Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1108

Chapter 1108

At first, everyone thought that tuobafeng would fight against Tang Wushang. Unexpectedly, he laughed: "since someone doesn't welcome us, let's go!"

Seeing Tuoba's brother and sister go away, Tang Wushang's eyebrows wrinkled. He felt that Tuoba's wind was not normal. After a long time of thinking about the reason, he asked Li Tianluo, "younger martial sister, do you think there would be any conspiracy in Tuoba's wind?"

Li Tianluo chuckled and said, "it's mostly mystifying. Even if he has a plot, as long as elder martial brother keeps his emotions under control, he won't be cheated."

Tang Wushang nodded with deep thought: "younger martial sister said it very well."

Song Yan nodded to herself. Li Tianluo was a woman with a blue heart. She was not hurt by Tang Dynasty. She was too emotional. She was led by tuobafeng.

Another two days later, more and more people came to this town to cultivate immortals. I'm afraid there are more than ten thousand people.

But the strongest are distracted, and there are only nine.

Six of them are Tang Wushang and Li Tianluo, the sons and daughters of taiyijiao in the Tang Dynasty, tuobafeng and tuobaxian'er, the sons and daughters of huoshenjiao in the Song Dynasty, and Chi Xue and Xuan Yao, the sons and daughters of wushenjiao in the Ming Dynasty.

The remaining three masters deliberately hide their body shape, so song Yan doesn't know their origin and identity.

In the past two days, song Yan has been selling cute and pretending to be tender with Tang Wushang and Li Tianluo. Therefore, they have learned a lot about the world and the world.

First of all, this continent is called Tiannan continent, and the strongest strength on the continent is called the great Zhou Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty are all the vassals of the great Zhou Dynasty.

The state religion of the great Zhou empire is called Fenghuang Tianjiao.

It is said that the number of immortals in Fenghuang Tianjiao exceeds 100, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

As for the state religion of the three major dynasties, it is far from Phoenix Tianjiao, so it should be said that there is no way to compare them.

There are only nine distracted experts, but there are more experts in the period of out of body, reaching 200. In the period of Yuanying, there are more than one thousand experts, and there are many golden elixirs left.

Therefore, the song inkstone in a ten fold Qi refining, in this work of cultivating immortals, is completely belong to that kind of weak inconspicuous.

Tomorrow, the island will open, which means that you can go to the island to accept the spirit beast.

That night, on the table.

Li Tianluo picked up a cake made by song Yan and ate it. She said to him, "little brother Lingxiao, don't go deep when you go to the island tomorrow. Take a spirit beast and leave immediately. Don't be greedy, do you know?"

"Thank you Sister Li for reminding me. I will." Song Yan nodded seriously.

Tang Wushang held the glass and said, "this time, the island of Wanling will not be peaceful. If you stay for one more day, you will be more dangerous. We will remind you if we are more congenial with you!"

Song Yan said again, "thank you very much, brother Tang and Sister Li. By the way, what will happen to Wanling island?"

Tang Wushang's face was heavy, and his tone was a little colder: "don't pry into what you shouldn't know. If you know more, it won't be good for you."

"It's brother Tang. I've been taught."

Song Yan nods and gets along with each other for several days. Song Yan also finds out Tang Wushang's character. He is conceited, proud and impulsive. He is especially nervous about his younger martial sister. He seems to be afraid of being robbed.

After drinking the wine, song Yan just returned to the room, and was called to the room of Yungu.

Everyone is here. josei

"Tomorrow, the ten thousand Spirit Island will open. The deeper you go to the island, the higher the level of the living spirit beast will be. But you should remember that you can enter the island for up to 200 Li at most. Once you exceed that range, you can go back immediately. Do you remember that?"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

"Well, now I'm going to make a team. The first team is led by Xuesheng, Lingyan and Lingxiao follow elder Xuesheng, the second team is led by xueya, and Lingmei and lingyao follow elder xueya. Do you understand?"

"I see." Again, everyone.

"That's it. Everyone will go back to rest and set off tomorrow."

Back to his room, song Yan lies on the bed and figures out. If he doesn't guess, Tang Wushang and other people are all going to enter the island for the king of the beast.

The spirit beast is divided into nine levels. How many levels is the spirit beast king?

Song Yan didn't understand.

"Why am I so stupid?"

Song Yan suddenly patted his head, and his body suddenly entered the Sutra Pavilion in the temple. Then he shouted to the flying books, "do you have any books about animals?"


A black book flew into his hand.

It took an hour to look through the contents of this book. Song Yan has understood what the king of beasts is?

In short, the beast is divided into three levels, namely, every beast, immortal beast and divine beast.

All animals include monsters, spirit beasts, fierce beasts and Warcraft.

The so-called king of spirit beast is the beast that contains the blood of the immortal beast. In short, it is the descendant of the immortal beast.As an adult, its strength is far superior to other spirit beasts.

The greatest possibility of animal evolution comes from blood. The higher the blood, the greater the possibility of growth.

For example, the red feather crane, green eye and Green Toad and black flaming tiger of the Yunv gate are all common spiritual beasts with common blood. Even if they have evolved to the peak, they can reach level 5 at most, and the possibility is very low.

In this introduction book, there are tens of thousands of animals with good blood, such as the red feather crane, the green eye Green Toad and the black flaming tiger, which are not qualified to be listed.

Put this book back, song Yan will enter the practice room and adjust the time to 100 times to start practicing.

The more he understands the world, the more powerful his cultivation will be.

There are a lot of skills and all kinds of magic skills in the temple, as well as the system. Finally, there is the cheating device of the temple. He can be said to stand on the shoulders of giants to practice. If he is overtaken by others in this way, he might as well find a piece of tofu to kill him.

After one night's practice, song Yan felt that he had made great progress in his cultivation and was one step further away from the period of leaving the body.

At Chenshi, a group of people from yunvmen left the inn together and took the treasure boat to Wanling island.

With the launch of the treasure ship, there are also a large number of treasure ships around, which looks very spectacular.

A quarter of an hour later, the treasure ship landed on the edge of a huge island.

As soon as he stepped on the island, song Yan felt a kind of repression. Yes, it was forbidden to fly on the island.


Seeing a group of people flying into the island, Xuesheng couldn't help urging: "Lingyan Lingxiao, follow me."


The two answered in unison and rushed to the island after Xuesheng.

Just ten miles into the island, three people saw three men around a white fox.

"It's the second level beast, snow fox!"

At the sight of the little fox, Xuesheng's eyes were always on and his face was even more annoyed. If they hurry up, maybe this snow fox will be found by them.

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