Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033

Three or five or two, song Yan will eat this fruit.

"No response?"

I waited for a minute.

Fortunately, the systematic practice is still good. At one and a half minutes, song Yan finally felt a reaction in his body.

then, as like as two peas, he was moved by his heart, and there was a man more closely attached to him.


Song Yanyi grabs the body and enters the shrine.

After a test, this individual has 50% cultivation of immortals and 50% cultivation of martial arts.

As for the powers and skills from the system, separation is not possible.

Although there are no supernatural powers and skills, the comprehensive strength is comparable to that of the general later period of wusheng.

Finally, the question comes back to whether to exchange the wings of the God of blood.

Speed is a very important element in the battle, so after some thinking, song Yan still bit his teeth to exchange the wings of the blood god.

After putting it on, he went to the temple to test it. Sure enough, his speed doubled. In addition, the divine wind formula was even half faster than that of the blood prince.

"Ding! Remind that there is a host who has promoted the system to five stars. As long as you kill him or her, you can complete the experience and leave the world! "

The sudden system remind let song Yan Leng Leng Leng.

Then the heart can not help gushing out of a excitement, and finally found the conditions to leave the world.

But immediately his heart sank again.

The system just reminds someone to upgrade the system to five stars, but it doesn't tell him where he is.

The federal Empire has the main star and eleven natural stars. How to find a person in such a large area?

Besides, there are other interstellar empires besides the federal empire. If that host is on the territory of other interstellar empires, it may not be possible to find him even if he has been searching for ten years and a hundred years.

Suddenly, a question came to his mind.

Since killing the host with five star system can return to its own main world, can the other party also return after killing the host?

If so, we can use this to attract that host.

When his mind moved, song Yan began to measure the number of stars and calculate the host on the tenth natural star.

Unfortunately, none of them.

It is estimated that after this period of precipitation, they have all upgraded, and he can't measure their whereabouts.

For a while, song Yan regretted that he should not have been to ordinary people's life, but went to various natural stars to search for the whereabouts of other hosts.

Thinking of this, he no longer has the mind to continue to be the special police department minister.

He plans to quit his job today, and then take poetry and joy to the other ten planets of the federal Empire to find another system host. josei

He believed that with the help of poetry and Yueyue, even if he met Jiang Fantian, he might not have the power of World War I.

However, before searching for the whereabouts of other hosts, song Yan decided to go back to the main star.

Thinking of doing it, song Yan soon wrote his resignation and handed it to the municipal government.

Just as he handed in his resignation less than 20 minutes later, Liang Shuangquan called to ask why he had resigned.

Song Yan found an excuse to perfunctory.

There is no wall in the world that does not leak. What's more, song Yan did not deliberately hide his resignation.

So Goosen broke into his office and said excitedly, "minister, are you going to resign?"


Song Yan nodded.

"Why?" Gorsen asked again.

"I have more important things. You can rest assured that you will take over my position when I leave!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Minister, can you not resign?"

Song Yan shakes his head.

Then, just after Gao Sen left, Zhang Chongyang, the leader of a large team, came to persuade song Yan for the same purpose as Gao Sen.

Before Zhang Chongyang left, Han Xiruo rushed in.

"What do you mean, Lu Feng? Why do you want to resign?" Han Xiruo asked angrily.

"You go out first." Song Yan said to Zhang Chongyang.

"Yes, Minister!"

Zhang Chongyang walked out of the office with a strange look in his eyes. Song Yan pointed to the sofa and said, "sit and talk!"

"Lu Feng, did you resign to avoid me on purpose?"

"You think so much. It's none of your business for me to resign." Song Yan said with a smile.

"And for what?" Han Xiruo's expression eased a lot.

"I can't explain it to you!"

"What if I had to ask you to explain it to me?"

"I have no obligation!" Song inkstone's face suddenly sank.

"Well, you are cruel, you wait for me!"

Han Xiruo gave him a cold stare, and then left angrily.After lunch, the whole special police base is spreading the news that song Yan is about to leave.

The municipal government is also discussing the matter. However, before they reach a conclusion, Han Jisheng sends a document to allow song Yan to leave.

Even Han Jisheng agreed to song Yan's resignation, and the municipal government had no need to discuss it at all.

Before work, Gao Sen came to song Yan's office again.

Because before leaving work, the official document approving song Yan's resignation was placed in the special police base. At the same time, the official document that Gao Sen took over as the special police minister was passed down together at this time.

Gao Sen knows that song Yan's contribution is indispensable for him to take over the post of minister so quickly.

So, he wants to invite song Yan to have a meal before he leaves.

Song Yan didn't refuse. He went to chunyuelou with Gao Sen.

The owner's wife was very warm and told the cook to specially add two good dishes to them.

In the middle of the day, he came to offer a toast to song Yan.

At eight o'clock in the evening, song Yan returned to the villa, then took out his mobile phone and called Ning Ling, telling her that he would return to the main star tomorrow.

However, what came from the phone was unable to connect.

Song Yan didn't care about it either. It's normal that the interstellar phone can't be connected.

However, when she couldn't get through several times, song Yan was a little uneasy. She felt moved and dialed Yamaguchi's phone to let her contact Ning Ling.

As a slave, Yamaguchi was particularly interested in Song Yan's order. Without getting through Ning Ling's phone, she went to investigate her villa, only to find that it was empty. Then, she launched various channels to explore and learned what happened in the hall of the aerospace building.

After hearing Yamaguchi's report, song Yan's face was immediately cold, and his eyes were full of murderous spirit: "Tianjia, if linger is a little lost, I want your whole family to be buried!"

Take a deep breath. Song Yan calls to book a flight ticket, but there is no flight ticket tonight. The earliest one is 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Song Yan could not wait so long, so he took poems and Yueyue and moved directly to Tiandi District, found Tianfeng, and asked him to arrange a spaceship.

As the military chief of the 10th natural star, it's too easy to arrange a spaceship. In less than half an hour, he has prepared a medium-sized spaceship, which can take off at any time and fly to the main star.

[author's extraneous remarks]: sanguine

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