Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036

"My Lord, you summon me. What can I do for you?"

Wood old is bowing to day dragon first a gift, and then to old Hu six people after nodding greetings, just ask.

"Mulao, I'm inviting you here this time to compete with Miss Shishi!"

Tianlong said with a smile pointing to the poem.

Smell speech, wood old one Leng, immediately smile shake head: "home Lord, you really can make fun of, old rotten can't be good at fighting, what's more, these old brothers are here, where round has old rotten the truth of hand."

"Ha ha."

Tianlong smiled and said, "they have all dealt with Ms. Shi Shi. She wants to fight with the spiritual master, so I'll invite you here."

Hearing that the poem had already been handed over to Lao Hu, Lao Jiang and others, Mu Lao was a little surprised. His subconscious eyes fell on the poem, while his spiritual strength was strong, he felt a cold and dangerous atmosphere.

"This girl is not easy!" He said to himself.

"Where come so much nonsense, take it!"

The poem impatiently said a sentence, floating out of the body, a fist hit the old wood chest.

Wooden old one is surprised, huge spirit force releases, formed a spirit gas wall in front of the body.


Poetry pounded on the spiritual air wall. The air wall arranged in a hurry broke in response to the sound. Meanwhile, the speed of poetry's fist continued to bombard the wooden old chest.

At this time, countless invisible needles stabbed poetry like lightning.

Sensitive to the spirit, she disappeared in the same place as soon as she was in a flash. When she reappeared, she had already come to the back of Mu Lao.

One more blow!


Old wood spits blood to fly out, wait to fall on the ground expression has become particularly upset.

What the psychic master is good at is not fighting, but hypnosis and operation of all kinds of machinery and other things. Even the ape seal can't match the fighting power of the old wood. But if the old wood is given a mechanical army, ten ape seals are not his opponents.

Mulao's mental power is strong. After he was injured, his mental power was also affected to some extent. Even so, song Yan used two puppet gods to enslave him.

So far, today's puppet gods are all used up.

However, song Yan still ordered Tianlong to call up three other spiritual teachers, who were stunned by Yueyue, a poet, and enslaved after the puppet supernatural power was renewed in the early morning.

In a forest of the ninth nature star.

A figure with blood all over his body is shuttling through the forest at full speed, but over the forest, there is a black figure like a ghost, smiling at the figure running down.

But as time went on, the running figure became slower and slower. At the end of the day, he fell to the ground with a thump. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not get up again.

All of a sudden, his eyes were wide and round, but a dark shadow came down from the sky and fell in front of him.

"You are very powerful. I admire you for being able to run so far after being hit by my blood curse of the netherworld!" Black shadow walked slowly, stopped in front of the man, said with a smile. josei

"Please, spare me, I will be your slave!" The man on the ground said weakly, his eyes with a thick prayer and fear, before yesterday, he was the system host of high spirits.

Three months after he came to the world, he had killed dozens of system hosts and captured and integrated their systems by himself, making his system level reach four stars.

It's about to break through four stars to five, and then the devil like man finds him.

This devil can not see men and women, he is like a ghost, giving people a feeling of cold terror.

When the devil appeared, he was not afraid, because his strength had reached the early stage of distraction. Among the dozens of hosts he had met before, the strongest one was not the later stage of Yuanying.

So, he was very confident in himself, and then he went to the devil.

Then, he subverted his worldview, was defeated by the devil, and was hunted down.


Hearing his words, the devil laughed, and the laughter sounded extraordinarily penetrating: "only kill you, I can return to the main world, you say, I will take you as a slave?"

"You are the system host of those five stars!"

"Now that you've guessed my identity, you're on your way."


Master star, Tianjia.

Song Yan, who lives in a luxury room, can't meditate at all. At last, he just walked out of the room and came to the courtyard.

Tonight, it's the night of full moon again. Looking at the cold moon in the sky, song Yan once again misses his family in the main world.

"Linger, where have you been? I'm really worried about you! "

In the early morning, song Yan succeeded in enslaving three other spiritual teachers. As for the mysterious worship, song Yan did not move him for the time being, because he got the news from Tianlong that the mysterious worship was a six star spiritual teacher.The spiritual power of the six-star spiritual master is between 3001 and 5000, and the other side has been a six-star spiritual master for more than 60 years. Therefore, the spiritual power of the other side is at least 4000, while the spiritual power of song Yan is only more than 35000, so it is impossible to enslave the other side at all.

Anyway, the other side has been closed for a long time. Since it can't affect song Yan, why bother him?

After enslaved Tianlong and ten members of Tianjia, the whole Tianjia was basically in his hands. Therefore, he gave Tianlong an order to look for the whereabouts of Ningling recklessly.

Ten days later, Tianjia launched all forces to search for the whereabouts of Ning Ling on the twelve planets of the federal empire. There was still no gain.

This result made song Yan very upset and anxious.

At the same time, every day, he uses star arithmetic to calculate the whereabouts of Ning Ling, but there is no egg.

Taking a deep breath, song Yan enters the shrine.

"Laoling, my wife is missing. I want to find her. What can you do?" Song Yan shouted at the starry sky.

"The Sutra pavilion has the answer you want!" The spirit of the temple replied.

"Wipe! How can I forget this! "

Song Yan slaps himself, and then moves to the Sutra Pavilion. All the books in the Sutra pavilion have become refined. So, song Yan only needs to say his own requirements, and then there will be books suitable for his requirements flying to him.

Looking at the three books floating in front of him, song Yan picked up one.

This is a fairy art called "nine days and ten places of the yellow spring hell search for heaven". Unfortunately, to cultivate this fairy art, it needs a very strong mind, and song Yan has not cultivated the mind at all, so he can't practice it.

So he took the second book.

Seeing the content of this book, song Yan can't help his eyes brighten. This is a secret method. As long as there are items containing the breath of the person who wants to find, he can sense the existence of the other party within a hundred thousand miles.

[author's extraneous remarks]: sanguine

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