Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Ning Ling is sitting on a stool in the hall of the StarCraft astronautical building. She thinks that she will see her husband in a few days, and a happy smile will appear on her lips.

Just at this time, a pair of twin men walked into the hall. Behind them, there were more than ten attendants. Each of them was tall and powerful. At first sight, they knew that they were the bodyguards of the twin men.

The twins are called GUI long and GUI Hu. Outsiders call them GUI brothers.

In the federal Empire, there are many families, among which the top three are Tianjia, daoen and Guijia.

There are more than 100 young people in the GUI family.

But the GUI brothers are definitely one of the most outstanding young people in the GUI family.

Moreover, the relationship between Guilong and Guihu is particularly good. Under the joint efforts of the two brothers, almost no one of the younger generation of the GUI family is their opponent.

However, the GUI brothers have a lust for flowers.

If it's ordinary people, it's a natural fault, but it's nothing to fall on GUI brothers.

After all, with their power, even if they don't pursue women, there will be women who actively approach their brothers.

When Guilin glanced at the hall, he saw Ning Ling, who just showed a smile. He was shocked. There were no less than 200 beauties of all kinds he played, but he had never seen such a fresh and refined woman.

Feeling the vision of Guilong, Guihu followed his vision, and saw Ningling. Suddenly, his heart quivered and subconsciously said, "beautiful!"

Then they looked at each other: "we must take her!"

Outsiders don't know a secret. The two brothers like to play with a woman.

The other side.

Tianlong has received the news that five of his men have been killed, but he feels inexplicably angry.

"Lao Jiao, regardless of everything, must take that Ning Ling!"

"Yes!" josei

Lao Jiao left the room after saluting.

In the hall of StarCraft building.

Ning Ling, who was keeping her eyes closed, sensed that two people were coming to her. She subconsciously opened her eyes and found that they were a pair of handsome twin men.

"This beautiful lady, can I meet you?" GUI long shows a charming smile and looks at Ning Ling and asks.

Ning Ling's face suddenly turned cold. "I'm not interested in meeting you. Please go away and don't disturb me."

Smell speech, Guilong's face is not from slightly a sluggish, the eye bottom is flashed a trace of annoyance, and Guihu said: "I'm sorry, this young lady, it's US abrupt you."

With that, Guihu left with Guilong.

"Tiger, what do you mean?" Wait to go to one side, GUI long some unhappy way.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Let's find out her identity first and then set a plan to conquer her!" GUI Hu's calm way.

GUI long curled his mouth and said with some disdain, "is it necessary to be so troublesome? Just tell her who we are, and she won't cry for our bed! "

"I don't think she will!"

Guihu turned his head and looked at Ningling and continued: "I have a feeling that this woman is different from ordinary women, so I will conquer her even if I spend more time!"

"Don't you think it's very tiring?" The way that Guilong doesn't think so.

"That's the pleasure of conquering. Think about it. In the past, we only need to hook the fingers of those women, and they will be fooled by us. The more the women who are called to play, the less interesting they are. Therefore, I always hope that a woman can refuse me. The more she refuses, the more I want her The greater my sense of achievement will be when I get her! "

Speaking of this, Guihu's expression became extremely excited, and there was a kind of craziness in it.

A quarter of an hour passed in a twinkling of an eye. At that moment, dozens of flying cars suddenly rushed to the front of the star space building at a very fast speed. Then, a large group of people flew down from above and into the hall.

As soon as they entered the hall, their eyes began to strafe around and finally locked in Ning Ling.

"There, surround!"

The leader's long haired man said in a deep voice. Suddenly, a circle of dozens of people surrounded Ning Ling and dozens of rest passengers.

"What's the matter!"

Seeing this scene, both Guilong and Guihu showed a trace of surprise.

"It's from heaven!"

An old man in black appeared quietly beside GUI brothers.

"Hum, Tianjia!"

Hearing the name of Tianjia, the GUI brothers were all cold. Although they were the top families of the federal Empire, the three families were in hostile relationship.

Just as they were talking, Ning Ling, who kept his eyes closed, stood up slowly.

The group of people who looked at Tianjia was not good, and the ordinary passengers showed a look of panic.

"Everyone but her is leaving now!"The long haired man points to Ning Lingdao.

"Grass! The son of a bitch of heaven came for that woman! " The dragon was furious and rushed up, but was caught by the tiger: "little dragon, don't be impulsive, let's wait and see how it changes!"

"What if those bastards of Tianjia hurt the beauty?"

Guihu shook his head: "don't worry, this beauty can attract so many experts from Tianjia. It's certainly not easy. When she is about to lose support, we can do it again. In this way, she will be more grateful to us!"

As soon as GUI Long's eyes brightened, he nodded in deep thought: "you are still a kid with many ideas!"

On the other side, Ning Ling has already handed in the hands of Tianjia people.

In order to catch her, the Tianjia people also made money. There were 34 people, nine war gods and 25 war saints. Except for the man with long hair who didn't do anything, the others formed a formation to besiege her.

Fortunately, song Yan is a great array master. Ning Ling likes to serve as a servant girl around Song Yan. She also knows some array skills.

Therefore, it seems that the powerful battle formation really can't help her. On the contrary, under her intentional traction, the Tianjia people attack each other from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Tianjia's long hair man can't help but show the unexpected color.

The GUI brothers were shocked.

"God, the strength of this woman is so strong. If you can carry her to bed Haha, I'm excited to think about it! " GUI Hu said excitedly.

"This girl is not simple. Even if I can't do well in that battle, she can do so easily!" Said the old man in black with admiration.

As time went on, more and more people made mistakes, even six of them were injured.

The six people who were injured felt extremely depressed, because their injuries were caused by the mistakes of their companions.

See go on like this not good, long hair man heart move, shout: "withdraw formation, free attack!"

[author's aside]: three changes.

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