Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1162

Chapter 1162

Song Yan's scornful words in the humiliation made the guards in the government very depressed and angry. Cong Sirius, as the leader of the army, had more dim eyes and colder expression.

"Captain, why don't we inform the mansion to send master Zhao to break the battle?" One of the team members suggested.

Master Zhao, whose real name is Zhao peerless, has only reached the later stage of cultivation, but he is one of the three major offerings of the government, because the array he arranged once trapped a master in the later stage of distraction for a quarter of an hour.

Don't underestimate a quarter of an hour, because a quarter of an hour can do many things, or even change many things.

Hearing the team member's proposal, Cong Sirius didn't speak, just looked at each other coldly, and the subconscious one swallowed the next words, and the more capable one was, the less willing to fail.

He Cong Tianlang is the leader of the B-team of the government. He is an expert at the early stage of distraction. If he even needs to ask for help from the government to catch a boy in the middle of getting out of the body, he can only represent his incompetence.

For a moment, the atmosphere was silent.

"Let's join the battle!"

After a while, the wolf suddenly said.

Smell speech, five team members are a face change, one of them: "Captain, don't be impulsive, that boy so humiliate us, afraid is to lead us into the battle!"

"Yes, Captain, or we can think of another way." The second bodyguard advised.

Cong Tianlang said again: "everything has Yin and Yang, so does the array. The defense outside the array is very high, even if I try my best, it is difficult to break it. This shows that the array of the other side focuses on the defense outside. Then, according to the two sides of Yin and Yang, if the outside is strong, then the inside is weak, so if we want to break the array, we must enter the array!"


"No, but!" Cong Sirius waved: "this is an order!"

As soon as the voice fell, Cong Sirius rushed directly into the array.

Seeing that the team leader is in the battle, the other three follow closely. At last, they hesitate a little. They are also in the battle. After all, Cong Sirius is the team leader, and their accomplishments are higher than them. If they don't enter the battle, they can't spare them in the future with Cong Sirius's character.

Within the array, the sky is blue. Under the sky, there is an endless grassland. When six people join the array, they are transmitted to the grassland.

Without waiting for Cong Sirius's orders, the five bodyguards once again released their own magic weapons and began to kill them around.

But in addition to being able to create some movement, there is still no egg use.

"You, don't waste your energy. Even if you keep killing for a hundred years, you can't break the formation of young master!"

A voice sounded, then, the shadow flashed, song Yan appeared tens of meters away.


At the sight of song Yan, all five bodyguards changed their targets, and all of them came from Song Yan.

But to their horror, it is clear that the boy is tens of meters away, but it seems that he is thousands of miles away from them. The magic weapon they control is advancing rapidly, and the boy is standing in place without moving, but their magic weapon just can't get close to him.

Seeing this, Cong Sirius's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a thoughtful color.

The next moment, he suddenly stepped out of one, and then shot at Song Yan.

But the result is the same, his fist strength is still moving forward at full speed, but he can't get close to each other's body. For a while, his heart is full of fear.

"Stop it all!" Cong Sirius put up his fist.

Smell speech, five bodyguards all depressed put away magic weapon.

"Why? Why can't we attack you? " Cong Tianlang stares at Song Yan and asks.

Song inkstone smile: "Space folding know?"

Thinking about it, Cong Sirius nodded.

Song Yan continued: "the distance between us has been folded countless times, so we are only tens of meters, but actually there are thousands of miles!"

"How could it be?" Exclaimed one of the guards.

Song yantui said, "why not? The array contains the wisdom of the universe. It can be changed from day to day. The stars move backward. What is the result of a space folding? "

However, there is no way for Space folding to be a master in the period of combination. The master in the period of combination is also known as harmony. Simply speaking, it is integrated with heaven and earth. Therefore, they know the mystery of dimensional space, so they can display the unique magic power of the master in the period of combination - blink.

"Well, next, you will experience another mystery of my array!"

As soon as the voice fell, song Yan played two array tricks.


Six people, including Cong Sirius, felt that the pressure around them had increased dozens of times, which made them almost out of breath. Even a bodyguard, caught off guard, was directly forced to lie on the ground.

"Fifty times gravity, how do you feel?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Is that all you can do?" The bodyguard who was forced to lie down released Zhenyuan to block the gravity from all sides, stood up and said, in a tone full of anger."More than that, of course!"

Song Yan made a ring of fingers, and then, six people appeared around the dense wind blade, looking at those floating around the wind blade, they all have a feeling of scalp numbness.

"The power of each wind blade is only equal to a full blow at the beginning of the body. How long can you support it?" Song Yan smiles and then


At the next moment, countless wind blades are shooting at six people.

"Do it!"

Six people wielded their magic weapons and smashed the blades, but they were not happy at all because there were countless blades floating around them.

As time went by, song Yan took out a table and a stool. There was a red mud stove on the table. The water in it was gurgling.

Pick up the small stove, song Yan made himself a pot of tea, pour it into the teacup, and taste it leisurely.

See this scene, is dealing with the wind blade of the State Council guards, can not help but a gnash of teeth!

After learning that there are no experts in the Imperial Palace, song Yan didn't pay attention to the imperial palace. In his opinion, the imperial palace of Qi is just a stepping stone for him to become famous. His great name is also destined to be remembered by the inner-city cadres. It's best to let Li Tianluo hear his name as well.

In a second, a quarter of an hour passed.

In addition to Cong Sirius, the real yuan masks on the other five bodyguards are much dimmed. To resist 50 times the gravity and cope with the endless blades, their real yuan is consumed very fast.

"Captain, we can't hold on!" Cried one of the players.

Cong Tianlang once clenched his teeth: "the task of resisting the wind blade is given to me. You can use the elixir to recover Zhenyuan!"

As soon as the voice fell, the real elements in Cong Sirius burst out, forming a mask, covering the other five people.

"BAM BAM bam!"

The dense wind blades hit the real yuan light mask, breaking out one circle after another.

Song Yan looks up and sneers at him. He makes a trick of it. Suddenly, the attack power of the wind blade rises to the later stage. josei

[author's extraneous remarks]: first update

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