Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Looking at the dense wind blade, even after the array, everyone felt numb. Qin Xiaoyu, the daughter of the day who robbed the sword, was a little dark. She was sure that if she fell into the numerous wind blades, there would be no life or death.

However, soon, her eyes fell on the song Yan who was holding the cup and drinking tea leisurely.

"He should be the one who arranged it. How can he be so young?" Although she looks like a young girl, she began to cultivate when she was three years old. She has been nourishing her body with real yuan. Otherwise, she would not remain a young girl at the age of 150.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaoyu moved in his heart and asked, "old man, what array is that?"

Tianlao stared at the array for a long time, and then said excitedly: "if I don't read it wrong, it's a magic killing array of great necessity, a magic killing array, a magic killing array, a combination of three arrays, a world-wide wizard. This young man is just a world-wide wizard among the array magicians, and he will surely become a world-class array magician in the future."

"That's true?" Qin Xiaoyu's eyes brightened, and his eyes toward song inkstone became more intense.

"Haha, you can see that Cong Sirius will die in the big Xumi magic killing array!" Tianlao laughs again. At the same time, there is a deep taboo in his eyes. He knows that even if he falls into this battle, he will die or not live. You know, his cultivation has reached the peak in the middle of distraction.

It's said that Qin Xiaoyu has a terrible look and kills the array of distracted masters. If I rob the sword sect and get this array master

Thinking of this, she looked back at one of the swordsmen and whispered.

The swordsman nodded softly and left as a shadow.

In the array, song Yan put down his tea cup and looked at the five guards of the imperial government who were scared to sweat. He smiled and asked, "do you want to die or live?"

"Thief, we are the guards of the government. If you dare to kill us, the government will not let you go!" Cried one of the bodyguards.

The other side's voice spread out of the array without any barrier.

Everyone was curious. The young man dared not kill the guards of the government.

At this time, six streamers flashed and turned into five men and one woman after falling.

When I saw these six people, I immediately recognized them with great insight. They were the guards of the Jiazi team of the Duke of Qi. The leader, Shan Wudi, was an expert in the middle of distraction, while the rest of the team members were all experts in the early stage of distraction.

"Tianlao, can they break the nine heaven Xuanwu array?" Qin Xiaoyu looked at the six people and asked.

"Haha, unless the array energy is exhausted, they can't break the nine heavens Xuanwu array!" Tianlao sneers and responds.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaoyu was determined.

In the array, song Yan looks at the shouting bodyguard and lightly says, "I dare to kill even Jiang Yu. What's more, you guys, since you want to die, go to die!" josei

At the next moment, the stagnant blades suddenly all shot at the bodyguard. In the scream, the other side was cut into a mass of blood mist by countless blades.

"How dare you, thief!"

Seeing this scene, the mountain invincible was furious and shouted, "blow this array for me!"

Wen Yan, five break up at the beginning of the fierce hands.

Attack Taoism, magic weapons, and supernatural powers bombard the nine heavens Xuanwu array one after another.


After a round of attack, the nine sky Xuanwu array was still intact.

"My God, this array is so powerful that the five major distractions can't be broken even if they work together!" A war Watcher in the first baby stage, with a shocked face.

In the array.

The death of the bodyguard made the faces of the other four more pale.

"Are you the same as him?" Song Yan asked again.

If the bodyguard didn't die, they would take a chance and think that song Yan dare not kill them, but now, they have been scared.

A bodyguard suddenly fell to his knees and said, "forgive me, young man!"


When Cong Sirius saw this, he was about to kill the bodyguard. At this time, countless wind blades came and forced him to retreat. In the breath, he was forced hundreds of meters away.

Some of them took the lead. In order to protect their lives, the other three also knelt down: "please forgive me, young master!"

Seeing this scene, people outside the array shook their heads secretly. The young man was slapping the Duke of Qi in the face.

As for the invincible mountain as the Duke of Qi, he almost blew up his lungs and roared, "break the battle with all your strength!"

So the second wave of attacks came again.

"Very well, it seems that you all want to live. In this case, you will scold the Duke of Qi severely. If you are satisfied with your scolding, I will spare you!" Song inkstone.


There was hesitation on their faces.

"Why, don't you? In that case, you should die too! " Song Yan's face suddenly turned cold, and the wind blade in the sky shot at them again.

"No, we are willing to scold you. I'm your uncle Jiang Kui.""Jiang Kui, you are a fucking beast!"

"Jiang Kui, you have no asshole!"

"Jiang Kui, I'm your grandfather!"

At first, the four people were still stuttering, but they slowly found a feeling. The more they scolded, the more smooth they were. A section of abusive words constantly came out of their mouths.

Outside the array, most people are looking at this scene foolishly, saying, if the Duke of Qi heard these words, what would it feel like?

The mountain invincible face is gloomy as if it is going to drip water.

As for Tianlao, there was a little bit of mistaking and smiling at the corners of his mouth. But when I think about it carefully, there was a deep smile on his face. He said that this kid had a good idea. Most of the bodyguards of the Duke of Qi came from other clans and cooperated with the Duke of Qi.

These four people scolded Jiang Kui, the Duke of the state of Qi, and they must not stay in the government of the state of Qi any longer. However, Jiang Kui could not kill them, and killing them would offend the sect behind these four bodyguards.

"Well, you scolded very well, get out of here!"

Song Yan waved, and the four were moved out of the array.

"Ha ha, I don't have to die!" A bodyguard laughed.

Suddenly, he found that there were many people looking at them with a strange look outside the array.

"You four are brave enough to insult my Lord!" Mountain invincible Yin test of the road.

"Ah, Captain mountain!"

Now, four people are stupid. They suddenly understand that they should be seen and heard by the people outside.


They just insulted Jiang Kui like that, and the other side would certainly not let them go, so the best way is to leave the King City and return to their school.

Seeing the four bodyguards shooting away, the mountain invincible saw a chance to kill them and clapped four palms.

Four black fingerprints appear in the sky and then fall on four people.

"Poop poop!"

The bodies of the four, together with the Yuanying, exploded into a puff of blood mist.

Seeing this scene, many people secretly shuddered, secretly saying that it's so ferocious, and also let them know more about the power in the middle of distraction.

But Tianlao saw this scene, but he shook his head secretly, his eyes flashed a little disdain, and scolded: "a brave fool!"

[author's extraneous remarks]: after the update of the third update, thanks for the reward of [lol]

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