Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001

Finally, LAN Xiao followed Dong Xiaowan to division 96.

At the same time, yesterday afternoon, song Yan received his reinstatement order.

As soon as song Yan arrived at the special police base, he caused quite a stir. Yesterday, such a big event happened, and the Minister of his family was still safe and successfully reinstated, which is a skill in all aspects.

Besides, the injured C.O. has been sent to the hospital and is in good condition. He should be discharged in a few days.

Shortly after entering the office, Goosen knocked on the door.

Gossiping for a few words, Gao Sen suddenly said with a twist: "minister, I'm really admire you so much, so you can get out of danger!"

"Are you disappointed?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"No way! Am I like that? " Gao Sen hurriedly promised.


Several valuable flying cars drove into mass city. Finally, these cars landed in the parking lot on the top floor of the best restaurant in mass City, and then ten young men and women came out of the car. The ten people had the same characteristics and looked pale.

The leader is a man and a woman.

Men's suits and shoes, hair combed meticulously, very gentlemanly style.

The dress of the woman is gorgeous, and her whole body exudes a cold air.

As for the other eight, there was a sense of awe in the eyes of both men and women.

Soon, the ten people will stay in this hotel.

In the presidential suite, the man and the woman sat on the sofa, while the other eight stood respectfully in two rows.

"The man said," this task is explained by the master of poetry and the master of Yue Yue. So, in any case, we should complete the task and develop at least fifty-four or five generations of people in half a month. You have no problem! "

"Lord Liang fan, please rest assured that we will complete the task!"

Eight people said in unison.

"You are only three generations of people. You are limited in your ability during the day. Now, go back to your room to rest and start at night!"


Eight three generations of blood took the lead. For a while, only one man and one woman were left in the presidential suite.

"Litchi, I heard there is an ancient town in the mass city. Why don't we go around?" Liang fan's words are flattering.

"Liang fan, I hope you can make it clear that we are here for the mission, not for fun. If we don't finish anything, I will not let you go!"

Liang Fan said confidently, "don't worry, you will be able to complete the task for such a long time. Besides, you should pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Are you really not going to visit the ancient town?"

"No!" Litchi said coldly, "I need to find out the information of mass city to see if there is anything that we should be vigilant about! "

hearing this, Liang fan could not help but smile:" you are so worried about litchi, you and I are Viscount, even if the general war saints are not our opponents, what's more, we can fly, but also have a very strong self-healing ability, how can a small mass City threaten our existence! "

"Be careful to sail for thousands of years. I'd better investigate!"

As soon as the voice fell, litchi got up and walked out.


When the door closed, Liang fan's face suddenly darkened. He swore in a low voice, "Stinky bitch, one day, I will get you to bed!"

The night was black.

In addition to a certain area of mass, other places are extremely quiet.

The area is known as the night zone, which is full of bars, boxing houses, brothels and other entertainment places.

Just tonight, there were eight pale men and women in this area.

Because they are so handsome or beautiful, they are very likely to be accosted after entering and leaving the entertainment places. These eight people almost never refuse to come, and soon the person who accosted with them came to the hotel to open a room.

In a hotel room.


The sound of the sharp weapon piercing into the flesh and blood is that the fangs of a blood clan pierced the neck of a middle-aged man.

Sucking part of the blood out of the man's body, the female blood clan could not help smiling contentedly.

After about five minutes, the middle-aged man, who was lost in dizziness, woke up and knelt down in front of the female blood clan: "see the master at Ludong!"

If the blood clan only absorbs one third of the human blood and feeds back part of the blood to him, the other party will become a blood slave within five minutes. If the whole blood of the other party is sucked up, the other party will die and will not become a blood clan.

"Get up!" The female blood race proudly said.

When the other side stood up, she said slowly: "Ludong, I hope you can develop a hundred blood slaves in the next half month. If you can't finish the task, I will kill you!"

"Obey the master, my subordinates must complete the task!" East guarantee road.

In another hotel, just after entering the room, the woman in leather clothes and trousers shouted excitedly, "Jon, hurry, kiss me!""Good!"

Jon agreed, and then kissed the woman on the neck, but there was a puff immediately, and for a moment, the woman's eyes protruded.

Similar things are constantly performed in various hotels.

At the same time, in the presidential suite of the best hotel in mass, Liang fan and a beautiful woman are rolling their bed sheets.

After finishing, the woman said intoxicated: "fan, you are so powerful, I really want to be with you all my life!"

"That's not easy!" Liang fan smiled strangely, and suddenly two fangs came out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the woman's eyes suddenly stared round: "you..."


Liang fan's tusks pierced into the woman's snow-white neck.

In the morning, a group of blood gathered in Liang fan's suite again.

"Lord Liang fan, Lord lychee, I have developed 15 offspring last night." A woman of blood. josei

"Two adults, last night I developed a total of 17 offspring!" Another man of blood.

Then, six other people reported that the largest one had 22 offspring in one night, and eight had 156 offspring in one night.

Moreover, they gave the 156 people an order to develop a hundred offspring in half a month. If everyone completed the task, they would have 155600 offspring.

And in the following time, they can continue to develop their offspring. As long as they keep the record tonight, they can easily complete the task.

In the morning, song Yan drove to the special police base.

Just entering the base, his eyes suddenly fell on a special guard.

However, he quickly took back his eyes, walked into the office building as if nobody else, and his face darkened as soon as he entered the office, because he found that the special police officer was no longer a human being, but a vampire.

There are still teeth marks on the neck of the other party, that is to say, the other party is likely to be bitten last night.

So he didn't take down the special police officer. He just wanted to find the blood clan that turned him into a vampire.

[author's digression]: sanguine, today's update is over.

At the great request of the readers in the group, I'll write a thousand chapters of my speech, and unconsciously I'll write a thousand chapters. Should you give me a reward?

Some people say that Qianzhang should be improved, and so do mosquitoes. However, it's not convenient to code these days because it's not at home. Therefore, the improvement should be put after the 8th.

By the way, some readers in the book review area ask greatly, who is Lan Xiao, the mosquito is also strange, who is Lan Xiao, is there this person in the mosquito book?

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