have these things at that time will suffer. Especially your Lampuri Kingdom. Don’t look at the fact that you’ve swallowed the Antila Kingdom, the gap between you and the two empires has actually increased. If you don’t do something, the gap will only get bigger.”

Prince Raymond was silent for a bit before asking, “Are these your thoughts or uncle Xu’s?”

“My thoughts. Lord father no longer asks about the matters of the Sines Continent, it’s not like you don’t know this.”

“Un......” Prince Raymond silently thought for a bit before giving a sigh and revealing a bitter smile, “Actually, I already considered this issue and I also think that our Lampuri Kingdom should develop the outer space industry so we don’t fall too far behind, but lady mother, she......”

Freya and Prince Raymond looked at each other for a bit before she suddenly thought of something. She said with a smile, “Tell me......Aunt Seveni not being willing to develop the outer space industry over the past few years, is it because she’s being spiteful with my father?”

Prince Raymond looked at Freya and wanted to refute this, but he couldn’t when he opened his mouth.

Since Xu Yi came to the Sines Continent three years ago and spread the outer space program, there were many countries that started to develop the outer space industry. The two empires were the first to launch satellites into outer space last year.

For the Lampuri Kingdom that didn’t have a worse magic machine industry than the two empires and were even better in certain aspects, they should have developed quickly in the outer space industry.

But the Lampuri Kingdom never seemed to catch on with the outer space industry. Not only did they not develop it, they even resisted it.

All of this came from Queen Seveni’s strange resistance of the outer space industry.

No one knew why the wise Queen Seveni would be against the outer space industry, only Freya and Prince Raymond had some clues.

When Xu Yi came back to the Sines Continent to promote the outer space program, he went to many countries, but chose to avoid the Lampuri Kingdom.

Even in the five days he stayed in Banta City, he didn’t go see Seveni.

So Freya and Prince Raymond guessed that Queen Seveni was a bit spiteful because of this and wasn’t willing to develop the outer space industry.

Prince Raymond wasn’t willing to acknowledge this since in his mind, his lady mother had always put her heart into the Lampuri Kingdom. She was a queen that never did anything for personal gain, so how could she decide the Lampuri Kingdom’s policies in a spiteful manner like a little girl?

But the current situation didn’t have any other explanation......

However, what Prince Raymond was worried about was that even if his lady mother chose not to develop the outer space industry because of this reason, he didn’t have a way to solve it.

He couldn’t just have Xu Yi go admit his mistake in front of his mother, right?

After thinking about it, he looked at Freya beside him.

Freya had taken the initiative to find him about this matter, could it be that she had a way to solve it?

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