Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Salo is very confident about his strength.

Although he was only a earl, he was a saint of war before he became a vampire. In addition, he was a vampire of the first generation, whose blood power was far stronger than that of the second and third generations, so he could become a Earl not long after he became a vampire.


His fist roared with a strong sound, and there was a light blood awn on it.

Seeing his fist is about to hit the chest of the city guardian and puncture his chest.

But at this time

A palm appeared.


The fist with the power of supreme power and the power of terror hit the palm of that hand, but sarrow felt that his fist hit a huge cotton and was completely free of force.

But in the next moment, a stronger force surged out of the other side's palm and exerted on his fist.


Salo's mouth is slightly crooked, his body shape changes that strength in the middle of the air, and he retreats more than ten meters away, staring at Song Yan: "you are very good, worth 50% of my strength against you!"

"Is it?" Song Yan can't be denied the smile.

"Take it, stupid man!"

Take a sip.

Salo's body shape turned into a shadow flying out, at the same time, his whole body turned into a very strong attack weapon, launched a stormy attack against song Yan.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

In all directions, his attacks are all over his head and under his body. Moreover, his moves are extremely fast, and each move is extremely exquisite.


In the face of the impenetrable wind like a storm, song Yan is not slow to resist, blocking all the attacks of sarrow.

The attack lasted for a quarter of an hour, and sarrow returned again, looking at Song Yan unexpectedly: "very well, I didn't expect you to catch the attack of 50% of my strength. Now, I will deal with you with all my strength, and I hope you can support it for a long time!"

"Don't you pretend to be forced to die?"

Song Yan looked at him speechlessly and said, "you have launched two attacks on me, but each one has failed. It's just that you come here without being rude. You also come here to taste my attack!"

As soon as the voice fell, song Yan stepped out step by step.

This step seems to be slow and simple, but after one step, song Yan's body shape came directly to Salo's body, and then he punched him in the chest.

The speed of this fist is not fast, and there is no sound of howling and breaking the air. It even gives people a feeling of light floating.

Seeing this punch, sarrow was stunned at first, then smiled: "I'm afraid you can't even kill an ordinary person if you take this punch down!"

"Can't you fight?"

Song Yan is a little sad.


At the next moment, his fist fell on sarrow's chest. Then, a dull sound sounded, and he saw his body as a broken kite going backwards. In the process of going backwards, he continuously spurted blood, which was mixed with visceral fragments.

More than 100 meters back, Salo finally stopped his figure, he looked at Song Yan in horror: "what kind of boxing are you?"

"Punch the dog!" Song Yan smiled and slowly spit out four words.

"Stupid man, you've made me angry. Don't worry. I'll make you die with a sense of rhythm!"

"Whoo! Shout! "

The eight wings behind sarrow agitated rapidly. Suddenly, there was a cluster of black air flow around him. These black air flow gathered more and more. Finally, a layer of black Rune armor was formed on him.

"Aung! On! "

Salo roared at Song Yan, with a strong sound wave attack in the howling sound, and almost all the surrounding spaces covered by sound wave appeared cracks.

But the song inkstone in the center of the sound wave was not damaged, even the corner of his clothes did not flutter.

"Why, if you can't fight, you'll scream. Do you think you can beat me if you have a loud voice?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Loud? I am a sonic attack, woodlouse! "

Sarrow's face was black, corrected.

"It's a sound wave attack. Sorry, I thought it was a ghost call!" Song Yan said apologetically.

"Asshole, you're going to die for me!"

Salo burst to drink, a strong wing behind him, he disappeared directly in place, then, a strong force from Song Yan's head.

"Ha ha, didn't you eat?"


Sneer, song Yan toward the head of a blow.


The fist hit Salo's belly. Suddenly, he became a prawn. At the same time, his back rose to the sky.

At this time, song Yan's body shape was in a flash, and he appeared on the top of Saro, with his right foot on his back."Ow!"

Salo let out another scream, and fell to the ground.


With a loud noise, the dust piled up, and then the dust dispersed, a huge hole appeared in the broad street.


A confused figure rushed up from the hole and looked at the song inkstone floating on his head. He subconsciously wanted to rush up, but he stopped his figure.

All of a sudden, his eyelids beat slightly. Then he took a deep breath, and a black flame came out of his body.

"To die!"

Salo rushed to song Yan again, and the speed doubled again.


He hit it with his fist, and the powerful force almost shattered the void.

Song Yan fights each other with fists.


When two fists collide in the void, sarrow's face can't help showing a conspiracy smile, because the fire on his fist swept out and spread to song Yan's arm. At the same time, a figure like nothingness appeared quietly behind song Yan, holding a blood red dagger and stabbing his vest as fast as lightning.


The dagger successfully hit song Yan's vest, but it made a sound of iron and gold.

"How could it be?"

When Tiro heard this sound, he immediately suspected that he had a hallucination. Because, just now, he had used his whole body's strength. Moreover, the dagger was a weapon given to him by his master. He was confident that if he stabbed sarrow with one sword, he would be seriously injured.

Sarrow has a strong sense of fighting. When he hears the golden tone, he flies back. josei


Song Yan smiled at him. His arm shook slightly. Suddenly, the black flame on his arm was shaken off.


Seeing the flames shaken off, sarrow's eyes immediately stare round. The black flames are not ordinary flames, but the unique skill of a generation of Vampires - Shura fire.

Even if Zhansheng is touched with a little fire of Shura, he will be burned to ashes in an instant. If Zhanshen is touched with it, he will be burned dry.

But the guardian of the city touched so much fire of Shura, but it was not damaged, and a slight shake would shake off the fire of Shura like a maggot of tarsal bone.


An idea appeared in his heart, and then, he had no courage to face song Yan, and he turned around and flew away.

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