Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1112

Listening to tuobafeng, Tang wusad can't help being extremely upset, and even more eager to take tuobafeng to pieces. However, he knows that it's not an impulsive time now, because he can't last long to improve his strength by burning yuan Shen, so the most important thing at present is to help younger martial sister escape.

Seeing this, tuobafeng couldn't help but smile and say: "Tang Wushang, are you very angry and upset now? Do you want to kill me? Come on, I'll be here, waiting for you to kill me? "

"Elder martial brother, let me fight with you side by side!"

Li Tianluo stands side by side with tuobafeng, and her breath bursts out. At the same time, a black silk and a white silk appear on her hand.

These two pieces of silk are called huntian Ling, which are the exclusive magic weapons of the saints of Taiyi cult. After the sacrifice of the saints of many generations, the level of the pair of huntian Ling has reached the level of six top holy weapons, which is better than the undamaged Fangtian painting halberd of Tang Dynasty.

Hearing Li Tianluo's words, Tang Wushang smiled: "younger martial sister, with your words, elder martial brother is satisfied even if he dies!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Wushang's momentum soared several points again. The painting halberd in his hand was also a brilliant masterpiece, which turned into a black dragon attacking on the barrier.


Under one stroke, the whole array shook violently.

"No, I'm afraid the array can't bear his attack. Hurry, stop him!"

Seeing this, tuobafeng's face slightly changed, his body shape crossed the void, and once again urged his binary palm to beat Tang Wushang.

But Tuoba xian'er's wrist shook, and a black whip turned into a sinister black snake biting Tang Wushang's abdomen.

"Well, your opponent is me!"

When Tian Ling shakes, black Ling hits the snake whip like lightning, while white Ling shoots at Tuoba xian'er.

"Cluck, Li Tianluo, you are not my opponent!"

Chuckling, Tuoba xian'er has a silver machete on her left hand.

Silver moon machete, six kinds of spirit weapons.



A series of gas force explosions sounded, as if to tear the void. The four figures sometimes collided and sometimes separated.

"Chi Xue, shall we not fight?"

Xuanyao looked at the four men who were fighting in a regiment and asked in a deep voice.

Chi Xue pretended to smile: "there must be a wound in the battle between the two tigers. Let's watch from the wall."

Hearing this, Xuanyao frowned and said with a sneer, "put away your little cleverness. Our voodoo cult and Vulcan cult are in the period of mutual trust.

Do you think our two religions can continue to cooperate with each other? Besides, Tang Wushang and Li Tianluo both have a six level spirit weapon. If they kill them, why should brother and sister Tuoba give you the spoils? "

Hearing Xuanyao's words, Chi Xue's face suddenly became very ugly. With the green stripes on his face, the whole man looked ferocious and ugly.

"Brother Tuoba, I'll help you!"

Light drink, Chi blood flies out, at the same time, a ghost spirit of the skull roared to Tang Wushang and smashed it.

"I can't bear the responsibility!"

Looking at Chi Xue rushing out, Xuanyao shakes her head secretly. She is worried about her father's wrong decision to make him the next leader of voodoo cult?

"Well, no matter how many, we should solve Tang Wushang and Li Tianluo first!"

A green jade flute flew out, whimpered, and beat Li Tianluo. The sound of the jade flute also affected people's mind and spirit.

As soon as she heard this sound, Li Tianluo felt a faint in her head. Tuoba xian'er, who was a little higher than her in cultivation, immediately seized the opportunity. The snake whip escaped from huntian Ling and shot out at a tricky angle.


The Viper whip hit Li Tianluo heavily, and with a click, her vestment exploded, but it bought her a little time. Her body barely moved to the side by two points. Therefore, the Viper whip didn't pierce her heart, only pierced her left arm.

However, just then, the flute made a brilliant work and hit her chest heavily.


A scream, Li Tianluo repeatedly spits blood and falls on the ground. Her face turns gray and her breath becomes weak.

"Junior sister!"

Tang Wushang, who is fighting with Tuoba Fengchi blood, saw this scene, but he wanted to break his heart.

Sheng Sheng is attacked by two people. He flies to Li Tianluo's side and rushes to the barrier with her, breaking out all the remaining Yuanshen power.

"Break it for me!"

Fang Tian's painting halberd turns into a black light and splits heavily on the barrier.


The barrier is cracked by a blow. Tang Wushang rushes out with Li Tianluo in his arms, and then takes out a black amulet to crush.

The talisman is broken, and they are wrapped up in a black light. The whooshing sound disappears.

"Send Tianfu!"Looking at Tang Wushang and tuobafeng's face, tuobafeng becomes extremely angry: "the transmission distance of Tianfu is up to 500 Li, and both of them are seriously injured, especially Tang Wushang. His Yuanshen consumes up to 10%. We should live soon. We should chase them separately. We should never let them escape from the island, or our plan will fall short !”


Song Yansan and his three men have gone hundreds of miles to Wanling island. During that time, they took in two first-class spirit beasts and met many other forces looking for spirit beasts.

However, the opening time of Wanling island is limited. Everyone is busy taking in more animals, so there is no conflict.

"Martial uncle, let's do it separately!"

Song Yan suddenly suggested that he had deliberately lured the people of Tianhua sword sect to fight, just to show his strength, so that Xuesheng could agree with him to act alone. After all, he was quite interested in the spirit beast king.

"No, your strength is too weak. What if other sects want to kill you and rob you?" Xuesheng refuses. josei

"Martial uncle, I have the magic protection given by elder ah Qing. I can deal with it as long as I don't encounter the experts in the golden age coming to me for trouble!" Song inkstone.

Hearing song Yan's saying, Xue Sheng can't help thinking about the scene of killing tie Kui before him, but he shows hesitation.

Seeing Xuesheng loose, song Yan said again: "martial uncle, you think now that everyone has just come to the island, it's a good time to take in the surrounding animals. If you miss it, there won't be such an opportunity in the next few days."

"Well, let's do it separately!" Xue Sheng thought about it, and thought that song Yan was right, so he nodded and agreed.

"Martial uncle, martial sister, take these two bottles of healing pills."

Song Yan throws a bottle of healing pills to the two, and they go in the same direction.

It's tens of miles away from Xuesheng and Lingyan. Song Yancai lives in his body shape. He is planning to change his appearance with his magic power. However, he finds that five people are flying in his direction.

And coincidentally, the pedestrian Shen Shaoyang and a group of his subordinates.

"It's you!"

As soon as he saw song Yan's face, Shen Shaoyang couldn't help showing great joy. Then he looked around and didn't find anyone else. He was even more pleased. He hurriedly said, "surround him with me!"


Four of his subordinates flew out and surrounded song Yan. Shen Shaoyang paced up and stared at Song Yan thoughtfully: "boy, aren't you very good at asking for help? Or you can invite another one to show me now! "

Song Yan smiled strangely: "where can I help you to deal with these scum?"

"What do you say?"

Shen Shaoyang can't help but stare at Song Yan. A small Qi refining man dare to call them a group of golden elites as rubbish. Is this kid scared to be insane?

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