Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121

In the gray world, Li Tianluo has a dignified look and a few worries in her eyes. Song Yan has only been in the temple of stars for more than two hours. I wonder if there is any way to break the formation?

There are more than two hours outside, but song Yan's Sutra pavilion has passed more than two hundred.

He has read all the array books and sorted out and integrated these array knowledge in his mind.

However, the knowledge is too much, too vast. He estimated that it should take a month, but he didn't worry. Here, one month, the outside world is only two or three hours, but he didn't know that the outside world's inborn array has made unknown changes.


In a small world of array, there was a shrill scream. However, a Yuanying cultivator who later broke into the array fell into the small world of wind blade, and was killed and smashed by the violent wind blade only for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Chi Xue, who is also in it, has no sympathy, because he is in such a bad mood.

"Damn it!"

As he scolded, he raised his hand and attacked his blades to scatter or fly.

After more than two hours, even though he was taking pills and using Lingjing to recover Zhenyuan, he still consumed one third.


The speed and power of the wind blade are constantly improving, so he judges that if he can't escape from this ghost place in two hours, he will be hanged and smashed like the unlucky Yuanying cultivator, with no bones left.

In another small world.

The magma has covered the rocks where Xuanyao settled, and the temperature of the magma has become more and more hot, which makes her sweat all over her body and soaked her clothes.

Moreover, the magma is still squeezing her living space. Once the magma fills the whole small world, she may also become part of the magma.

At the same time.

There is a constant scream about the death of the cultivators in the grand array of nature. Only a quarter of an hour ago, all the cultivators below the orifices were hanged by the grand array of nature. After their death, the grand array refined their life essence after their death and put them into the golden egg in the middle of the valley.

With the nourishing of life essence, the third and fourth pink claws are squeezed out of the eggshell one after another, making the golden light column of the sky more dazzling.

The more dazzling the golden pillars are, the more attractive they are to those who are outside.

One after another, they are put into the array and then hanged by the array to become the nourishment of golden eggs.

In a flash, another time passed.

The number of cultivators who broke into the formation has exceeded two thousand. Almost all the experts in the first child stage have broken into the formation. Many golden elites are still in hesitation.


With the increasing density of the water world, Tuoba wind finally can't bear it. The clothes on the surface of the body dim under the super water pressure, and finally crumble.

Unwilling to die at this point, tuobafeng had to rise up all over the body to form a true element mask on the body surface.

"Click, click, click!"

Under the super water pressure, his real yuan consumption is very fast. He predicts that his real yuan will be exhausted in half an hour at most.

There is no light, no sound, no wind, nothing in the dark world. Even Tuoba xian'er can't feel her breath.

She had a premonition that she was constantly sinking. At one point, her soul would sink completely. At that moment, her whole body would die.

Fear, endless fear is spreading.

She wanted to cry for help and scream, but she couldn't hear her voice.

The darkness swallowed up everything.

Blade small world.

The speed and power of the wind blade have been increased several times. Even though Chi Xue tried to block it, he was still broken by several wind blades and left several wounds on him.

He clenched his teeth and stared round. He swore that if he had a chance to go out, he would give the guy who set up the array to pieces.

Gray little world.

Li Tianluo clenched her silver teeth and rose up to resist the pressure from the whole space. She didn't know if she could hold on until song Yan appeared. But thinking of the dead elder martial brother and the plot between huoshenjiao and wushenjiao, she had a strength in her heart, supporting her to resist the pressure from the whole space.

Magma small world, hot and hot has occupied 99% of the space, only the rest of the gap, only allow Xuanyao to lie there.

The magma under her body is baking her whole body, and it is still rising. Her vestment has melted. Now she can only move the real yuan to resist the heat from the magma.

Temple, inside the Sutra Pavilion.

"Song Yan's mouth suddenly more than a smile:" fast

Outside the temple.

The squeeze pressure of space has increased a lot. Li Tianluo senses that her real yuan is being pressed into her body by the pressure from space. Once the real yuan is completely pressed into her body, her body alone cannot resist the huge pressure. The only result is her body collapse.Temple, inside the Sutra Pavilion.

Song Yan grew up. With the acceleration of time, it took him a month and a half to find a way to break the formation.

"It's time to go out!"

In a flash, he appeared outside the temple.

However, as soon as he appeared, there was a terrible pressure coming from all directions, which almost crushed his body. Fortunately, the celestial body broke out naturally, blocking the pressure.

Then, he raised his eyes and saw that he was working at full power to resist the pressure. Li Tianluo asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter with the saint?"

Li Tianluo didn't speak, just blinked at him.

Song Yan suddenly woke up. Under this pressure, he was afraid that it would take a lot of energy to talk to each other. So he raised his leg and walked to Li Tianluo. Just as he raised his leg, he heard a "click" all over his body, which was that the spirit of stars was overloaded and was about to collapse.

Suddenly song Yan's heart was shocked. How could the pressure here be so terrible?

"Saint, let's get close together and go to the temple!"

Song Yan makes full use of Zhenyuan to cooperate with the stars and gods, and finally takes a step.

And Li Tianluo also raised her feet and came to him.

However, her expression is extremely painful. Although her cultivation is higher than that of song inkstone, her physical strength is not as strong as that of song inkstone with the body of stars and gods.

It took Li Tianluo a minute to make a step, and the real yuan in her body had been squeezed to three inches.

But the distance between the two is still about three meters, and the pressure of the small world is still growing. According to this trend, before Li Tianluo gets close, her real yuan will be squeezed into her body completely, which makes her body collapse.

Speculated that this point, song yanmeng's teeth, burst a drink toward Li Tianluo.

"Click, click, click!"

Song Yan can clearly feel that his body is collapsing.


"Poof! Poof

Just as he was about a meter away, there were cracks on his face and his eyes exploded.

Seeing this scene, Li Tianluo felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

But song Yan didn't care about the body that was about to collapse. Instead, his speed doubled.


His hands touched Li Tianluo's body, and he took her into his arms and gave a big drink at the bottom of his heart: "go!"

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