Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Shendu is not only the capital of Tang Dynasty, but also the general altar of taiyijiao.

Taiyi Teaching Forum.

Mingtan, the contemporary leader of the church, is sitting among the green lilies, teaching the truth of Taiyi to a group of disciples. When it comes to the wise place, smallpox is the weakest, and there are golden lotus in the ground. The people below are even more intoxicated.

When Mingtan immortal planned to continue to preach, his face suddenly slightly stagnated, and then he said, "today's lecture is over."

Hearing this, all the disciples at the bottom showed their regret.

However, when they came back to God, immortal Mingtan of Zhangjiao had disappeared, so they had to get up one after another, bow and shout: "bow to Zhangjiao immortal......"

For thousands of years, immortal Mingtan's accomplishments have reached the middle stage of crossing the calamity. After two more calamities, he can achieve immortality and enjoy eternal life.

Walking all the way, immortal Mingtan came to a fragrant peach blossom forest and bowed down: "I see martial uncle Taoyao."

"Come in!" The voice of a cold woman sounded.

Peach forest is separated from it, revealing a path made of pebbles.


In response, immortal Mingtan stepped on the path between the trees and went to the deep peach forest.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, Ming Tanzhen walked out of the peach forest, and then saw a pavilion, in which sat a fresh and refined girl who seemed to be not a beautiful girl in the twenty-eight years of human life.

The girl's purple hair shawl, dressed in a spotless white dress, sat there with a high cold breath.

"I don't know what the matter is when martial uncle Taoyao orders his disciples to come?" Immortal Mingtan bows to salute again.

At present, this young girl is called Taoyao. She is the immortal of Taiyi sect. Only when Taiyi teaches a new immortal can she escape from the world and soar to the fairyland.

"How many people are you going to send to open this time?" Tao yao immortal asked quietly.

Immortal Mingtan wondered how Uncle Taoyao, who did not care about the affairs of the world, could care about the affairs of Wanling island. However, he still said truthfully: "Uncle Huishi, twelve people will do it."

"What are the accomplishments?" Taoyao immortal asked again.

"Tang Wushang, the son who led the team, was in the middle of distraction. Li Tianluo, the daughter who led the team together, was in the early stage of distraction. The rest ten people were in the late stage of exorcism."

Peach young immortal show eyebrow micro wrinkle: "the younger generation is not distracted late or fit period?"

Mingtan wryly smiled: "martial uncle, Wushang and Tianluo are outstanding at this age. The whole Tang Dynasty can't find anything better than them." josei

"Well, I see. You go down first!"

Immortal Taoyao waved.

As soon as immortal Mingtan left, immortal Taoyao could not help saying to himself: "four big and nine level spirit beasts roar together, and there must be a spirit beast king. If taiyijiao can get a spirit beast king, when it grows up, it can completely suppress the immortal. In this way, I can also get away as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the little spirit beast king should be located in the center of Wanling Island, and it's hard for the distracted level to step in it Can't I go out in person? But those four level nine spirit beasts are not easy to deal with. In case they are exposed, I will be surrounded and beaten by them! "

In the Tang Dynasty, taiyijiao served as the immortal religion of Zhenguo, and huoshenjiao served as the immortal religion of Zhenguo in the Song Dynasty, which was adjacent to the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, the Ming Dynasty, which was hostile to the Tang Dynasty, also had the support of wushenjiao.

The general altar of fire god religion, fire cloud peak.

Zhu Rongchen, as the leader of the cult, hurriedly fell in front of the largest volcano in huoyunfeng, which is an active volcano. If it wasn't for the high people of the cult of Huoshen to seal the town against the sky, it would have erupted long ago.

Then, Zhu Rongchen bowed to the volcano and said, "master, I've come under your command. Please show up and meet me!"

In a flash, Zhu Rongchen found a fiery figure a few meters away.

He hurried to salute the gods.

The red man raised his hand and said, "there will be a great change in the island of all spirits. The four level nine spirit beasts will roar together, and the king of spirit beast will be born. In any case, the king of spirit beast will be brought back. In the worst case, the king of spirit beast cannot fall into the hands of the sorcerer and the taiyijiao."

Zhu Rongchen nodded solemnly: "don't worry, Shibo, the Shenzi and shennv of huoshenjiao have reached the late stage of distraction, which is far more than the Shenzi and shennv of taiyijiao and the Wuzi and Wunv of wushenjiao. Originally, the disciples didn't plan to send them. Since they want to fight for the spirit beast king, they will be sent together this time!"

"Very well, I hope you don't let me down!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fiery red figure disappeared in place.

The general altar of wushenjiao is located in the 100000 mountains, which are full of all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts, as well as all kinds of miasma. Even if the master of Yuanying doesn't dare to step on it easily, the people of wushenjiao seem to be more powerful. Those poisonous insects and beasts not only won't hurt them, but also obey them.

There is an extremely remote valley in the depth of the 100000 mountains. There is an old tree in the valley. Under the tree sits an old man with old age. His skin is black and his face is full of wrinkles, just like the old bark. His clothes are very ragged. His gray hair dances with the wind, and he sends out a stink."Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

This is the sound of shoes stepping on the leaves. The next moment, I saw an old man with a bent body and a cane walking into the valley, bowing to the old man sitting under the old tree and saluting: "I see my master."

It's like an old man suddenly opens his eyes, which he hasn't opened for many years. A pair of magic lights suddenly rise from his eyes and disperse the clouds in the sky

"The four great and nine level spirit beasts of the island roar together. It should be that the spirit beast king is about to be born and brought back to the spirit beast king. I want to refine it into the spirit beast king, which can protect the foundation of our spirit religion for thousands of years!"

"Yes, I do!" The rickety old man bowed down again.

Three days passed in a flash.

Under the gaze of the first disciples of the yunvmen, Yungu takes xueya and Xuesheng, the second generation of disciples, and Lingyan, Lingxiao, Lingmei and lingyao, the third generation of disciples, to set foot on a treasure ship.

This treasure ship was presented by Ji Tianjun, the head of the Ji family.

Compared with flying with the sword, it is more comfortable to take the treasure boat.

The interior of the treasure ship is very luxurious and can accommodate more than 20 people at the same time.

Even if everyone lives in one room, there is still room left.

Under the envious gaze of the three generations of disciples, the treasure ship rose from the sky and went to Wanling island. Wanling island was not in the Tang Dynasty, nor in the Song Dynasty, nor in the Ming Dynasty, but in the Lingyuan lake between the boundaries of the three dynasties. Although Lingyuan lake was only a Lake, it was huge.

Starting from Yuyang County, if the imperial sword flight takes at least two days and two nights, it will take about three days to take the treasure boat. Although it's slower, it's more comfortable.

[author's extraneous remarks]: first update

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