Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087

More than ten mighty flying treasure ships landed under the Mountain Gate of yunvmen.

Although the treasure ships are only six treasures, they are not affordable by ordinary forces. Besides, more than ten of them can be seen from the first sight that they are of extraordinary origin.

On the treasure ship headed by the leader, Ji tiandome walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck, waving to the people around him: "go, send my worship note."

"Elder brother, is this a bit of a fuss? It's still necessary to send a worship note to a small school?" The fourth senior of Ji's family frowned and said with disdain.

Ji Tianqiu smiled: "according to the information from the shadow secret guard, the mysterious woman is very powerful. It's not suitable to have a conflict with her without confirming that the secret Scripture of the yellow spring is on her."


"Headmaster, someone sent a worship note!"

The girl who is close to her body sent a worship note to Xuelan's hand.

The cover of this worship post is purple, with mysterious stripes engraved on it, which gives people a very noble feeling. At the same time, in the upper corner of the cover, there is a word "Ji" written in ancient Chinese.

At the sight of the word "Ji", Xuelan's hands trembled a little. Then she opened the prayer post, and her eyes shrank. As expected, this prayer post came from Ji's family. Besides the owner, Ji Tianjun, it was the most powerful one in Ji's family.

"Why does Ji Tianqiu come to our jade girl gate?"

Thinking of this, Xuelan asked the girl about the situation, and suddenly her face sank. I'm afraid that Ji's home is for the secret scriptures of the yellow spring!

I'm not good at coming!

Xuelan sighed and hurried to see the valley where the mushroom was.

Knowing that Ji's family came to visit, Yungu was surprised.

"Did you send someone to inform elder ah Qing?" Cloud mushroom asked.

"Not yet!"

"Follow me to see elder ah Qing at once." Cloud mushroom look congealed way.

Brocade palace.

Lingyao's crisp voice rang out outside the Palace door: "senior ah Qing, uncle Yungu and the headmaster ask for a meeting!"

"Let them in." Song inkstone incarnating ah Qing.

Soon, Yungu and Xuelan walked into the palace together and bowed to song Yan who was sitting on the cloud bed: "Yungu has seen ah Qing."

"Xuelan has seen elder ah Qing."

"No need to be polite." Song Yan raised his hand.

"Senior ah Qing, I'm afraid that Ji Jiaji Tianqiu from the county town sent a prayer for the secret Scripture of the yellow spring!" Cloud mushroom looks dignified.

"The golden spring Sutra?"

There was a little doubt in Song Yan's eyes, but soon he woke up and said, "the Ji family suspects that the secret Scripture of huangquan is in my hand?"

Song Yan didn't pay attention to the so-called secret Scripture of huangquan. After all, there are too many magic skills in the Sutra Pavilion of the temple that surpass those of the secret Scripture of huangquan. Therefore, after receiving Miao cangkong's storage ring, he didn't even check it much, so he threw it into the temple and left it idle.

Cloud mushroom nodded: "when the secret palace of huangquan was born, it attracted a large number of experts from Tang Dynasty and other dynasties. After entering the secret palace, there was a bloodbath. At last, the secret Scripture of huangquan was said by Miao cangkong, and Miao cangkong died in your hands, and obtained his storage ring. Therefore, it's common for the Ji family to doubt you."


Song Yan raised his hand and found Miao cangkong's storage ring. Then he went into the storage space and explored it in detail. As expected, he found a black jade Jane inside.

As soon as he turned his hand, the black jade slips appeared in his hands. Then he put the jade slips on his forehead. Suddenly, a group of information appeared in front of him.

He looked at the information a little, and then he could confirm that it was indeed the secret Scripture of huangquan.

"Master, do you have the secret Scripture of huangquan?" Cloud mushroom stares at the jade Jane on Song Yan's hand, swallows saliva and asks.

"Not bad!" Song Yan nodded, then threw the jade Jane to Yungu: "you can have a look!"


The cloud mushroom subconsciously grasps the jade Jane in the hand, immediately sends out a exclamation, she did not expect in the dream, a Qing elder will be so precious the yellow spring secret classics to her to watch.

You know, this is an ancient book that can be cultivated into an immortal. Besides, it is said that there is a cloud. After cultivating the secret Scripture of the yellow spring, you can be invincible among the strong at the same level. josei

But such a rare book was sent to her in a light way, which was too difficult to accept.

Song Yan said lightly: "to you, the secret Scripture of huangquan is precious, but to me, the secret Scripture of huangquan is just a book that is more powerful than common skills!"

Hearing song Yan's words, Yungu's eyes suddenly changed. Then he looked at the jade Jane in his hand and asked, "master, can I watch it?"

Song Yan didn't speak, nodded.

Take a deep breath, cloud mushroom put jade Jane on her forehead, suddenly, a lot of information poured into her sea of knowledge.

After a while, her face became more red, because she understood the way to break through to the yuaninfantile period from this secret Sutra.She cultivates the skills left by the ancestors of the jade lady sect. The highest level of her cultivation is the later stage of the golden elixir, and the later skills are extremely obscure. Therefore, she still stays in this realm for more than 40 years after reaching the middle stage of the golden elixir.

But now, after reading only part of the secret scriptures of huangquan, she has realized the way to break through the original state. Even when she breaks through to Yuanying, she has some assurance.

"Poo Tong!"

Cloud mushroom kneels down in front of song inkstone: "thank you, elder ah Qing!"

"Get up, isn't it just a skill? By the way, you should write down all the skills first, and then pass them on to the other generation of disciples. The strength of the jade girl sect is too weak!"

"Thank you very much, elder!" Cloud mushroom excites way.

It took half an hour for cloud mushroom to write down all the secret scriptures of the yellow spring.

But the Ji family outside the gate were impatient.

"Elder brother, your worship posts have been sent in for such a long time, and the people of the Jade Maiden gate haven't come out to meet you. Otherwise, we can break in directly!" The fourth of the Ji family is very dissatisfied.

"Wait another quarter of an hour, if..."

Before Ji Tiangong finished speaking, he saw the space in front of him twisted. Then, a rainbow ladder extended from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. Then he saw an ordinary looking woman in blue leading a group of elderly middle-aged women to step on the rainbow ladder slowly.

After a while, the women finally came to the foot of the mountain.

"The head of the jade lady, Xuelan, has seen all the road friends of the Ji family!"

"Hum, the jade girl gate is such a big shelf that we have been waiting for so long!" The fourth of the Ji family couldn't help sneering.

"If you don't want to wait, go away. Did I ask you to wait?"

The woman in blue, who is the leader, speaks surprisingly.

"What?" Smell speech, Ji family old four is furious: "you seek to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fourth of the Ji family stepped out of the air. Then he turned his hand and clapped it. Suddenly, a black handprint covered all the people of the Jade Maiden sect and fell down.

"Go away!"

A light drink, the woman in blue waved her arms, clapping her hands lightly.

With one hand, I beat the black fingerprint on my head to pieces. With one hand, I beat the fourth Ji's family to spit blood.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianqiu and the sixth and seventh members of the Ji family suddenly changed their colors. You should know that the fourth member of the Ji family is also an expert in the middle period of Yuanying, and was defeated by this woman.

[author's digression]: three changes, update completed. I would like to add more, but there are many things, and I can't be free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. So, add more to stay in the day after tomorrow

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