Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194

Qipin spirit instrument has a very high defensive power. It can withstand at least three or five full-scale attacks in the later period of distraction before breaking.

"One hundred and ten."

As soon as Cheng's voice falls, someone immediately calls for a price. The market price of this Hun Tian Dun is about 500 best Lingjing. But this is an auction. I'm afraid the transaction price will not be lower than 600 best Lingjing.

Therefore, song Yan even if the heart, did not participate in the first call price.

"One hundred and ten dollars is worth talking about. I'll give you two hundred dollars!"

"Two hundred and thirty!"

"Three hundred!"

Soon, the price of Hun TianDun was raised to five hundred best Lingjing.

"Five hundred and twenty!" A woman in the hall on the first floor was distracted and cried, her eyes were full of expectation and anxiety. Obviously, she wanted to buy this hundundun.

"Five hundred and fifty!"

Hearing the offer from the other side, the woman was distracted and showed disappointment, and silently withdrew from the bidding.

"Six hundred!"

This bidding is no longer from the first floor, but from the second floor to the first box.

Suddenly, the voice of the first floor was silent.

"The guest in the first box of the ground offered 600 best Lingjing. Is there any Taoist friend who will continue to increase the price?"

"Six hundred best crystal once."

"Six hundred best crystal twice."

"Six hundred and ten!" A reluctant voice came from the first floor.

"Well, this Taoist friend offers 610 yuan. Do you want to increase the price for the guest of the first floor?"

"Seven hundred."

A faint voice came from the ninth floor box.

Suddenly, Cheng's voice became uplifting: "the guests in the ninth floor box have offered 700 yuan, 700 yuan. Is there any higher price offered by Daoyou? Have you? "

In the first box of the ground, a young man called for the price. Hearing song Yan's offer, he frowned and looked at the elder martial sister behind him. He asked, "elder martial sister, do you want to make an offer?"

"No need. The 700 best Lingjing products are far beyond the price of Hun TianDun. No need to quote!" Elder martial sister said faintly, but there was a flash of excitement in her eyes. Unexpectedly, he also came.

Finally, song inkstone bought Hun TianDun at the price of 700 best Lingjing.

Seven hundred of the best Lingjing is not a small number, so Zhong Yi and iron devil are surprised to see song inkstone. Unexpectedly, the boy in the later stage of the body is quite rich.

Soon, people from the purple and blue Pavilion sent Hun TianDun to the ninth box. Song Yan settled for 700 excellent Lingjing.

At the same time, both the second and third pieces have been sold.

The second one is a bottle of pills, which is suitable for the practitioners in the distracted period to take. It's sold with 520 pieces of elite crystal.

The third piece is a remnant picture. It's sold for 130 pieces of exquisite crystal.

"Now, please take today's fourth piece!"

The fourth piece of clapping is a skill that can be cultivated to the later stage of distraction. Cheng extraordinary directly published the skill from the Qi refining period to the Yuanying period. After verification, everyone judged that this is a medium and advanced skill, which is worth buying.

"The starting price of xuanyang skill is 300 top-grade Lingjing, and the price increase each time shall not be less than 20 top-grade Lingjing!"

There are two kinds of inkstone in Song Dynasty, no lack of Lingjing, no lack of skill.

Therefore, he has no interest in xuanyanggong.

In the end, the skill was sold for 4500 excellent crystal.

A skill that can only be cultivated to the later stage of distraction can sell more than 4000 top-grade Lingjing. How expensive is the skill that can be used in the period of combination to pass the disaster at the auction?

The fifth piece is a piece of eight pieces of spirit.

The sixth one is a seven spirit sword.

"Qingping sword, a seven level spirit weapon, starts at 300 top level spirit crystals, with a price increase of no less than 20 yuan each time!"

Although the green Ping sword is blocked by the power, it still shows a strong cold fighting spirit. So the former owner of the sword must have killed many people with it.

Long sword is the weapon that song Yan likes to use, so he decided to take a picture.


"Three hundred eighty!"

"Four hundred twenty!"

"Five hundred dollars!"

………… josei

Soon, the price of this Qingping sword soared to 600 best Lingjing.

"Six hundred and fifty!" A man's voice came from a box on the ground.

"Eight hundred!"

Song inkstone calls for price.

"Bastard, that guy again!"

In the first box of the ground, the young man whispered and scolded, then looked at the woman: "elder martial sister, I will warn that guy!"

"No more!" The woman shook her head lightly.

Tiansan box.

Li Sixuan sneered and said, "that kid is really arrogant. I will kill him!" Then he shouted, "one thousand best crystal!"Is there anyone in the sky class box today?

Who is it?

Listen to the voice listen to the young!

Li Sixuan bid, the people on the first floor are excited, because to enter the sky class box is at least the Super Master of the combination period level.

When song Yan heard Li Sixuan's voice, he turned away, as if to say to himself, "Li Sixuan's heart is really not good. He has suffered two losses in my hands, and he wants to deliberately raise the price of what I see!"

Smell speech, Li xianger subconsciously looked at Song Yan, because he mentioned her six elder brothers in his words.

But Zhong Yi and iron devil show disdain. Secretly, this guy really likes to put gold on his face. How can he make Prince six lose.

At this time, song Yan's voice calling for price rang out again: "two thousand yuan!"

"I'll wipe it and add a thousand top-grade Lingjing. What's the holy in the nine boxes!"

"So rich, I want to marry him!"

"NIMA, good spirit, direct heaven class box a thousand best Lingjing!"

In the third box of heaven, Li Sixuan didn't expect that song Yan suddenly called out the price of two thousand top-grade Lingjing, but he immediately got angry. Are you insulting the temple?

"Three thousand exquisite crystal!"


The crowd on the first floor blew up again:

"it's worthy of being a person in the sky class box. It's three thousand superb Lingjing in one shot!"

"When a seven product crystal reaches the top of the sky, it will be one thousand top-grade crystal. Unexpectedly, it has offered three thousand yuan. It doesn't take the top-grade crystal as the top-grade crystal!"

Song Yan's voice sounded again: "Your Highness Prince six is really rich and powerful. Now I have five thousand excellent Lingjing. Do you dare to continue to increase the price?"

Li Sixuan is enraged instantly, sneer at in cold voice way: "5000 many?"? The price of this temple is 8000! "

"Ten thousand dollars! Song inkstone is light.

The next level is muddleheaded. The price of the ground nine is ten times higher than that of the ground nine. It's too luxurious. It's just like taking the best Lingjing to play. At the same time, they are also wondering whether the six princes, Li Sixuan, will continue to bid.

However, tiansanbao is silent.

"I thought six princes were so rich that they were less than ten thousand!" Song Yan sounded with a laugh.

In Tiansan box.

Shenxuanji sees Li Sixuan's blackened cheek, and hurriedly says, "don't worry, your highness!"

"Shut up! Will this temple be afraid of a little monk Li Sixuan gave a cold drink and then offered the price of 11000 best Lingjing.

At first, Li Sixuan thought that song Yan would continue to increase the price, but this time, he was silent. Suddenly, he had a sense of being a good judge. So, he said in a loud voice, "my friend of Dijiu, are you afraid to continue to increase the price?"

Song Yan said with a smile, "I'm not a fool. Why should I continue to increase the price of something that can be bought by a thousand elite Lingjing?"

As soon as this words come out, Li Sixuan's eyes turn black, and he has an impulse to spit blood.

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