Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1160

Chapter 1160

Although song Yan has completed the first three moves in the broken sky sword technique, the sword technique is only a prototype, far from the real broken sky sword technique.

It's hard to achieve real progress through close door practice. Therefore, he has to force the guards of the State Council to fight with him. Only in the actual battle can his swordsmanship become more and more perfect. It's like the first battle in piaoxian Pavilion. On the surface, his accomplishments have not been improved at all, but in fact, his strength has been improved a lot. Especially, every time he kills a person with "stab God", he uses this move of sword The understanding of art will be deeper.

"Lao Zhao, I will join hands with you to fight him!"

Another bodyguard walked out and stared at Song Yan. Although they were just a group of bodyguards, they were also arrogant people. They were trapped in the array and had a stomach of anger. Now they were despised by song Yan. They were even more upset. Now, they would not let go if they had a chance to defeat that guy.

The bodyguard who took the initiative to fight is called JieFei. He is very skilled in sword control.

A long-range attack, a close battle to hold the enemy back, will certainly let the enemy throw the rat at the back. For a while, Zhao Kang's confidence increased greatly.

"Lao Jie, you should be careful!"

The next moment, Zhao Kangqing drinks, waves the spirit hammer again to hit song Yan.

However, there was a transparent sword on the top of his head. This sword had no hilt. He only saw that he had a knack for holding the sword. Suddenly, the transparent sword was divided into 16 hilts.


With one finger, sixteen transparent flying swords shot silently at Song inkstone.

Under the control of JieFei, the sixteen flying swords were scattered and attacked song Yan from various angles.

In the face of the attack of the sixteen transparent flying swords, song Yan felt a threat. The long sword in his hand kept flying out.

"Do it!"

At that time, a pair of spirit hammers in Zhao Kang's hand erupted with extremely bright light and came to song inkstone.


Song Yan was hit backward.

However, Zhao Kang got the power and didn't forgive others. A pair of spirit hammers flew out and were constantly smashed by him in the air. At the same time, the sixteen transparent flying swords controlled by Heifei were once again divided into 108.

His eyes narrowed, the sword in his hand flipped over, and he gently spit out a word: "kill!"

"Shoo shoo shoo!"

Transparent flying sword, the speed increases abruptly, turn into a light spot, kill song inkstone from the angle of tricky drill.


In the face of the attack, song Yan felt more pressure, but he not only did not panic, but he was happy, because he felt that under this pressure, his sword technique became mellow again.

"Do it!"

"Poop poop!"

Under his long sword, he blocked the spirit hammers and flew a large number of transparent flying swords. There were still three flying swords hitting his body, but they did not hurt him, just cut his clothes.

The astral body is not covered. It is almost impossible for someone out of the body to really break his body.

"Is he all right?"

Seeing that the three flying swords that hit song Yan didn't hurt him, he lost his mind. But immediately, he bit his teeth and pinched a sword formula again. 108 transparent flying swords suddenly flew into the air, forming a flying sword.


The brightness of the transparent flying sword soars, and the blade overflows for several meters, which is like a huge sword.

Beheaded! josei

Zhao Kang, on the other hand, controls a pair of spirit hammers and smashes them into song Yan's lower body.

For a while, song Yan felt a huge threat.

The sword power changes!

No day!!!

Long swords, like electricity, come out like stars around.

"Poop poop poop!"

Just like the rain hitting the banana, the long sword is constantly on top of the transparent giant sword. In the next moment, the huge sword breaks up, and at the same time, the long sword falls down and is cut out.

"Bang bang!"

Two spirit hammers were cut to fly, at the same time, the light also dim down.

Sacred wind formula!!!

At the next moment, song Yan suddenly disappeared in place. Everyone felt only a flower in front of him. Song Yan appeared in front of Zhao Kang, and a record of Tianluo palm slapped him on the chest.

A strange force smashed into his body and almost broke up his new baby. Even so, he lost his fighting power and fell to the ground.


The shadow of song Yan appeared in front of the robber again. However, the other side had expected to fly back. But no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than song inkstone, which is in the wind.

He hit him in the chest with the same hand and snorted. He fell to the ground like Zhao Kang.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three people in Nanquan became more ugly.

Before, Zhao Kang and song Yan fought alone, and song Yan defeated him in 20 moves. Now, rob Fei and Zhao Kang joined hands, and they only supported 11 moves, losing faster.

"Good!"After defeating the two, song Yan couldn't help but make a hearty cry. The two joined hands, which made him feel great pressure, under the pressure.

He combined swordsmanship with Shenfeng Jue, Tianluo palm and three kinds of fairy arts.

If we fight with them again, he is confident to solve them in three moves.

As expected, real combat is the biggest way to improve our strength.

At the next moment, song Yan's eyes fell on the three people in Nanquan: "you three go together. After 20 moves, I'll let you go!"

Wen Yan said that although Nanquan was angry, he was secretly pleased. He admitted that the young man was very strong, but he had more than half of the bodyguards. With two bodyguards to assist him, he had a good chance to survive 20 moves.

"Since you are so confident, I'm not polite. Go up!"

With a light drink, Nanquan rushed out. At the same time, he had two more spirit swords in his hand. Judging from the spirit pressure on the sword, they were all five spirit weapons.

"Poop poop!"

When the two swords are waved, they release thousands of gold and silver sword Qi, just like a cage of sword Qi, which blocks all around Song inkstone.

"Come on!"

Song Yan drinks a lot and draws a mysterious trace with his long sword, which spreads with him.


Originally, the gold and silver sword Qi that attacked and killed song Yan suddenly became disordered. Unexpectedly, song Yan was not controlled by Nan Quan. At the same time, song Yan came to Nan Quan and cut out the long sword one after another.

"BAM BAM bam!"

Nanquan fought with his two swords, barely blocking song Yan's attack. At that moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to spit out a black flying sword.

The flying sword broke the air and came to song Yan's eyebrow.


At the same time, another bodyguard released a long-term prepared Taoist art. There were many Taoist patterns in the sky. For a while, song Yan felt that his surroundings were becoming extremely sticky. It was very difficult for him to move.

Let him feel a death crisis.

Dharma phase heaven and earth!

The sound of the boom, his body exploded to more than ten feet, the black flying sword from his calf through, with a blood mist.

But it's just like that.

Because after the application of Dharma phase heaven and earth, the other side's forbidden art can no longer affect him.


A huge fist came down from the sky, with unparalleled pressure, from the South Spring.

He put his heart across, poured Zhenyuan into the twin swords, rose to the sky and hit the fist.


At the next moment, a figure fell heavily on the ground, hitting a huge deep hole in the ground.

At the same time, a pair of huge fists went to the other two bodyguards

[author's extraneous remarks]: second, thanks for the reward of "big * * is very rough"

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